


時間: 焯杰674 分享


  If you want to break the ice at a corporate seasonalparty in America these days, try popping thisrevealing question: which part of the US has the highest proportion of entrepreneurship?


  “Silicon Valley” would be a predictable, and understandable, answer. After all, in recentyears, the San Francisco region has been an epicentre of US innovation. Mark Zuckerberg, thefounder of Facebook, seems to epitomise the entrepreneurial dream; particularly since hisrecent announcement that he plans to donate most of his largesse to social causes.

  “硅谷”或許是可以預(yù)料也可以理解的答案。畢竟,最近幾年這個舊金山地區(qū)已成為美國創(chuàng)新的核心地帶。Facebook創(chuàng)始人馬克丠克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)似乎是創(chuàng)業(yè)夢的象征——尤其是自從他最近宣布計劃捐出多數(shù)財產(chǎn)用于社會慈善事業(yè)以來。

  But here is a curious little detail of America’s economy today: if you want to understand thereal nature of entrepreneurial activity, do not look to Silicon Valley or Mr Zuckerberg. Thebiggest hotbed of urban entrepreneurship, as measured by the number of small companiesper head, is now New York, not the West Coast, according to research by the KauffmanFoundation, a think-tank. Boston sits in second place in terms of “entrepreneurship”, followedby Providence, Rhode Island. Meanwhile, San Francisco is fourth, just ahead of Miami in Floridaand Portland in Oregon. Main Street is giving the Valley more than a run for its money.

  不過,今天的美國經(jīng)濟(jì)中卻存在一個奇怪的細(xì)節(jié):如果你想了解創(chuàng)業(yè)活動的真正特點,不要把眼光放在硅谷或扎克伯格身上。根據(jù)智庫考夫曼基金會(Kauffman Foundation)的研究,以人均小企業(yè)數(shù)計算,如今城市創(chuàng)業(yè)的最大溫床是紐約而不是西海岸。以“創(chuàng)業(yè)”而言,波士頓位居第二位,排在其后的是羅得島州的普羅維登斯。同時,舊金山排在第四位,在佛羅里達(dá)州的邁阿密和俄勒岡州的波特蘭之前。紐約緬街(Main Street)正向硅谷發(fā)起嚴(yán)峻挑戰(zhàn)。

  Geography is not the only surprise. The word “start-up” tends to conjure up images of baby-faced, hoody-wearing youngsters such as Mr Zuckerberg. But the Kauffman data suggest thatthe average age of entrepreneurs and small business owners is far higher — and rising. Peopleaged 45-54 now own 32 per cent of small businesses, the engines of economic activity and jobcreation.


  These middle-aged entrepreneurs are the biggest single cohort among business owners. Thosefollowing on behind, the 20-34 year olds — Mr Zuckerberg’s cohort — own just 16 per cent ofsmall businesses, down from 28 per cent when the series started in 1997. Start-up activityamong the younger cohort is also falling, as it increases among the middle aged. Meanwhile, theeducational qualifications of entrepreneurs is rising: a majority now hold a graduate degree.And immigrants now own 20 per cent of all small businesses, twice the level in 1997.


  What accounts for these trends? Data on small business activity in general — andentrepreneurship in particular — are notoriously patchy. However, Kauffman suggests thatthe heavy burden of 猀琀甀攙攀渀琀 debt may be deterring young people from becomingentrepreneurs. The broader ageing of the American population is also affecting the 猀琀愀琀椀猀琀椀挀猀.


  The more intriguing issue is whether the pattern of older entrepreneurs also reflects thechanging profile of work. Digitisation is wiping out swaths of once-secure middle-classcorporate jobs, tossing out middle-aged employees; indeed, the Oxford Martin school ofbusiness forecasts that half of all US jobs will be replaced by robots in the next two decades.Americans are living longer and their pension provision is shrinking. Some of this middle-agedentrepreneurial activity, in other words, is probably sparked by necessity as much as byactive choice — a consequence of economic insecurity as well as economic freedom.

  更有趣的問題是,創(chuàng)業(yè)者的高齡化趨勢是否也反映了就業(yè)模式的變化。數(shù)字化正在導(dǎo)致大量曾經(jīng)很穩(wěn)定的中產(chǎn)階級企業(yè)工作崗位消失,將中年員工拋出企業(yè)。事實上,牛津大學(xué)馬丁學(xué)院(Oxford Martin School)預(yù)計,在今后20年內(nèi),美國半數(shù)工作崗位將由機器人取代。美國人的壽命正在增加,他們的養(yǎng)老金卻在縮水。換句話說,這種中年創(chuàng)業(yè)活動的一部分既可能是自主選擇,也可能是迫不得已——這不僅是經(jīng)濟(jì)自由的結(jié)果,同樣也是經(jīng)濟(jì)不穩(wěn)定的結(jié)果。

  That, in turn, may have bigger policy implications, particularly given the 爀椀猀椀渀最 level ofincome inequality. One encouraging piece of news in the data is that overall entrepreneurshiprose last year, after declining during the


  Great Financial Crisis. But it remains below the levels seen a couple of decades ago. There is agreat deal that Amer-ican 瀀漀氀椀挀礀洀愀欀攀爀猀 could do now, however, to raise thoseentrepreneurship levels.


  Instead of just talking about lowering taxes for big corporations (which is where the debate isfocused in Washington), there should be more effort made to streamline America’snightmarishly complex small business tax code. Healthcare provision should also besimplified. Small business also requires a wider range of financing channels, particularly sinceone very unfortunate consequence of the post-2008 financial reforms is that banks are nowvery unwilling to provide funding for smaller companies.











