A: Man, I got another parking ticket. I am so unlucky--what can I do?
B: Was your car where it wasn't supposed to be, or did you stay there too long?
A: I was in an area where I wasn't supposed to park.
B: Could you tell where you were supposed to park and for how long?
A: I could tell what I was supposed to do.
B: That's too bad. That means that you can't use receipts or a witness to help you out.
A: I guess not.
B: Try brown-nosing the judge, but don't be too obvious about it.
A: Sure, if it will help.
B: Try and convince him that something was labeled wrong or something.
A: Sounds good!
B: Give it your best shot; it might work.
A: Where should I park?
B: Do you have a car or motorbike?
A: I drive a scooter
B: In that case, you can park either in a student lot or on the street. Are you aware of the markedhandicapped spots?
A: No, I haven't seen those spots.
B: The handicapped logo with blue means that you are not to park there unless you have a handicapped permit. Will you mostly be parking during the day or night?
A: I park in the daytime.
B: Make sure you pay special attention to the street signs with time limits. Have you noticed those signs?
A: No, I have not seen the signs.
B: Pay attention to what the signs tell you in terms of time limits and what days you can park there. Do you know what the curb colors mean?
A: No, I don't know what the curb colors mean.
B: Just remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means loading and unloading only. I think you'll be good to go!
A: I'll need a parking permit for next semester.
B: Do you attend school during the day or only at night?
A: I only attend class part-time in the evenings.
B: Do you drive a motorcycle or an automobile?
A: I have both, but I usually use my car to get to school.
B: Great, the price for that permit is thirty dollars; cash, check, or credit card?
A: I'll pay cash.
B: Do you need to buy a duplicate permit for a second vehicle?
A: No, thank you.
B: OK, here is your permit; enjoy the new semester.