A: My library books are late; where can I put them?
B: This is where they need to be turned in. Let me see them to check the date, OK?
A: Yeah, I think that they are really late!
B: Not all that late. You only owe the library fifty cents.
A: What if I can't pay it?
B: We appreciate you paying off all fines as soon as possible, but always before the end of thesemester.
A: Yeah, I get it.
B: Your report card and transcripts will be held until you pay all fines, so always make sure that you do that.
A: That's not really fair!
B: If we aren't here, always feel free to use the night drop outside. Thanks for coming in!
A: Whoa, I never saw a meter like this before; how do you use it?
B: It's simple, once you do it a few times. Do you know how the old one worked?
A: I never used a parking meter before.
B: So we start out by deciding whether you will use cash or a credit or debit card.
A: Cash.
B: Fine, can you read the rate on the display?
A: Yes, I can.
B: Fine. Now that we know what they are ripping us off for, insert the payment.
A: I'd rather not pay, but I have to.
B: Fine, this machine does not ask you the number of your spot, so we can move on, all right?
A: Perfect, let's do it.
B: Now just check the meter to see how many minutes you have.
A: These books should have been turned in last week.
B: You have come to the correct place. Hand me your books.
A: Here they are.
B: Whoa, these are pretty late! You owe five dollars total to clear your fine.
A: I don't have the money right now.
B: We only require that all fines must be paid off by the end of the semester. So you will be okay to go.
A: What would happen if I didn't pay it?
B: It's really important to always clear your fines, so you'll get a report card and transcripts on time.
A: Yeah, but I don't know how they can do that.
B: Always remember that the night drop is here, and we really appreciate you returning your books for all to use.