
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 英語情景對話 > 牛津校園生活情景對話:課外活動


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  A: James, have you decided which club to join in?


  J: Not yet! I’m not quite clear what clubs the University has.


  A: I just have some materials introducing the Oxford’s societies and clubs. Let’s skim over them together!


  J:Are there any introductions of dance societies or clubs? I’m crazy about dancing.


  A: Yeah! Look at the Oxford University Dancesport Club! It is the Oxford University’s largest sports club. The club was founded in 1968 and now has over 1,200 members.

  A:有!看這個牛津大學體育舞蹈俱樂部!它是牛津大學最大的體育會所。該俱 樂部成立于1968年,目前為止已經有1200多名會員了

  J: It sounds pretty good! Are there any special requirements to be a member?


  A: Not mentioned here! Its classes are open to everyone, including the one who doesn’t belong to the University. The classes also cater for all levels of experience.

  A:這里設有提到!它的課程對所有人開放,包括那些不是牛津大學的人。這些 課程的設置還照顧到了不同水平的學員。

  J: Great! That’s to say, everyone can. become a member of the club, as long as he or she has interest in dancing. By the way, what kinds of dance do the classes provide?

  J:太好了!也就是說只要對舞蹈感興趣,每個人都可以成為這個倶樂部的會員。 對了,都有些什么舞蹈課?

  A: Well... the styles of dance that are taught in classes include Ballroom dance, Latin-American dance, Salsa dance, Argentine Tango dance, as well as Hip-hop dance. Oh! The Oxford University Dancesport Team is so marvelous! It has been surprisingly the Intercontinental Champion for the last ten years, and placed either first or second in the Inter Varsity Dance Association competition for the past twenty years.

  A:哦……在課上教的舞蹈種類有交際舞、拉丁舞、薩爾薩舞、阿根廷探戈舞、 以及街舞。噢丨牛津大學體育舞蹈隊這么優(yōu)秀啊!它居然是過去10年的洲際 冠軍,并在過去的20年里在國際米蘭大學代表隊舞蹈聯盟比賽中排名第一或第二!

  J: Making such an achievement, the Oxford University Dancesport Club must have very excellent coaches!


  A: Let me see... Bruce Richardson, who is the Club’s Head Coach and has ultimate responsibility for all coaching,including the employment of other coaching staff. He is also responsible for team selection within the club and team. Moreover, Bruce has been the club’s ballroom coach for many years and has a unique record of success in university dancesport. Teams trained by him have been victorious at the national university championships on eleven occasions.

  A:讓我看一下……布魯斯•理查德森,他是這個俱樂部的主教練,他對整個訓練 負有最終責任,包括對其他敎練的雇用。布魯斯還負責從俱樂部和團隊中挑 選舞蹈隊員。此外,布魯斯常年在這個俱樂部教授交際舞,他在大學體育舞 蹈教學方面卓有成就。由他訓練的團隊在國立大學錦標賽的歷史上11次獲勝。

  J: What a pity! As a matter of fact, what I want to learn is Hip-hop dance, not Ballroom dance. However, I will still participate in the sportdance club. Well, what’s your choice?

  J:真遺憾!事實上,我想學的是街舞,而不是交際舞。不過,我還是會參加這 個體育舞蹈俱樂部的。那你的選擇是什么呢?

  A: I have decided to take part in the Oxford University Poetry Society. Since founded in 1946,it became the centre of poetic life within the University. I’m an inborn poetry lover.

  A:我決定參加牛津大學詰社。自從1946年成立以來,它就成為了牛津大學i寺 歌生活的中心。而我又是一個天生的詩歌愛好者。

  J: Well, how about the Poetry Society?


  A: The Poetry Society is the only regular provider of poetry readings in Oxford, and its weekly events on every Thursday are open to the public.

  A:這個詩社是牛津大學唯一有定期詩歌朗誦的社團,它每固四舉行的活動是對 公眾開放的。

  J: Who are the people who do the poetry readings?


  A: Historically, readers have included Ted Hughes and Dylan Thomas. In recent years, readers include the Poet Laureate Andrew Motion, as well as other renowned poets such as Paul Muldoon, Anne Stevenson, Craig Raine and Alice Oswald.

  A:在歷史上,朗誦者包括特德•休斯和狄蘭•托馬斯。近幾年,朗誦者包括桂冠 詰人安德魯•姆辛,以及其他著名詩人,如:保羅.馬爾登、安妮.史蒂文森、 克雷格•雷恩和愛麗絲•奧斯瓦德。

  J: Oh! I found the introduction of the Poetry Society. It holds writing workshops on Wednesdays, during which members read and critique one another’s work. It also administrates numerous other events, including open mic readings and collaboration with various college art festivals.

  J:噢!我找到這個詩社的介紹了。詩社每固三舉辦寫作研討會,屆時會員們將 閱讀并評論對方的作品。它還舉行很多別的活動,包括公開表演朗誦、以及 與各個學院合作舉辦藝術節(jié)。

  A: Quite right! The poetry society also disseminates information about university poetry competitions, including the Newdigate Prize, the Lord Alfred Douglas Memorial Prize and the Eugene Lee-Hamilton Prize.

  A:設錯!詩社還傳播關于大學詩歌競賽的信息,包括紐迪吉特獎、道格拉斯勛 爵紀念獎和尤金•李-漢密爾頓獎。

  J: There are so many activities in the poetiy society? You will be extremely busy this semester.


  A: Maybe! I’m looking forward to its first activity this term.


  J: Me too! Let us count down for that!


  A: All for it!



  牛津大學(University of Oxford),簡稱牛津(Oxford),是一所位于英國牛津市的世界著名公立研究型大學。實際創(chuàng)立日期仍不清楚,但有記錄的授課歷史可追溯到1096年,為英語世界中最古老的大學,也是世界上現存第二古老的高等教育機構,是世界著名研究型大學之一。牛津同時擁有全球最具規(guī)模的大學出版社,及全英最大型的大學圖書館系統(tǒng)。另外,牛津大學培養(yǎng)了眾多社會名人,包括了26位英國首相、60位諾貝爾獎得主以及數十位世界各國的皇室成員和政治領袖。