A: I just love travelling! Whenever I go somewhere new, I feel like I am in seventh heaven.
B: Yes, it is very exciting and thrilling to go somewhere you have never been before.
A: I am as high as a kite when I am having a great adventure in another country.
A: 我就是喜歡旅行。我每到一個新的地方,就仿佛到了天堂一樣,心情特好。
B: 是的,去自己從沒去過的地方是件興奮、刺激的事。
A: 國外難忘的旅行經(jīng)歷讓我激動不已。
feel like: 感覺到。
in seventh heaven: 形容非常快樂和幸福。seventh heaven,七重天、極樂世界,被認(rèn)為是幸福和快樂的最高等級。
as high as a kite: 指處于極好的心情之中,情緒如同高飛的風(fēng)箏一般。
adventure: 冒險活動;驚險活動。
A: She was flying high when she heard she had been admitted to the MBA program.
B: Well, she certainly worked very hard to prepare for it.
A: I am sure she will be floating all week.
A: 她聽說自己被MBA項目錄取后,高興得不得了。
B: 她確實下功夫準(zhǔn)備了。
A: 我看,這夠她興奮一個禮拜的。
fly high: 指某人的心情像是高飛的鳥一樣,處在一種非常好的心情之中,對于自己感到驕傲而快樂。
admit to: 承認(rèn);許可進(jìn)入。
prepare for: 為……做準(zhǔn)備。
floating: 漂浮的,浮動的。用來形容在一種狂喜的感覺之中,感覺心靈和頭腦都非常的輕快,有一種無重量的感覺。