
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 英語情景對話 > 簡單的面試英語對話精選


時間: 韋彥867 分享




  A: All right, Mr. Su. Tell me more about your previous experience.

  A:好吧,蘇先生。多告訴我一些之前的工 作經驗。

  B: Yes, madam. I worked with two trading companies and one computer company after I left the army. In all of the three jobs I worked as a salesman.

  B:是的,女士。退伍后我在兩家貿易公司 和一家電腦公司工作。在這3份工作 中,我都是擔任業(yè)務員。

  A: I see. Then tell me why you chose to be a salesman.

  A:我明白了。那么告訴我你為何選擇要當 業(yè)務員。

  B: I’m an outgoing person and like to talk to people. Ifs the main reason I enjoy being a salesmen Besides, there is nothing that can be compared to the pleasure of success when a deal is settled through my efforts.

  B:我是個性格外向的人而且喜歡和人交 流,這就是我喜歡當業(yè)務員的主要原因。 此外,沒有任何事情比得上經由自己的 努力洽談而完成交易時那種成功的喜悅了。

  A: Exactly. What goals do you have in five years time?


  B: I hope that I could be a sales manager like you or become a top salesperson who has outstanding business achievements.

  B:我希望我能成為像您一樣的業(yè)務經理, 或者是擁有杰出業(yè)績的頂尖業(yè)務員。

  Good. It seems that you have great work ambitions. Do you also like office work?

  A:很好??磥砟阍诠ぷ魃嫌羞h大的追求。 你也喜歡在辦公室工作嗎?

  Sure. I'll be a director someday, so I must be familiar with It. Before that, however, I’d prefer working outside the office since there will still be many things I have to learn.

  B:當然喜歡。將來有朝一日我將成為主 管,所以我必須熟悉這份工作。但是在 此之前,我比較喜歡去跑外務,因為還有許多事情是我所必須要學習的。

  A: I believe you’ll be good at both of them. Some people nowadays don’t want to work hard. Many are just looking for an easy job with a high salary.

  A:我相信你都可以干得很好?,F在有些人 不想勤奮地工作,就只想找輕松而且待 遇高的工作。

  B: Well, it’s my belief that a young man should involve himself in as much social and work experience as he can. I also firmly believe that only diligent work can lead to success, and make success valuable and significant.

  B:嗯,我的信念是一個年輕人應該盡可能 地汲取社會經驗和工作經驗。我也堅信 唯有勤奮地工作才會成功,也才會使得 成功來得有價值、有意義。

  A: That’s right. Well, I’m sure you’ll like working here. Let me ask you one more question. Do you know anything about wireless communication?

  A:沒錯。嗯,我確信你會喜歡在這里工作 的。讓我再問你一件事。你懂無線通訊 嗎?

  B: I’m afraid not, but I’m glad to learn new things.


  A: There’ll be a three-month training session for new salesmen. And you’ll learn professional knowledge and skills about wireless communication.

  A:新進的業(yè)務員都有為期3個月的職務訓 練。你將會學習到有關無線通訊的專業(yè) 知識和技能。

  B: Would you please explain more about the job?

  B:能否請您為我多說明一下這份工作,好 嗎?

  A: Sure. The major part of your duties will be to search out new customers. During the week, you work from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. and Saturdays and Sundays will be off. And if you work well, you’ll be very well-paid. In addition, we also offer a yearly bonus.

  A:當然可以。你的主要工作是開發(fā)新的客 戶。一星期中的工作時間是早上8點到 下午6點,星期六和星期天不用上班。 如果你表現好的話,會得到非常好的收 入。此外,每年還會有紅利。

  B: Thank you very much.


  A: Not at all. We’ll let you know the result in three days. Thank you for coming.

  A:不客氣。3天之內我們會告知你結果。 謝謝你來面試。


  A: Your resume indicates that you have no formal education in business or marketing. Please tell me why you apply for marketing position?

  A:你的簡歷表明您沒有受過商務或市場營 銷方面的正規(guī)教育。請告訴我,你為什 么申請市場營銷這個職位?

  B: Well, I worked as a project-coordinator in Beijing Real Estate Company. I came up with a number of big programs and successfully marketed them to the local contractors and they found my talent and just gave me more marketing and promotional responsibilities.

  B:嗯,我在北京房地產公司干過項目協調 員,我搶先接了幾個大工程,并成功推銷給了當地承包商。他們發(fā)現了我的才 能,就讓我負責更多的市場和促銷工作。

  A: Great. But you stayed with your first employer for only half a year. Could you please tell me why you quit that job?

  A:很好。不過你和你第一位雇主才相處了 半年,能告訴我你為什么辭去那份工作嗎?

  B: No equal pay and no bonus.


  A: Oh, I see. That is the reason for you to switch to a more competitive, money-oriented field.

  A:我明白了。這就是您轉向有競爭力的、 掙錢多的職業(yè)的原因。

  B: Yes. I want to look for a new job based on my experience in coordinating projects. I find I am very successful and really enjoy marketing and promotions.

  B:是的。我想根據我的項目協調經驗找份 新工作。我認為我是成功的,而且我確 實喜歡做市場、搞促銷。

  A: We really need talent for food and beverage marketing promotion in Northeast of China. I think you are the perfect person we are looking for.

  A:我們確實需要在東北地區(qū)搞食品、飲料 市場促銷的能人。我想你就是我們要找 的合適人選。

  B: Thank you.



  A: Good morning. My name is Zhao Yan. I read your advertisement in yesterday’s Morning Paper for the positions of sales representatives in the Southwest. I am very interested in It.

  A:上午好。我叫趙研。我從昨天《晨報》上 的廣告中得知貴公司要在西南地區(qū)招聘 幾名銷售代表。我對此很感興趣。

  B: Yes, we do have such an advertisement. I’m glad you like it. Take a seat, Miss Zhao.

  B:是的。我們的確登了這樣一份廣告。很 高興你喜歡這工作。請坐,趙小姐。

  A: Thank you.


  B: Have you had any experience with sales work?


  A: Yes, I have. In fact, I worked for Benetton Company, a foreign trading company, for nearly two years, where I established business ties with several firms.

  A:是的,我有。實際上,我為貝納通公司, 一家外貿公司,工作了近兩年。我為該 公司建立了幾個業(yè)務關系。

  B: What do you exactly do at that company?


  A: Visiting customers, dispatching consignments and things like that.


  B: Did you like your work?


  A: Yes, I did.


  B: But when and why did you leave the company?


  A: I left it two months ago. I didn't think I could learn much there, and there were not many opportunities for self-development.

  A;我是兩個月前離開的。我認為在那兒學 不到多少東西,并且那里也沒有多少自 我發(fā)展的機會。

  B: I see. Why do you choose our company?


  A: I’ve informed that there are many opportunities to develop myself in your company. Besides, I grew up in a city in the Southwest. I have lots of acquaintances in the region, which might help to push the sale.

  A:我了解到貴公司有許多發(fā)展機會。另 外,我是在西南地區(qū)一座城市長大的。 我在該地區(qū)有許多熟人,可能有助于銷 售。

  B: Thafs good. Well, now could you tell me about your educational background?

  B:那好?,F在,你能告訴我你的教育背景 嗎?

  A: Yes. I graduated from Department of Foreign Trade of East University in 2003.


  B: Then what about your English? To be frank, our staff need to have a good knowledge of English, as ours is an A-merican company.

  B:那么你的英語怎么樣?老實說,我們的 工作人員要求英語要好,因為我們是一 家美國公司。

  A: I passed the English Proficiency Test for College Students, Band 6. I’m sure I have no problem with my English.

  A:我通過了大學英語六級水平考試。我相 信我的英語沒問題。

  B: That’s good. If you are hired, your salary will be $ 1,000 per month. How does 言hat sound to you?

  B:那好。如果你被雇用,你的月薪是1000 美元,你覺得如何?

  A: Well, I can't really say. Pay isn't everything. What I value most is job satisfaction.

  A嗯,我的確沒法提。薪水不是一切。我 看重的是工作中的樂趣。

  B: Good. Well I’ll inform you in writing within two weeks if you are accepted. Thanks for coming for the interview. Good-bye.

  B:好。如果你被錄用,兩周內將書面通知 你。謝謝你來面試。再見。

  A: Good-bye.






