M: Tom. how do you like skiing?
T: I love it.Are you good at skiing?
M: I'm not good at skiing. I just tried once last weekend.
T:What's it like?
M: It's so exciting and heart-stirring. But I'm also a little afraid of it.I often fell down.
T: Did you find the coach to teach you?
M: Yeah. You know that's my first time skiing. The coach taught me how to walk, slide, turn, slow down and stop.
T: That's very necessary.
M: Do you ski often?
T: Every chance I get. Whenever I have time, I'II go to ski.
M: Are you a two-planker?
T: Certainly. I have skied for two years.
M: Could you go with me next time? I think I can leam it much quickly if you teach me.
T: All right. I'd like to.
J: Mary, can you help move this plant io the greenhouse? The winter is coming.
M: Sure. It's so heavy. This is killing my back.
J: Thanks a lot.
M: The flowers in your garden are so beautiful. You must have green fingers.
J : Oh, thank you. I am flattered. It's just a hobby. By the way, do you like flowers?
M: Yes. I like flowers very much.
J: If you want to leam growing flowers, I am glad to show you.
M: Oh, great. I can't wait to learn.
J: Growing flowers is good for our physical and mental health. And most of all, during growing, you can experience how the life grows.
M: I can't agree more. Do you like sunflowers? I have some sunflower seeds.
J: I like sunflowers! I like their shiny5 color.
J: Hi, Mary, are you free this evening?
M:Yes. What for, Jane?
J: Shall we have a game of chess?
M: Can you play chess? I never knew it before.
J: Yes. Are you interested in it?
M: Yes, I am. I learned to play it when I was at high school. Do you like playing chess?
J: Yes. I think playing it in the long run will make you an acute man.
M: I agree with you. Do you play it well?
J: Once I won a prize in my university.
M: So did I. My prize was for the best player in the university.
J: Oh, it will be very exciting for us to meet our match, won't it?
M: Yeah. Let's play chess this evening.
