Stretch: How to future-proof yourself for tomorrow’sworkplace Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick Wiley17.99; .70
《伸展力:如何為未來的職場(chǎng)做好準(zhǔn)備》(Stretch: How to future-proof yourself for tomorrow’sworkplace),卡里威利爾德(Karie Willyerd)和芭芭拉猠斯蒂克威利(Barbara Mistick Wiley)著,售價(jià)17.99英鎊/23.70美元
I read this book believing it was something else. The title suggests the authors know which jobswill be in demand in the future. Great, I thought, this might help me guide my three-year-oldinto becoming a robot adviser, or whatever the new growth area is going to be. But sadly, theauthors do no such thing. Perhaps it is for the best — who takes their parents’ advice after all?
That point is illustrated in the book by a story about Max Nimoy who advised his son to gain apractical skill to serve him well throughout his life. But Leonard Nimoy ignored his father’ssuggestion that he learn to play the accordion and instead went on to become an actor, mostfamously playing Spock in Star Trek.
這本書用一個(gè)故事說明了這一點(diǎn)。馬克斯尼莫伊(Max Nimoy)曾建議兒子倫納德尼莫伊(Leonard Nimoy,見上圖)學(xué)一門實(shí)用的技能,這樣倫納德終生都能過得衣食無憂。但倫納德不顧父親的建議學(xué)習(xí)了手風(fēng)琴,并且在之后成為了一名演員,他飾演過的最有名的角色是《星際迷航》(Star Trek)中的斯波克(Spock)。
This is a book for anyone who has used the new year to take stock of their professionaldevelopment and plan their next move.
A point brought home to me personally with the opening anecdote about a washed-upjournalist, who despite winning multiple Pulitzer prizes and reporting all over the world, failedto read the signs about social media and personal branding. He was sacked and found himselfunmarketable.
What he needed, say the authors of this book, was “stretchpertise”: “the professional ability tocreatively restructure and repurpose in order to adjust to changing environmental demands.”We all need to learn on the fly, the authors argue, to be open, create a network and gatherdiverse experiences. As Marshall Goldsmith, the executive coach, is quoted as saying: “Whatgot you here won’t get you there.” The authors say the question is not whether you have a sell-by date. (You do.) Rather, it is how to extend the shelf life of your skills. After all, work isunpredictable and always changing because of emerging technologies, globalisation, short-term contracts and part-time work.
本書的作者們表示,這名記者需要“伸展力”:“為了適應(yīng)不斷改變的環(huán)境需求,進(jìn)行創(chuàng)造性重構(gòu)和改變目標(biāo)的專業(yè)能力。”兩位作者主張,我們都需要在工作中迅速學(xué)習(xí),保持開放,建立人脈,積累多樣的經(jīng)歷。用高管教練馬歇爾戈德史密斯(Marshall Goldsmith)話來說:“讓你抵達(dá)此處的東西不會(huì)讓你抵達(dá)彼處。”作者們表示,問題不在于你是否有保質(zhì)期(的確有),而在于如何延長(zhǎng)你的技能的保質(zhì)期。畢竟,由于新技術(shù)的興起、全球化、短期合同和兼職工作,工作是不可預(yù)測(cè)且時(shí)時(shí)變化的。
This book leads you step by step through appraising your working future. There are tips such asto check in with yourself quarterly. Set calendar reminders such as “lead a project team byJuly 15th, 2016”.
They suggest stretching your abilities. Such tips are reminders rather than being particularlysurprising — do not sit back and rest on your laurels; ask for unvarnished feedback from peoplewho do not feel bullied into being nice about you; build diverse networks that might refineyour thinking about jobs and career development.
Although exercises such as finding five people who can help you “become a better person”might be a step too earnest for some readers, I particularly liked the suggestion of practisingways to feel comfortable in new environments, such as eating new cuisines. Rebranding atakeaway as a career development tool is new to me.
There are chapters too on resilience and anecdotes designed to make you feel good — forexample, Jack Ma’s application to the newly opened Kentucky Fried Chicken in his home town.Twenty-four people applied for jobs. Twenty-three were accepted. Yep, you guessed it, poor MrMa got turned down. Yet it turned out well for the founder of e-commerce site Alibaba, who isnow one of the richest men in China.
書中還有些章節(jié)講述抗壓能力,包含了一些旨在讓你感覺良好的軼聞,比如,馬云(Jack Ma)曾申請(qǐng)?jiān)谒募亦l(xiāng)新開業(yè)的肯德基(KFC)工作。一共有24個(gè)申請(qǐng)人。23人都獲得了錄取。是的,你猜對(duì)了,可憐的馬云被拒絕了。然而,他最終的結(jié)果是好的,作為電商網(wǎng)站阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的創(chuàng)始人,他現(xiàn)在是中國最富有的人士之一。
I doubt he did it through reading a book such as this, but it is a worthwhile guide on how torefresh your career and skills.