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時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享




  Jess: OK, so Tom, I've told you all about my beauty regime. You look very well groomed.Could you tell me what do you do to keep yourself looking good?


  Tom: Well, thank you Jess. I mean this look is the product of many stages of evolution. WhenI was a teenager, I had long hair pulled back in a pony-tail, but at that time I wasn't growing abeard yet so I did get mistaken for a girl, so since then I've had short hair. There have beensome periods when I've been traveling and when I'm traveling I don't like to bother too muchabout grooming, and my beard has started to grow, and it was a couple of years back that Iwent back to my job after traveling. I didn't have time to shave, and my colleagues andstudents saw me with a full beard, and to be honest they weren't as rude as I thought therewere going to be, and I thought well maybe this looks good, so I thought I'd keep that. Thebeard lasted perhaps a year and then it began disappearing and appearing according to mywhim and now I've settled on a goatee which is where I shave my cheeks and underneath mychin, but I keep the mustache and and beard around my mouth. I've never grown sideburnsbecause I'm a little embarrassed to say, I've never managed to get the connection betweenmy beard and my hair. There's a little gap just by my ears which never has quite grown hair, sothat's where we got to where we are today.


  Jess: And have you ever removed hair from, waxed or shaved or any other part method fromany other part of your body?


  Tom: Do you mean my legs? No, I have never shaved my legs. I'm not a very hairy guy, but Ijust don't feel comfortable with men shaving their legs. A friend at university was a cyclist andhe always shaved his legs and I thought it was strange because ... I mean, seriously, is windresistance that important that you need to shave your legs to get the extra bit of speed on abicycle, but he explained to me, "No", it's to do with evening after cycling and you have to get asports massage and a massage is much easier if you don't have hair on your legs. I alwaysthought it was about wind resistance, but I was completely wrong.


  Jess: So, it sounds like in comparison to mine your beauty regime is very simple.



  Tom: Jess, you were talking before about getting your hair done.


  Jess: Every month, I have my hair done. Well, every four to six weeks I have my hair done. Ihave highlights which is one color. They take small strands of the hair and color that so overallit looks like it's more sunkissed, like it's bleached in the sun. But then I also get a low-light putthrough it, which is less harmful to the hair and gives more volume to the color if you have twocolors, and that takes a long time to do. They wrap the hair they're going to color in foil and ittakes about half an hour for it to take effect and during that time they put a big ... I don'tknow how to describe it really. It's like a big helmut which releases hot air onto your hair,which speed up the process of the coloring, so it's quite long and drawn out. I usually getthrough two or three magazines while that's happening. And then they wash out all of thecolor, and I have a treatment to protect the hair because the color often makes it dry, so thecolors kinds of ... the treatments nourishing and moisturizing and they leave that on for abouttwenty minutes again so usually I fall asleep at that point, and then they'll rinse your hairand then cut it and style it so anything between two and a half and four hours, so much morecomplex and longer than you're half-an-hour short-back and sides. Yeah, I have a wholemonthly beauty regime. Every month I also go and get my nails done and I have a manicureand a pedicure simultaneously to save time. And I love that. It always feels decedent to haveone person working on your hands and another scrubbing away at your feet, and sometimes I'llhave like a matching polish which always makes me feel good. What else do I have done everymonth? I try to go for a massage and a facial once a month. At the moment, I'm doing like aworkout regime so I'm working out every day, so my muscles are aching a lot, especiallywhen I stand up and sit down, so I'm going for special ... what's the word ... ayurvedic. I'm notsure what the right word is: special massage where they really push down on your muscles andthen I have a facial afterwards. Yeah, I think that's about it. I think that's enough, no!


  Tom: Well, I don't envy all that time you spend! But you do look great.






