A: Glad to meet you. I am the manager of the HR department. And you are Chen Chen from Hefei university, aren’t you?
A:你好,我是這家公司的人力資源部經(jīng)理。 你是合肥大學的陳沉,是嗎?
B: Yes, I come to apply for the post of customs declawer.
A: It's a long way here from your campus, isn’t It?
B: That’s all right. The traffic condition today is good and the bus was fast, so it didn’t take much time.
B:還可以吧,今天路上比較順,車開得也比 較快,所以時間不算太長。
A: We will have a short interview in the following period of time. Don’t be nervous. Let’s just chat casually. I think it will be better in this form.
A:那在我們接下來的時間會進行一個簡短 的面談,你不要太緊張,只是隨意地聊天 吧。我想這樣的一種形式比較好。
B: OK.
A: Do you have a declaration certificate?
B: Yes, I have. In 2010,I passed national qualification exam for customs declarers.
B:我有。2010年,我通過了全國報關(guān)員資 格考試。
A: OK. You know people who just pass the exam can apply to the Customs for the qualification for declarers.
A:好的,你知道考試合格者才可以向海關(guān) 申請取得報關(guān)員資格。
B: Yes. I have prepared many years for this.
A: Do you know the duty of them?
B: They shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning the customs declaration, carry out their activities.
B:他們應按照國家和海關(guān)法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定 和要求開展報關(guān)活動。
A: Good. Do you have any questions?
B: No.
A: OK. We will stop here. We'll inform you the result of the interview in a week. If you are to pass this round interview, you may have an interview with my boss. Just wait for our information.
A:那好,我們今天的面試就到這里,我們會 在一星期以內(nèi)通知你面試的結(jié)果。如果 你通過了這一輪面試,你有可能還會和 我的上司進行一次面試,請等待我們的 消息。
B: Thank you. Goodbye.
A: Glad to see you. I’m the audit manager of the office. We will do an interview in the following half an hour. First, would you like to introduce yourself?
A:你好,我是這家事務所的審計經(jīng)理。接 下來我們大概會花半小時左右的時間來 做一個面試。首先,介紹一下你自己吧。
B: Glad to see you. My name is Xu Qiang and I majored in international politics in Shandong Finance University. I have come to apply for the post of auditor. Because of my major, I have many classmates who failed to enter this round interview. I believe that I entered this round because of my strengths and I will also make good use of this chance.
B:您好,我叫徐強,曾就讀于山東財經(jīng)大學 國際政治專業(yè)。我今天到貴公司來應聘 審計員的職位。因為專業(yè)的關(guān)系,我的 很多同學沒有能夠通過篩選進人這一輪 面試。我相信自己是有實力才進入這一 輪面試的,同樣我也會好好把握這次機 會。
A: Now, would you talk about your understanding of auditing?
B: My understanding of audit is: entering an enterprise as a third party and doing some common auditing according to some tables. At the same time, notice whether there is any risk existing in the company and whether the process control is reasonable. I think that is all the content.
B:我理解的審計工作是,作為第三方進入 一個企業(yè),根據(jù)一些報表進行一些常規(guī) 的審計,同時注意這個企業(yè)還有其他什 么風險存在,企業(yè)的控制流程是否合理 規(guī)范。我認為工作的內(nèi)容就是這樣的。
A: Do you like this job as to the working content?
A:那針對這樣的工作內(nèi)容,你是否喜歡這 份工作呢?
B: I guess I like it very much. Auditing is the work I have wanted to undertake for long. Because as an auditor, I will meet different companies in different industries and it can broaden my horizons and make me understand more a-bout more industries. What’s more, I like going around and visiting different places. So I think I will like this job.
B:我想我是十分喜歡這樣的工作的。審計 是我一直以來想從事的工作,因為作為一名審計員,可以接觸到不同的行業(yè)、不 同的公司,可以擴大我的閱歷,使我對許 多行業(yè)有了解。而且我這個人比較喜歡 跑跑客戶,到不同的地方去,所以我想我 是會喜歡審計這樣的工作的。
A: You have to know that auditing uses mature theories to solve problems, so it will sometimes be boring. Besides, we are in a service industry and now and then we bear high pressure. Ifs not simply going around as you imagined. It’s not travelling. Faced with such a situation, will you still say that you like it?
A:但你也要知道,審計這項工作是用比較 成熟的理論來解決問題的,所以有時候 會顯得很枯燥。并且,我們是對客戶進 行服務的行業(yè),很多時候壓力也是非常 大的。并不是你所想的簡單地跑跑客 戶,去各個地方,好像游玩一樣。面對這 樣一個情況,你還會說你很喜歡這樣的 工作嗎?
B: We have to admit that it is a big change for everyone to graduate from the university. In fact, no matter what kind of job you get, as long as you hope you will have a career of your own instead of just earning a subsistence wage, as long as you have such a goal in your mind, you must be prepared for the boredom of the work and the pressure the work will bring to you. When it comes to liking something or not, I think people like different things. I am a man who will be delighted to deal with data and tables, so I don’t think I will feel it boring.
B:應該這樣說,每個人從大學畢業(yè),都必須 面對一個非常大的轉(zhuǎn)變過程,其實不管 去什么地方工作,只要并不是想隨便找 一份工作來糊口,而是希望自己有一番 事業(yè),只要抱著這樣的目的,都要有心理 準備,這份工作會有一些枯燥,會有一定 的壓力。那如果說喜歡與否的話,每個 人喜歡的東西都是不同的,我是那種覺 得與數(shù)據(jù)、圖表打交道很快樂的人,所以 我不會覺得枯燥。
A: If you manage to get this job, I think it is several months before you formally come to our company to work. What do you plan to do in this period?
A:如果你真的應聘成功,距離你來我們公 司正式工作還有好幾個月的時間,在這 段時間你計劃做什么呢?
B: On the one hand, I have said, I’ll start earlier because my major doesn't match. So I have a lot of knowledge and information to command and this will occupy a large part of my time. And in the rest of my time, I will party with my classmates and relax myself. Studying in university is an important phase in my life, and as it has ended, what follows is work. There are a lot of things for me to learn, so I must keep myself healthy physically and mentally.
B:—方面,我前面已經(jīng)說過,因為專業(yè)不對 口,我必須“先飛”,所以有很多的專業(yè)知 識和信息等我去了解,這將會花去我很 大一部分時間。另外一部分的時間,我 會用來和同學聚會并好好放松自己。因 為結(jié)束了大學這樣一個人生的重要階 段,接下來就是工作了,有很多新的東西 要我去學,需要保持一份良好的心態(tài)和身體狀態(tài)。
A: I totally agree with you that you should relax before you come to work. Now I have no question for you any more, and do you have any question to ask me?
A:我完全同意你的想法,我也贊成你在正 式加入工作之前很好地放松一下。我這 里已經(jīng)沒有問題了,你還有什么需要問 我的嗎?
B: I would be glad to know that if I am lucky enough to join your company in August, what the plan that follow is there any training?
B:我是想問一下,如果我8月份加人貴公 司的話,接下來的安排會是怎樣的?有 培訓需要參加嗎?
A: Generally speaking, all the new employees will have a three-month training. You will be informed with the detailed introduction of our company. The detailed working pattern and the detailed content of working tables will be the content of the training. After three months, everyone will be in different states and maybe some colleagues will participate in some projects.
A:基本上所有新加人的員工都會有一個為 期3個月的人職培訓。在這個培訓中, 會對公司的情況進行詳細介紹。具體的 工作方式、工作表格的具體內(nèi)容都是培 訓的內(nèi)容。3個月之后,每個人的情況會 不同,可能有的同事會加人到項目中去。
B: Another question is that if I can get the offer, what will you suggest me doing in the next few months?
B:還有一個問題,就是如果我能拿到貴公 司的錄用通知書的話,您對我未來幾個 月的規(guī)劃有什么建議呢?
A: I think your plan is quite comprehensive. As to me, I think you should prepare for your future work and on the other hand, as I said, you need a good rest. And you should also party with your classmates for ifs hard to get such a chance later and you should set up a solid relationship with them.
A:我覺得你的規(guī)劃已經(jīng)比較全面了,就我 個人而言,一方面你要對未來的工作做 準備,另一方面我也說過你需要很好的 休息,再有你也的確需要和同學更多地 聚會,因為以后很難有這樣的機會,你應 當與他們建立一個穩(wěn)固的關(guān)系。
B: Thank you. I have no question any more.
A: OK. Let’s stop here. Goodbye.
B: Goodbye.
A: Good morning, Ms. Sally, I am Wen Qiong.
B: Oh, come in, Ms. Wen. Take this seat. I’ve been expecting you. Do you know what made me decide to meet you?
B:哦,文女士,請進。坐這兒。我正等您。 您知道我為什么決定面試您嗎?
A: No, I don’t. What was it, please?
B: Your CPA certificate did. We think an accountant with a CPA certificate usually performs better than those without. Are you confident that you can do better than our present accountants without a CPA certificate?
B:是您的注冊會計師證書。我們認為,獲得注冊會計師證書的會計,通常都比沒 有獲得的干得出色。您有沒有信心,能 比我們現(xiàn)在沒有獲得注冊會計師證書的 會計干得出色?
A: I think am quite competent for the job. I received seven years of formal education in accounting, that is, four years of undergraduate and three years of graduate, I obtained two degrees in accounting. Both from the famous university, the Centre University of Finance and Economics. Further, I have got two years full-time experience. The honors and awards I listed in the resume are persuasive evidences of my qualifications and achievements. In fact I’ve been successful in this field, but I hope I can do better than ever before.
A:我想能勝任這份工作。我受過7年的會 計正規(guī)教育,也就是,4年的本科和3年 的研究生。我獲得了著名學府——中央 財經(jīng)大學的兩個學位。另外,我還有2 年的全日制工作經(jīng)驗和4年的打工經(jīng) 驗。我在簡歷中所列的榮譽和獎勵是我 能力和成就的最好證明。實際上,我在 會計領(lǐng)域是很成功的了,但我還希望取 得更大的成就。
B: You know our accounting operations are mostly computerized. Do you think you can cope with them?
B:我們的會計事務,多數(shù)是用計算機操作 管理的。您能勝任嗎?
A: One of the courses I earned at college is Computerized Accounting. From this course I learned the knowledge and skills to apply computer to accounting. Also I learned some computer courses, so I am very skillful at computer operations and using programs such as Office, AutoCAD, SPSS and so on. I am also good at writing programs in C language.
A:我在校學的一門課程是電算化會計,從 中我學到了把計算機運用于會計的知識 和技能。另外,我還學了些計算機課程。 所以,我能熟悉地操作計算機,熟練地使 用諸如Office、AutoCAD、SPSS等的程 序,還擅長用C語言編程。
B: By the way, do you know anything a-bout our salary system?
A: Nothing but that you pay higher than most foreign capital companies in this city.
B: As a general practice, the starting salary for an accountant with a CPA certificate ranges from ,000 to $ 3,500 a month. Depending upon your performance, raises may be offered after a trial use of two months. You can also enjoy fringe benefits such as monthly bonus, 20 days' paid vacation a year, life and health insurance. An average accountant earns about ,000 a month.
B: 一般說來,對于有注冊會計師證書的會 計,起薪每月在3000?3500美元之間。 經(jīng)過兩個月的試用后,依據(jù)表現(xiàn),還有加 薪。另外還有些福利,如:每月獎金、每 年20天帶薪假期、人身保險和健康保 險。一般的會計大概每月可領(lǐng)5000美 元左右。
A: That sounds OK to me.