
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語聽力 > 大學英語聽力練習


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  Test 3

  Section C

  Memory is our most important possession. Withoutmemory, you wouldn't know who you are. Youcouldn't think about the past or plan for the future.Memory is (36) ______ for everything we do ashuman beings. It's (37) ______ that we have thismagical time machine in our heads that (38) ______ us to record experiences and then usethat information at a later time. (39) ______ how the brain makes and (40) ______ memorieshas to be one of the most important of all scientific (41) ______ .

  People who feel they must (42) ______ for having a bad memory should stop using a poormemory as an excuse for forgetting things. The only people who have a poor memory are thosewhose memory function has been (43) ______ by disease or damage. (44) _____________________________________________________________ . You mustassociate it with something. You must exercise it or risk losing its effectiveness. (45) _______________________________________________________________ . Second,cramming for finals is a very bad way to learn something that will last. Information fromcramming will come in and go out. (46) ______________________________________________________ .


  36. essential


  37. amazing


  38. enables

  解析:此處需要動詞作謂語,用法是接不定式作賓語補足語。注意that指代的是this magical time machine,故該謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)。

  39. Discovering


  40. preserves


  41. pursuits

  解析:根據(jù)one of和all可知此處需要名詞復數(shù)形式,拼寫時注意ur和ui。

  42. apologize


  43. compromised

  解析:根據(jù)has been和by可知此處需要過去分詞表示被動,所以不要漏寫詞尾d。

  44. 標準答案:All the rest of us must accept the responsibility to make an effort to remember things

  聽音關(guān)鍵:the rest,responsibility,remember

  答案重構(gòu):All the others must accept the responsibility to try to remember things


  45. 標準答案:Students and faculty should understand that a good education involves an emphasis on understanding rather than sheer memorization

  聽音關(guān)鍵:students,faculty,good education,emphasis,understanding

  答案重構(gòu):Students and faculty should know that a good education emphasizes understanding more than sheer memorization


  46. 標準答案:If you want to retain what you learn, you must spread out the learning process

  聽音關(guān)鍵:to retain,must spread,learning process

  答案重構(gòu):To remember/memorize what you learn, you must spread out the learning process




  Test 2

  Section C

  One afternoon recently, two (36) ______ friendscalled to tell me that, well, their marriages hadn'tmade it. One was leaving his wife for another woman.The other was leaving her husband because "wethought it best".

  As always after such (37) ______ common calls, I felt (38) ______ and angry. What hadhappened to those (39) ______ vows that they (40) ______ on their wedding ceremony?Given the era and their feelings, their decisions probably made (41) ______ . What angers mewas the loss of years and energy. It was an anger similar to that I feel when I see (42) ______foundations of building projects--piled bricks and girders and a gash in the ground left todepress the passerby.

  When our grandparents married, seldom couples (43) ______ . "As long as we both shall live"was no joke. After their vows, couples learned to live with each other--not necessarily becausethey love each other, (44) ____________________________________________________ .

  Most of the external pressures that helped to enforce our grandparents' vows havedissolved. Women can earn money and may enjoy sex, even bear children, without marrying.As divorce becomes more common, some divorcees even argue (45) ___________________________________________________________ .

  In some respects, this freedom can be seen as social progress. (46) ____________________________________________ .


  36. unrelated


  37. increasingly


  38. helpless


  39. solemn


  40. swore


  41. sense

  解析:make sense固定搭配,意為“有意義”。

  42. abandoned


  43. divorced


  44. 標準答案:not necessarily because they love each other, but because they were stuck, and it was better to be stuck comfortably than otherwise

  聽音關(guān)鍵:not necessarily, love each other, stuck, better to be stuck comfortably than otherwise

  答案重構(gòu):1). not necessarily because of love, but because they were always together with each other, which was better than get divorced

  2). there might not be much love, but they just stayed together, and it was better to stay together comfortably than get divorced

  畫龍點睛:句中的be stuck意為“長期(和某人)在一起”;otherwise此處意即“離婚”。be stuck(詞語本身不難,難在一下子可能想不起來)可以用get/stay together替換。

  45. 標準答案:that divorce is beneficial, educational, that the second or third marriage is "the best", and the only reason left to marry is love

  聽音關(guān)鍵:divorce is beneficial,educational,the second or third marriage is "the best", the only reason left to marry is love

  答案重構(gòu):1). that divorce is good and educatioanl, that the second or third marriage is "the best", and that one may keep a marriage only because of love

  2). that divorce is good and educational, that it is best to have a second or third marriage, and that only love is the rightful reason for marriage

  畫龍點睛:要聽寫的部分實際上是argue的三個賓語從句,這幾個從句之間是并列關(guān)系,每個從句單獨來看并不復雜。所以,句子結(jié)構(gòu)基本上沒有什么可變動之處。在詞匯層面上,beneficial可用good替換,the best勉強可以用perfect代替。

  46. 標準答案:In other respects, our rapidly-rising divorce rate and the declining marriage rate represent a loss

  聽音關(guān)鍵:In other respects, rapidly-rising divorce rate, the declining marriage rate, represent a loss

  答案重構(gòu):1). In other respects, our rapidly-rising divorce rate and declining marriage rate can be seen as a loss

  2). In other respects, it is a sign of loss to have a rapid-rising divorce rate and a declining marriage rate

  畫龍點睛:前一句有In some respects,與此句中的In other respects形成照應。本句與前一句是對比關(guān)系,represent也可以用前一句中的can be seen as替換。句中的rising divorce rate和declining marriage rate是語義上的對比,相關(guān)詞匯原文均出現(xiàn)過,應該不難寫出。此外,若按原文寫出rapidly,注意用連詞符把它與rising連寫。



  Test 1

  Section C

  As men age, they (36) ______ get less and lessdeep sleep--a fact that could be (37) ______ to theweight gain that often middle-age, medicalresearchers said this week.

  The (39) ______ between sleep and "love handles" (俚語,腰部贅肉), double chins and expanding paunch (大肚子) centers on a hormone normally(40) ______ during deep sleep, the scientists from the University of Chicago reported in theAugust 16 (41) ______ of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

  With less deep or slow-wave sleep, there is less bodily production of the growth hormone.That deficiency is (42) ______ with increased fat tissue and abdominal obesity, reducedmuscle mass and strength and reduced exercise capacity. These results are particularly notedin the (43) ______ .

  The researchers found that deep sleep in men younger than 25 was about 20 percent of anight's sleep. (44) ______________________________________________________ . Afterage 35, it's 5 percent or less. By the time men reach 45, they have nearly lost the ability to fallinto deep sleep and (45) ________________________________ .

  The researchers said any treatment to improve a man's sleep would need to begin at age 35-40. A new drug is tested to see if it will increase deep sleep. Methods other than medicine canboost deep sleep--for example, increasing body heat by taking a hot bath before bed. (46) ________________________________________ .


  36. typically


  37. connected

  解析:be connected to是固定搭配,不要忘了在connect后加-ed。

  38. accompanies


  39. link

  解析:通過預讀從"between... and... "可以知道本句討論的應是“睡眠和腰間贅肉、雙下巴等之間的關(guān)系”,因此是link,而不是leak(泄露)。

  40. produced

  解析:要填寫的詞匯在副詞后,與normally和during deep sleep一同作hormone(荷爾蒙)的后置定語,在意義上有被動的含義,故要用produced,-ed不要忘了。

  41. issue


  42. associated

  解析:不要寫成:associate。be associated with為固定搭配,意思是:與……相互聯(lián)系。即使沒聽出來,-ed也不應漏掉。

  43. elderly

  解析:elderly a.過了中年的,稍老的。the elderly指老年人。

  44. 標準答案:Between age 25 and 35, the deep sleep drops to about 12 percent

  聽音關(guān)鍵:age 25 and 35,deep sleep,about 12 percent

  答案重構(gòu):1). When one is between age 25 and 35, his deep sleep reduces to about 12 percent

  2). The deep sleep for men of 25 to 35 falls to about 12%

  畫龍點睛:此句比較簡單,抓住:25-35,deep sleep,12 percent,就容易完成。drop表示“下降”,可以用reduce,decrease,fall等詞替換。若改變句型,變換主語,則需要注意主謂一致。

  45. 標準答案:after age 50, men's total sleep declines by about 27 minutes per decade of age

  聽音關(guān)鍵:50,total sleep declines,27 minutes per decade

  答案重構(gòu):1). after age 50, their total sleep will reduce about 27 minutes for every ten years

  2). after 50, their total sleep will keep declining at the rate of about 27 minutes every ten years

  畫龍點睛:per decade of age意思是“每10年”。如果怕寫錯decade一詞,可換成every ten years。

  46. 標準答案:Exercising at least 20 minutes three or four times a week is also helpful

  聽音關(guān)鍵:Exercising,20 minutes three or four times a week,helpful

  答案重構(gòu):1). It's helpful to do exercises for over 20 minutes three or four times a week

  2). Exercising regularly-over 20 minutes each time, three or four times a week-also helps

  畫龍點睛:本句的難點在于完整地聽寫出at least 20 minutes three or four times a week。沒有生詞,只是擔心內(nèi)容會有缺漏。






