No.1 A big mouth 多嘴的人;自吹自擂的人;嘴不嚴的人
You know, you've got a big mouth.
To call him a big mouth is to say that he talks a lot.
No.2 Motor mouth 說話沒完沒了;沒完沒了的說話;滔滔不絕
Motor就是發(fā)動機。現(xiàn)在,你可以猜到什么是motor mouth了。Motor mouth就是那種滔滔不絕,除了喘氣之外,說話沒完的人。這種人的嘴巴就像一部機器,或汽車一樣,發(fā)動了以后就好象停不下來了。不過,雖然這樣的人有時會使得親戚朋友感到難受,但是,除了這個不太好的習(xí)慣以外,他們也可能是很好相處的人。下面這個例子就是在說一個說話沒完的人。
Dick is a nice guy. But he's such a motor mouth that people avoid talking to him. He just can't stop talking, and nobody else has a chance to get a word in the conversation.
The Rosens' friend David is a real motor mouth. I never go to any event when he's invited. He talks on forever, jumping from topic to topic like he knows everything. But for some reason the Rosens seem to like him.
No.3 Foot in mouth disease 出言不當
Foot就是一只腳,disease就是病。Foot in mouth disease從字面上來解釋,它的意思就是,把腳放在嘴巴里的病。當一個小娃娃把自己的小腳放到嘴巴里去的時候,人們會覺得很好玩。但是,要是一個大人想這么做的話,他就會顯得很傻,很愚蠢,就像你意識到自己說錯了話一樣。下面是一個典型的出言不當?shù)睦印?/p>
Well, Pete did it again! He asked Mister Jones what his wife was doing these days. I guess he'd forgotten Missus Jones died last fall. Poor Pete: I have never seen a worse case of foot in mouth disease.
得!比德又犯了同樣的毛病 。他問瓊斯先生他的太太最近在干什么。我想他把瓊斯太太去年秋天去世的事給忘了??闪娴谋鹊?。我從來沒有見過比這樣出語不當更嚴重的了。"
David is trying very hard to make up with his wife. But his sister said at the party last night that she would never live under the same roof with her husband if he had an affair like David. She has a real case of foot in mouth disease!
No.4 mouthy child 多嘴的孩子
For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she might be described as a mouthy child.
No.5 mouth off 粗魯?shù)卣f;頂嘴;胡說;自吹自擂;傲慢無禮
His earnings are probably not that high. He's always shooting his mouth off.
You should have heard her mouth off to the teacher.
Don't mouth off at me young man! Where are your manners?
They happened to have the soldier shooting his mouth off about the camp's defence system.
One day, he walks with a cane went to the street, suddenly saw a lame man came and mouth off some phrases.
No.6 live from hand to mouth 勉強糊口度日
When I had no job last winter, I had to live from hand to mouth.
For him, let him work as long as those who live from hand to mouth, he will be satisfied.
We live from hand to mouth because my father is an accountant with a low salary.