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時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享




  Peter: So Sarah, you said you're from North Carolina, and I've never been there before, I haveno idea what it's like. Is it in the north of America or tell me more about it, I have no idea?


  Sarah: Well, it's funny because it has north in the name, North Carolina, but it's actually in thesouth, the southeast. So I usually tell people it's on the opposite end of the US, than California.And it's halfway between New York and Florida.


  Peter: Okay, that puts it on the map for me. Tell me, what's the weather like over there, what'sthe general climate like?


  Sarah: The weather is very moderate, it gets pretty hot in the summers and pretty cold in thewinters. But it depends on where you live, because North Carolina has both the mountains andthe ocean as well because it's on the coast. So if you live on the coast side you get more warmtemperatures and obviously no snow. But if you live on the mountain side then you get moresnow and less hot weather.


  Peter: Okay. Why do people make a distinction between North and South Carolina, I meanwhat's the history behind that?


  Sarah: I believe it's because they used to all be one together before they were divided. And sowhen they divided into two states, they call it north now and south.


  Peter: I see.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Peter: What's North Carolina famous for, I mean what can we look out for?


  Sarah: Probably the most famous thing, that is written on our license plates on the cars is'First in Flight', because Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the first airplane in Kitty Hawk, NorthCarolina.


  Peter Oh wow! Okay, I didn't know that.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Peter: Amazing!


  Sarah: Yeah, we think it's pretty cool.


  Peter: Is there famous food from that area, anything else that is really quite popular withpeople in America or outside?


  Sarah: Southern, because it's in the south, southern food is very popular, so southern food,things like fried chicken or a kind of bread we call biscuits, also grits, which is ground corn, allthese kinds of foods are very popular in North Carolina because they're southern foods thatwe eat in the south. Also sweet tea — sweet tea, very popular, iced sweet tea.


  Peter: That sounds good.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Peter: What goes in it, what?


  Sarah: It's just tea — black tea and sugar and then usually we put lemon in it as well.


  Peter: Okay.


  Sarah: It's very delicious.


  Peter: Growing up in North Carolina and living there, did you ever wish to live anywhere else, ordo you think it's one of the best places to live?


  Sarah: When I was growing up there I always thought other places would be better. But thenwhen I went away and lived in many other states and countries I began to see the beautifulthings about the area, the country that I come from, so.


  Peter: Right. I guess that's always the way with travelling and somewhere else, you realizehome has got many advantages and many beautiful places.


  Sarah: Yes, and people.


  Peter: Okay.


  Sarah: People you love are always home.



  Chris: So Adelina, Ade, you just told me you're from Spain, so let's talk about gastronomy,food. They say a really good gastronomy in Spain, is that true?


  Ade: Of course it is. We have the Mediterranean food, it's well known for being tasty andhealthy, like for example, our olive oil, our fresh fish coming from the north and the south. Andwe also have very good wines.


  Chris: So if you'd have to name three of the really better dishes in your country, what wouldyou say, what would be your three favorite dishes?


  Ade: Paella of course.


  Chris: Paella, yeah, that's true, but there are a lot of different paellas. No, they say the paellathey make in Valencia is the better one, do you agree on that or is it the same everywhere?


  Ade: Well they said paella, Valenciana is the name. But it comes from Valencia but it doesn'tmean that there are not good paellas in any other places. Actually where I am from in Almadia,they do very, very tasty paellas.


  Chris: And of course, can you explain the difference because people like me from the north,that they just come for tourism in summer, we just ask for paella, but there seem to bedifferent paellas. Could you explain that a little bit?


  Ade: Yeah, you have three different types. You have the meat paella, that they put of coursesome meat on it, you have the fish paella that they put only fish on it and then you have themixed one that you can find both.


  Chris: So which one do you suggest I should take when I go there?


  Ade: The fish one of course.


  Chris: Okay, I'll take your word on that. So what about other good dishes, tell me?


  Ade: Well it's not a dish, but is very popular in Spain when you order a beer, they put you atapas and it's very nice to go out with your friends and have some tapas. I love to do thatbecause you have small portions of food and you can go and ask for some fish or for somemeat, so you have a very different kind of lunch doing that, no.


  Chris: Oh yeah, of course, everybody knows about the tapas. But they say it's reallysomething from the south and it has a story behind it, but I don't really remember it. Could youenlighten me with that story, please?


  Ade: Yeah. Tapas means to cover in Spanish. So it was before that when they order somethingto drink they have to put a little plate on top so the flies don't go into the drink. That's whythey started calling it tapas, because it covers the drink.


  Chris: So when then in the end on that plate they start putting like little things to eat?


  Ade: Yeah, exactly.


  Chris: And then just that got just bigger and bigger and bigger?


  Ade: Yeah, really big. But the problem is that it's very popular in the south because it's stilloriginal kind of going to have some tapas, because in the north now is like it's popular butonly for tourists. And you have to pay a lot of money to have a tapa. And actually in theoriginal way of having a tapa means that you only pay for the drink and the tapa comes forfree.


  Chris: For free, oh nice, so that's what tourists don't know. So what do you say about thatwe go and have a beer?


  Ade: Yeah, sure.



  Todd: So, how do people see these movies? I mean are there movie theaters or is it mainlystraight to video or what's the main way?


  Abidemi: Most of it is actually straight to video like you said because now internet andcomputers are everywhere. So a lot of these movies are produced by companies around in bigcities and then they're sold to local sellers. And because buying DVDs is so cheap, anybody canget them. And through ... they put a lot of posters out when a movie comes out, the producersor the movie company, they put a lot of posters out so everyone knows it's out. And if it'ssomething that's really good, through word of mouth very quickly, everyone knows that, "Ohmy gosh, have you seen this movie, have you seen so and so movie?" One movie that came outmaybe six ... this is a little old but this was Jennifer, it's what the movie was called, and it hadn'tbeen out say a month or two, the whole country knew about this movie and if you wereanybody you had seen it, so things like that. So usually through DVDs you buy one, you like it,you recommend it to your friend. If you don't have it anymore, if it's scratched they go buyone and everyone, quickly everyone sees it.


  Todd: Wow! So word of mouth?


  Abidemi: Word of mouth, I would say.


  Todd: Awesome.


  Abidemi: Yes.


  Todd: So is this movie industry really big for the whole continent or is it just pretty much just,you know, a Nigerian following?


  Abidemi: I would actually say, it's big for not just Nigerians. There are lots of Nigerians in thediaspora, in England, in America, in other countries so those people they hear about the moviesfrom reading the internet and they watch on the internet or they buy it when they go home toNigeria. Other countries, I mentioned earlier that a lot of Nigerian artists are collaborating withartists from Ghana and other neighboring countries. So through that too, a lot of Ghanaianswatch Nigerian movies and vice versa. There are Jamaicans who watch Nigerian movies becausethere's an element to it, it just ... at the beginning, you may not like it but the more you watchof them, they becomes ... they grow on you, so to speak, that you just get sucked in, so I'veheard of people they watch and there are so many of them, you could watch one a day for awhole year and not be done because they just keep producing them, producing them,producing them, so they have a huge following all over, mainly West Africa and for Nigerians inother parts of the world they watch them. And I've heard of some South Africans watchingthem as well, so probably over the continent. But Nollywood specifically is known all over theworld.


  Todd: Oh, that's so cool. So can you recommend some movies? I totally want to see them,I'm going to be like searching YouTube. I really want to see one.


  Abidemi: So first time, when you want to get started, I would say Google or check YouTubefor Jennifer. It's an interesting movie about a girl that goes from the village, so I think it showsNigerian history, human relationships and also our values. It's about a girl that goes from thevillage by chance, she's able to go to a top university and she completely changes. Instead ofkeeping her family value of humility, she starts chasing rich men and like her friends that shemeets in the big city, just to get more money, so she focuses less on her studies and more ongetting money. But unfortunately she chases the wrong people, she gets AIDS and that leadsto her downfall. So these movies, although they're very high in entertainment value they alsohave very good educational lessons or messages behind them too. So I would definitelyrecommend, Jennifer to start off with.


  Todd: Oh, I'd definitely check it out. Thanks.







