
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 英語情景對話 > 英語簡單對話


時間: 楚欣650 分享





  JAKE: Hi! My name is Jake. We haven't met before, have we?

  DEBBIE: No, we haven't! My name is Debbie.

  JAKE: Nice to meet you, Debbie!

  DEBBIE: Nice to meet you, too, Jake.

  JAKE: Are you a new student?

  DEBBIE: Yes, I am. What about you?

  JAKE: Yeah, me too!

  JAKE: What're you studying here?

  DEBBIE: Journalism. I want to be a journalist. What about you?

  JAKE: I'm doing law. But I'm thinking of doing business studies instead.

  DEBBIE: Do they allow you to change?




  1 Jake使用了Hi這個問候詞。這個詞適用于比較隨意的場合或者正式場合下彼此非常熟識的人之間。

  2 Jake和Debbie在介紹自己和稱呼對方的時候都在用彼此名字的第一個字。如果兩人第一次見面就直接用名字的第一個字相互稱呼,這就暗示他們想讓接下來的談話無拘無束,閑散自在一些。

  3 兩個人談話的語氣和內容都顯得輕松,隨意。

  再來看一段James Taylor和Wang Dong之間的對話。James Taylor是AEC Advertising 的總裁,Wang Dong是China Bright Advertising Company 外事處的秘書。她負責到機場去接從未謀面的James Taylor。

  Wang Dong: Good morning. Are you James Taylor?

  James Taylor: Yes, and ...

  Wang Dong: Welcome to Beijing, President Taylor. I'm Wang Dong, the secretary of the foreign affairs office from China Bright Advertising Company. Please call me Wang.

  James Taylor: Oh, nice to meet you, Wang.

  Wang Dong: Nice to meet you, too. How was the flight?

  James Taylor: It was OK, though I feel a bit tired.

  Wang Dong: Would you like me to help you with the luggage?

  James Taylor: Oh, thank you.

  Wang Dong: Please follow me to the gate. The company car is waiting for you outside.


  1 二個人用 Nice to meet you 相互問候。

  2 Wang Dong 在自我介紹的時候不僅說了自己的姓名,還說了自己的職務和此行的身份。

  3 Wang Dong 稱呼對方為President Taylor,這是一種正式的稱呼,而不是用Mr. James或者James。

  4 Wang Dong 的用語十分禮貌,恭敬。


  Brief greetings:

  -- Hi! (for informal situation)

  -- Hello! (for informal situation)

  -- Hullo! (for informal situation)

  -- Good morning/afternoon/evening. (for more formal situation)

  Extended greetings at the first meeting:

  -- Nice to meet you. (-- Nice to meet you, too.)

  -- How do you do! (--Nice to meet you.) (for more formal situation)


  1. Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你。

  二個素不認識的老美見面打招呼的方式很簡單,就是一個人先說"Nice to meet you", 另一個人說 "Nice to meet you, too",然后相互握手。但人多的時候, 你不可能一個一個說 "Nice to meet you",這時簡單說"Hi" 就可以了,但這么說不適用于比較正式的場合。

  2. Give me a hug.給我一個擁抱吧。

  如果兩個人相識已久,見面再說"Nice to meet you" 反而顯得有點見外。這時候通常問候一句 "How are you doing" 或者 "What's up" 比較好一些。如果兩個人還是不錯的朋友,就會彼此擁抱一下。當然啦,擁抱之前不一定要說 "Give me a hug",只要看到人家張開雙手,你就可以迎上去擁抱啦。

  3. Do you want to exchange numbers? 你想不想交換電話呢?

  如果是學生的社交場合,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。這時你可以嘗試跟對方交換電話號碼。你可以說 "Do you want to exchange numbers" 或是直截了當要對方的電話 "Could I have your phone number"。當然,第一次見面就要對方電話感覺好像怪怪的,所以你也可以跟對方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。總之要什么就根據(jù)當時的情況和你個人的企圖來定了。


  Talking About Part-time Jobs


  Things to Know 學前必讀?

  美國人崇尚自立。許多年輕人在課余時間做臨時工作(part-time job),有些學生還能夠掙錢交納部分學費。這樣既減輕了家長的經濟負擔,又證明了自己的能力。美國青年把自食其力看做是光彩的事。?

  Conversation A : At an Amusement Park? MARTIN: Good afternoon. How are you??

  CAST: Fine, thanks. OK. Good afternoon. Hi. How are you? Great.?

  MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. Thank you for coming this afternoon. Tell me

  about your jobs. Let's start with you. Who are you??

  CELIA: I'm Celia Chan.?

  MARTIN: Where do you live??

  CELIA: I live at 12 Coolidge Street.?

  MARTIN: What do you do??

  CELIA: I'm a sales person. I sell things.

  MARTIN: Where do you sell things?

  CELIA: I work at the General Store.?

  MARTIN: What do you sell??

  CELIA: Oh-candy-T-shirts.?

  MARTIN: Thank you, Celia. Now, who are you?

  RALPH: I'm Ralph Beck.?

  MARTIN: How old are you, Ralph?

  RALPH: I'm sixteen years old.?

  MARTIN: Celia, how old are you??

  CELIA: I'm sixteen.?

  MARTIN: Ralph, where do you work??

  RALPH: I work at the Frontier Restaurant.

  MARTIN: What do you do??

  RALPH: I'm a waiter.?

  MARTIN: When do you work??

  RALPH: I work on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.?

  MARTIN: Celia, when do you work??

  CELIA: I work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

  MARTIN: Thanks. And who are you?

  DON: I'm Don Tharp.?

  MARTIN: Where do you live??

  DON: I live at six twenty-eight Monroe Street.?

  MARTIN: How old are you??

  DON: I'm seventeen years old.?

  MARTIN: Where do you go to school??

  DON: I go to school at Northwest High School.?

  MARTIN: Ralph, where do you go to school??

  RALPH: At Central High School.?

  MARTIN: Celia, where do you go to high school??

  CELIA: I go to school at South High School.

  MARTIN: Thanks. Don, what do you do??

  DON: I'm a lifeguard.?

  MARTIN: You're a swimmer??

  DON: Yes, I'm a good swimmer.?

  MARTIN: Wonderful! When do you work??

  DON: I work on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. I work at a supermarket on


  MARTIN: What do you do at the supermarket??

  DON: I'm a stock boy. I put things on the shelves.?

  MARTIN: Who are you??

  KRISTIE: I'm Kristie Wasserman.?

  MARTIN: When do you work??

  KRISTIE: I work everyday-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,

  Saturday and Sunday.?

  MARTIN: That's a lot.?

  KRISTIE: I only work two hours a day.