
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 專業(yè)英語 > 商務英語 > 有關價格商務英語口語和情景對話


時間: 焯杰674 分享




  1. If you can reduce the price by 5%, we shall be able to order 200 metric tons.


  2. Business is possible if you increase the price by 2%.


  3. We are not interested unless your price is reduced to a level in line with the market price.


  4. We have been informed that the current price on your side is much higher than what you say.


  5. Sellers decide to wait no matter when the price picks up. 不管價格何時回升,賣方決定再等一等。

  6. Our prices are highly competitive when you consider quality.


  7. Our price is net without commission.


  8. To meet your requirements, we would like to reduce our price by 2%, which, I hope, will be satisfactory to you.


  9. I'm awfully sorry. This is our floor price. If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off.


  10. Will you please quote F.O.B Brussels in U.S. dollar?


  11. It's better for us to have a talk on price terms, because it is one of the key points in our dealings.


  12. I'll have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.




  A: I've come to hear about your offer for bristles.

  B: We have the offer ready for you. Let me see …… here it is. 100 cases Houston Bristles, 57 mm, at 10 pounds sterling per kilogram, C.I.F

  European Main Ports, for shipment in June 2001. The offer is valid for five days.

  A: Why, your price has soared. It's almost 25% higher than last year's. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price.

  B: I'm a little surprised to hear you say that. You know very well that markets for bristles have gone up a great deal in recent months. The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.

  —— 我是來聽取你們對豬鬃的報盤。

  —— 我們已為你準備好了報盤。讓我找一找,啊,在這里,100箱57毫 米休斯敦豬鬃,每公斤成本加運費保險費到歐洲主要口岸價10英 鎊,2001年6月交貨。報盤五天有效。

  —— 為什么你方的價格猛漲,幾乎比去年高出25%?按這種價格,我方 實在難以銷售。

  —— 你這樣說讓我有點驚訝。近月來豬鬃市價漲了很多。我方所報的價格與你從別處能獲得的價格相比,是較為便宜的。

  A: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. I must point out your price is higher than some of the quotations we've received from other sources.

  B: But you must take the quality into consideration. Everyone in the trade knows that US's bristles are of superior quality to those from other countries.

  A: I agree that yours are of better quality. But there's competition from synthetic products, too. You can't very well ignore that. Prices for synthetic bristles haven't changed much over the years.

  B: There's practically no substitute for bristles for certain uses. That's why demand for natural bristles keeps rising in spite of cheaper synthetic ones. To be frank with you, if it were not for the long- standing relationship between us, we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.

  A: Well, we'll have a lot of difficulties in persuading our clients to buy at this price. But I'll have to try, I suppose.

  —— 恐怕我不同意你的說法,你們的價格比我們從別處所得到的一些報價高。

  —— 但是你方必須考慮到質量的問題。同行中人人皆知美國豬鬃質地優(yōu)于其他國家的供貨。

  —— 我承認你們的豬鬃質量高,但還有人造制品的競爭。你恐怕不能忽視這一點吧。今年來,人造制品的價格并無多大變化。

  —— 在某些用途方面,幾乎沒有東西可以代替豬鬃。盡管人造制品價格 便宜,但對天然豬鬃的需求還在不斷增長,原因就在這里。老實 說,如果不是為了我們雙方長期以來的關系,我們不大可能以這樣 的價格向你方報實盤的。

  —— 唉,要說服客戶以這個價格購買,對我們來說還真不容易。不過看來,我得試一試。


  A: I believe you've studied our proposal for fertilizers.

  B: Yes, Mr. Smith. And we're very much interested.

  A: It's almost twenty years since we first supplied you with our

  products in 1984. To our regret, for one reason or another, business between us has failed to develop. I hope we'll succeed in concluding some business this time.

  B: As we've repeatedly stated, US does business on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. If these principles are adhered to, I'm certain that mutually beneficial

  business will result.

  —— 我相信你們已經仔細研究過了我們的肥料報盤。

  —— 是的,史密斯先生,我們對此很感興趣。

  —— 我們于1984年首次向你方供應產品至今差不多已有20年之久。由于種種原因,我們之間的業(yè)務未能繼續(xù)下去,對此我們感到很遺 憾。希望我們這次能達成一些交易。

  —— 我們一再說明,美國是在平等互利、互通有無的基礎上進行貿易 的。若遵循了這些原則,我確信能夠達成對雙方都有利的交易。

  A: May we hear your comments on your products?

  B: We find the quality of your samples well up to standard and suitable for our requirements. On the other hand, we're received offers for higher quality products. So business depends very much on your prices.

  A: Taking everything into consideration, you'll find that our prices compare favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.

  B: I'm not sure of that. Before coming to the discussion of price, may I point out that we would like to have you quote us on a F. O.B. basis?

  A: I don't quite understand. For bulk goods such as chemical

  fertilizers, it's the sellers who arrange the shipping space. It is more convenient for us, as well as for you.

  B: Well, we prefer to have the US National Chartering Corporation take care of the shipping. It doesn't make a difference to you, does it?

  A: Well, it does make a slight difference, but we'll do as you request.

  —— 請對我們的產品提提意見好嗎?

  —— 我們認為你們的樣品質量符合標準而且適合我們的需要,但是另一 方面,我們已收到高檔貨的報盤,所以業(yè)務能否成交在很大程度上 要看你方的價格。

  —— 如果把各種因素都加以考慮,你就會發(fā)現我們的價格比別處報的要 便宜。

  —— 這點我不敢肯定,在談判價格之前,我想提出,我們希望你方報船 上交貨的價格,行嗎?

  —— 我不大明白,象化肥這一類的大宗貨得由賣方安排艙位。這對你我 都方便。

  —— 喔,我們寧愿由美國租船公司去負責裝船。這對你方沒有多大 區(qū)別,對不對?

  —— 喔,稍稍有點區(qū)別,但我們可以照你的意見辦。


  A: I have here our price sheet on a F.O.B. basis. The prices are given without engagement.

  B: Good, if you'll excuse me, I'll go over the sheet right now.

  A: Take your time.

  B: I can tell you at a glance that your prices are much too high.

  A: I'm surprised to hear you say so. You know that the cost of pro- duction has been skyrocketing in recent years.

  B: We only ask that your prices be comparable to others. That's reasonable, isn't it?

  A: Well, to get the business done, we can consider making some concessions in our price. But first, you'll have to give me an idea of the quantity you wish to order from us, so that we may adjust our prices accordingly.

  —— 這是我們船上交貨價的價目單。所報價格沒有約束力。

  —— 很好。如果可以,我馬上把價目單看一遍。

  —— 請便。

  —— 我一看這份價目單就知道你們的價格太高了。

  —— 你這么說我很吃驚。你知道近年來生產成本迅速上漲。

  —— 我們只要求你方的價格能和別人差不多就行了。這個要求很合理,對不對?

  —— 好吧,為了成交,我們可以考慮作些讓步,不過要請你先說明大概要訂購多少,以便我們對價格作相應的調整。

  B: The size of our order depends greatly on the prices. Let's settle that matter first.

  A: Well, as I've said, if your order is large enough, we're ready to reduce our prices by 2 percent.

  B: When I say your prices are much too high, I don't mean they are higher merely by 2 or 3 percent.

  A: How much do you mean then? Can you give me a rough idea?

  B: To have this business concluded, I should say a reduction of least 10 percent would help.

  A: Impossible. How can you expect us to make a reduction to that extent?

  B: I think you are as well - informed as I am about the market for chemical fertilizers. It's unnecessary for me to point out that sup- ply exceeds demand at present and that this situation is apt to continue for a long time yet. May I suggest that you call your home office and see what they have to say?

  A: Very well, I will.

  —— 我們要訂的數量很大程度上取決于價格,就讓我們先解決價格問 題吧。

  —— 好吧,如果你們的訂貨數量很大,我們準備減價百分之二。

  —— 我說你們的價格太高,并不是說僅僅高出百分之二或三。

  —— 那么你說是多少呢?能不能說一個大概的數字?

  —— 為了促成交易,我認為大約給百分之十的折扣才行。

  —— 不可能,你怎么能要求我們給那么大的折扣呢?

  —— 有關化肥的行情,我想你和我一樣都很了解。用不著我來指出, 目前的情況是供過于求,而且這種情況還要延續(xù)很長一段時間。 我建議你打個電話給你們公司,看看他們有什么意見?

  —— 好吧,我打個電話問問。





