


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  Test 9

  Section C

  A very large number of people (36) ______ whenquite young to add anything to a limited stock ofjudgments. After a certain age, say 25, theyconsider that their education is (37) ______ .

  It's perhaps (38) ______ that having passedthrough that painful and boring process, called expertly education, they should suppose itover, and that they are (39) ______ for life to label every event as it (40) ______ and drops itinto its given pigeonhole (分類架,文件架). But one who has a label ready for everything doesnot bother to observe any more, even such (41) ______ happenings as he has observed forhimself, with attention, before he went to school. He (42) ______ acts and reacts.

  For people who have stopped (43) ______ , the only possible new or renewed experience, and,therefore, new knowledge, is from a work of art. Because that is the only kind of experience(44) _____________________________________________________________ , they willcome out from their shells and expose themselves to music, to a play, to a book, because it isthe accepted method of enjoying such things. True, even to plays and books they may bringartistic prejudices which prevent them from seeing or comprehending that book. (45) ______________________________________________________________________ .

  But it is part of an artist's job to break crusts, or let us say (46) _____________________________________________________________________________because they want to communicate their intuitions (直覺).


  36. cease

  解析:根據(jù)第36題在句子中的位置可以知道:此處需要一個(gè)動(dòng)詞。A very large number of people cease when quite young to add anything to a limited stock of judgments. 意思是“許多人在他們很年輕的時(shí)候就不再為自己有限的見識(shí)補(bǔ)充任何東西。”此詞不要誤聽成seize。

  37. finished


  38. natural

  解析:natural a. 自然的,正常的,常用于it's natural that...或it's natural for sb. to do sth. 結(jié)構(gòu)中;不要寫成nature n. 自然,自然界。

  39. equipped

  解析:不要漏掉-ed,并雙寫p。be equipped for“為……做準(zhǔn)備”。

  40. occurs


  41. ordinary

  解析:ordinary a. 平常的,普通的,平凡的;ordinary happening“平常的事”。

  42. merely

  解析:根據(jù)第42題在句子中的位置可以知道動(dòng)詞前一定是個(gè)副詞。merely ad. 僅僅,只,不過。

  43. noticing

  解析:stop doing sth.“停止做某事”,不要寫成notice。

  44. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:that they are prepared to receive on its own terms

  聽音關(guān)鍵:prepared to receive,on its own terms

  答案重構(gòu):1) that they are ready to receive for its own sake

  2) that they are prepared to accept as it is

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:要聽寫的部分在句子中作定語(yǔ),因此其語(yǔ)法結(jié)構(gòu)上受到較大的限制。最好是能夠照原文逐字聽寫出來。on one's own terms根據(jù)自身的特點(diǎn),在本句中,相當(dāng)于for its own sake, as it is。這部分的意思是:因?yàn)檫@是唯一一種他們?cè)敢飧鶕?jù)事物自身的特點(diǎn)來接受的經(jīng)驗(yàn)。be prepared to相當(dāng)于be ready to, be willing to;receive相當(dāng)于 accept。

  45. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:Their artistic sensibilities may be as crusted over as their minds

  聽音關(guān)鍵: artistic sensibilities,crusted over,as their minds

  答案重構(gòu):1) Their artistic sensibilities may be as dull as their minds

  2) They may have lost their artistic sensitivity, just as they have lost curiosity for new things in their mind


  46. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:that artists who are interested in breaking crusts

  聽音關(guān)鍵:artists, work for the public, not merely for themselves, interested in breaking crusts

  答案重構(gòu):1) that artists who work for the public and not only for themselves are interested in sharpening the public's sensitivity

  2) that artists who are not self-centered would like to break crusts

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:定語(yǔ)從句who work for the public and not merely for themselves雖然比較長(zhǎng),但是沒有什么難詞,也不會(huì)構(gòu)成多大的困難。因此,本句以“原詞照搬”為聽寫的最佳方案。



  Test 8

  Section C

  I was studying theater at Southern MethodistUniversity in Dallas and feeling (36) ______ anduncertain about my future. Will I be able to supportmyself? I (37)______ . That summer, I decided tosee if I could get out on my own.

  Two girlfriends and I piled into a car and (38) ______ to Aspen, Colo. where I found a job as amaid at a (39) ______ hotel. I don't remember what I (40) ______ , but it was so little that Ilived on spaghetti, brown rice and Kool-Aid.

  I was at the hotel by six o'clock every morning to help with (41) ______ breakfast. Whenbreakfast was finished, I cleaned the room where it was served and then the conference roomsand lobby rest rooms. I had never been in a men's room before, and I was always (42) ______of someone walking in while I was on my (43) ______ scrubbing the floors and toilets.

  (44) ___________________________________________________ ; it was my job tocirculate through the room and replenish (補(bǔ)充) coffee and juice. But some people wanted meto do everything for them. I remember one man who kept ordering me to get his food anddemanding things we did not serve. He was also very critical. (45) _________________________________________________________ . So I'd take a deepbreath and somehow get what he wanted.

  Still, I've never forgotten how it felt to be spoken to so rudely. Today, whenever I am in a cabor being waited on, I always try to be as considerate as possible. (46) __________________________________________________________________________ .


  36. anxious


  37. wondered


  38. headed

  解析:head to“出發(fā)去某地”;不要寫成hided。

  39. resort


  40. earned


  41. continental

  解析:容易漏寫a;continental breakfast意思是“歐洲大陸式早餐”。

  42. terrified

  解析:terrified a. 恐懼的,受驚嚇的;be terrified of意思是“恐懼……”。

  43. knees


  44. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:People were supposed to serve themselves at the continental breakfast

  聽音關(guān)鍵:were supposed to,serve themselves,continental breakfast

  答案重構(gòu):1). People should serve themselves at the continental breakfast

  2). The continental breakfast requires that people serve themselves

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:be supposed to意思是“應(yīng)該”,可以用should替換。continental breakfast“歐洲大陸式早餐”,與背景知識(shí)有關(guān)。

  45. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:I knew it was my job to be quiet and do in a nice way whatever I was told

  聽音關(guān)鍵:my job,to be quiet,in a nice way,whatever I was told

  答案重構(gòu):1). I knew I should be quiet and do in a nice way whatever I was told

  2). I knew my job was to be quiet and do well whatever I was told

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:本句沒有生詞,只是句式上,do和賓語(yǔ)whatever I was told之間插入了in a nice way,也許會(huì)帶來一點(diǎn)理解上的障礙。聽寫時(shí),應(yīng)盡可能照搬原詞。

  46. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:Service-industry jobs are not easy, and they're even harder when people treat you like dirt

  聽音關(guān)鍵:Service-industry jobs,not easy,even harder,treat you like dirt

  答案重構(gòu):1). Service-industry jobs are diffidult, and they're even harder when people treat you rudely

  2). To work in the service industry is not easy, and it is even harder when you're treated badly

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:Service-industry作復(fù)合詞修飾jobs,拼寫上,中間應(yīng)該有連字符。如果沒有聽清楚treat you like dirt中dirt的含義,可以根據(jù)合理的猜測(cè)用上一句話中出現(xiàn)的rudely替換。在句子結(jié)構(gòu)層面的重構(gòu)往往傷筋動(dòng)骨,需要對(duì)相關(guān)句型很熟悉。



  Test 7

  Section C

  The World Health Organization says people needmore information about how to (36) ______ usetraditional medicines. The W.H.O. now hasguidelines to suggest ways for public health officialsto develop that information. The health agency ispart of the United Nations.

  Up to eighty percent of people in (37) ______ countries depend on traditional medicines. Moreand more people in (38) ______ countries use them too. But the W.H.O. notes that justbecause products are natural does not always mean they are safe. It says reports of badreactions have increased (39) ______ in the last few years.

  In China, for example, about ten-thousand harmful drug reactions were reported in 2002. Therewere just four-thousand (40) ______ reported between 1990 and 1999. Traditional medicinesare made from plants, animal products and (41) ______ . The health agency says they remainlargely outside government control.

  In most countries, traditional medicines can be (42) ______ without a doctor's order.Sometimes they are (43) ______ by friends or by the patients themselves. (44) _____________________________________________________ . Lee Jong-wook isDirector-General of the organization. Doctor Lee says (45) ____________________________________________________ . But he says governmentsshould have the tools to make sure people get the best information.

  Under the new guidelines, traditional healers would have to be skilled. And they would have tobe listed with the government. Also, people would have to be informed about how and whereto report problems. Doctor Lee says (46) ___________________________________________________________________________


  36. safely


  37. developing

  解析:developing countries“發(fā)展中國(guó)家”;developed countries“發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家”。

  38. wealthy


  39. sharply

  解析:用來修飾動(dòng)詞increased,要用副詞,increase sharply表示“急劇上升”,也是常用搭配。

  40. cases


  41. minerals

  解析:與plants,animal products并列,需要名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式。

  42. purchased


  43. prepared

  解析:prepared a. 準(zhǔn)備好;不要漏掉-ed。

  44. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:The W.H.O. says this situation raises concerns about the quality of treatments and the lack of professional supervision

  聽音關(guān)鍵:W.H.O. says,this situation raises concerns,quality of treatments,lack of professional supervision

  答案重構(gòu):The W.H.O. says the situation makes people worry about the quality of treatments, and more professional supervision may be needed

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:原詞聽寫時(shí),須注意quality of treatments和lack of professional supervision是concerns about的賓語(yǔ)。此外要注意單復(fù)數(shù)、時(shí)態(tài)一致。

  45. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:the W.H.O. supports the use of traditional medicines when they have been shown to help and to have few risks

  聽音關(guān)鍵:the W.H.O.,supports,traditional medicines,shown to help and to have few risks

  答案重構(gòu):the W.H.O. supports the use of traditional medicines when they have proved helpful and safe

  畫龍點(diǎn)睛:原詞聽寫時(shí),須注意supports,medicines,few risks等詞的形式。

  46. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)答案:governments can also use the guidelines to create media campaigns about the issue

  聽音關(guān)鍵:governments,guidelines,create media campaigns about the issue

  答案重構(gòu):governments can also use the guidelines, and try to inform the public of the issue through the media








