


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享



  Waitress: Good evening. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,您訂座位了嗎?

  Jim: No, we don't. 沒有。

  Waitress: How many people are you together? 你們一共多少人?

  Jim: Just two people. 就兩位。

  Waitress: Would you like to sit in a smoking section, a non-smoking section or whatever comes open first? 你們要吸煙區(qū)還是非吸煙區(qū),或是有空位就行?

  Jim: We prefer non-smoking section. 我們要非吸煙區(qū)。

  Waitress: I am awfully sorry but there are no vacancies left now. Would you like to wait for a moment? 十分抱歉,現(xiàn)在非吸煙區(qū)還暫時(shí)沒有座位。您能稍等一會(huì)兒?jiǎn)?

  Jim: How long a wait do you think there’ll be? 我們要等多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?

  Waitress: I think about ten minutes. 我想大約十分鐘。

  Jim: Ok, we'll wait a while. 好吧,那我們就等一會(huì)兒。(十分鐘之后)

  Waitress: I am sorry for making you wait so long. Now there is a table available in non-smoking section. Please follow me. 非常抱歉讓你們等了這么久?,F(xiàn)在在非吸煙區(qū)有空位了。請(qǐng)跟我來。

  Jim: Thank you. 謝謝。

  Waitress: This is the menu. Are you ready to order now? 這是菜單。您現(xiàn)在可以點(diǎn)菜了嗎?

  Jim: Well, I think I'd like to have a tomato sausage soup first. And the same for him, please. 我想先點(diǎn)一個(gè)番茄香腸湯。他也要同樣的。

  Waitress: Yes, and what would you like to drink? 好。那么喝些什么呢?

  Jim: One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer please. 請(qǐng)拿一瓶紅葡萄酒和一瓶啤酒。

  Waitress: Would you like a dessert? 要不要甜點(diǎn)?

  Jim: What special kind of desserts do you have? 你們有什么特色甜品?

  Waitress: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding. 檸檬派,糖油煎餅,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。

  Jim: Well, I think we will order after we finish the main course. 等我們吃過主菜再點(diǎn)吧。

  Waitress: All right. I'll bring your soup right away. 好的,湯馬上就來。


  Woman: What is this? I didn't order that. 這是什么呀?我點(diǎn)的不是這個(gè)菜。

  Waiter: I'm terribly sorry. May I have your order again? I'll get it right away. 實(shí)在是太抱歉了,您再講一下您點(diǎn)的是什么好嗎?我馬上去換您的菜。

  Woman: I've ordered savory pork and coleslaw. 我叫的是美味豬肉和涼拌卷心菜。

  Waiter: I'm sorry. I must have made a mistake. I'll bring them for you at once. 對(duì)不起,是我的錯(cuò)。我馬上把您的菜端上來。

  Woman: Hey! What is this? 喂,這是什么?

  Waiter: Pardon me, Miss. But didn't you order chicken soup? 對(duì)不起,小姐。這不是您叫的雞湯嗎?

  Woman: Oh, Is that what this is? 噢,就是這個(gè)?

  Waiter: I believe so. But if it really bothers you, I'll replace it for you. 我想是的。不過如果您覺得喝得不舒服的話,我可以給您換一個(gè)。

  Woman: No, don't replace it. Give a refund. 不用換了,給我退錢吧。

  Waiter: Sorry. I'm afraid we can't. But you may order something else instead. 抱歉,這恐怕不行。但您可以叫個(gè)其他的菜來代替。

  Woman: Oh, really? Give me a clam soup. 噢,真的嗎?給我來個(gè)蛤蜊湯。

  Waiter: Okay, Miss. 好的,小姐。

  Woman: Thank you. 謝謝。

  Waiter: I hope you enjoy your dinner. 希望您吃的開心。


  Anna: Excuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food. 打擾了,我想嘗嘗中國菜。

  Waiter: We serve excellent Chinese food. Which style do you prefer? 我們這里有很好的中國菜。您喜歡什么風(fēng)味?

  Anna: I know nothing about Chinese food. Could you give me some suggestions? 我對(duì)中國菜一無所知。您能給我一些建議嗎?

  Waiter: It's divided into 8 big cuisines such as Cantonese food, Shandong food, Sichuan food etc. 中國菜分成八大菜系,如粵菜、魯菜和川菜等等。

  Anna: Is there any difference? 有什么不同嗎?

  Waiter: Yes, Cantonese food is lighter while Shandong food is heavier and spicy. 粵菜清淡適中,而魯菜則味重香濃。

  Anna: How about Sichuan food? 川菜怎么樣?

  Waiter: Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot. They taste differently. 川菜大都麻辣濃香,并且他們的味道

  Anna: Oh, really. I like hot food. So what is your recommendation for me? 噢,其實(shí)我喜歡吃辣一點(diǎn)的。所以您推薦我吃什么?

  Waiter: I think Mapo bean curd and shredded meat in chili sauce are quite special and delicious. We have a Sichuan food dining room. May I suggest you to go there? It's on the third floor. 我覺得麻婆豆腐和魚香肉絲味道不錯(cuò)。我們有四川菜餐廳??梢越ㄗh您去那里嗎?它在三樓。

  Anna: Thank you. 謝謝您。

  Waiter: It's my pleasure. 很高興為您服務(wù)。






