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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  Joel: So, Mitchell, you talked about surfing. You surf of course. Do you have any good surf stories?


  Mitchell: Well, one day I was surfing and my friend said, "Oh, I see a shark" so I'm just like, "Right, you didn't see no shark" so you know we keep on surfing and next thing you know, we're surfing some more and it was like, "Ah, Mitch. I promise I saw a shark. I saw a shark". I was like, "Man, you're lying. Just shut up" you know cause my friends tend to joke a lot when they're surfing you know, cause we like to enjoy. So we're surfing and the next thing you know, we hear this siren coming, and like 200 yards away, we see this girl like getting out of the water like franticly. It's like, next thing you know, since we go out, we see an ambulance, something happened, like commotion, and everyone's going "Oh, this girl got bitten by a shark."


  Joel: She actually got bitten by a shark.


  Mitchell: She actually got bitten.


  Joel: Oh, my god.


  Mitchell: Well, not bad but like bit her toes or something. It's a reef shark. They're not very big but they tend to swim close to shore and in the rocks, cause like, a lot of people, they, we surf by the reef because the waves break nicely but it is also dangerous because you have the chance of hitting you head on the reef and getting scrapes and cuts.


  Joel: What other kinds of wildlife do you see in the ocean? I surfed in California and they have like, Pelicans and sometimes dolphins.


  Mitchell: Yeah, we see dolphins, we see manta rays, We see a lot of turtles.


  Joel: Turtles, like the green sea turtles.


  Mitchell: Green sea turtles. Like back in the days, it was legal to eat turtles,


  Joel: So, the what?


  Mitchell: It was legal to eat turtles.


  Joel: Oh, legal to eat turtles.


  Mitchell: So people made like turtle soup, cause the meats like real tender, juicy, white, but they kind of got like extinct so they made a law saying that you can't eat turtles so now, right now, you can see a lot of turtles when you're surfing or in general in you're in Waikiki beach, some of those famous beach, you can see a lot of turtles.


  Joel: By the way, what kind of board do you surf on, a long board or.


  Mitchell: A long board or short board, or tankers, like it matters how the wave is, where in, what part of the beach I'm at. I usually surf, like 7-foot boards. Short boards or long boards.


  Joel: So you check the weather forecast before you go?


  Mitchell: yeah, call the surf hotline, the surf hotline saying, where's good, how strong the trade winds are, how deep the buoys are.


  Joel: I see. Oh, you make me want to go surfing. Let's stop.



  Todd: So, Lucinda, in New Zealand, are you from Aukland?


  Lucinda: No, I'm actually from about four-hours drive north of Aukland.


  Todd: Oh, you're north of Aukland.


  Lucinda: Yeah, yeah.


  Todd: OK, and where are you from?


  Lucinda: I'm from the Bay of Islands. That's actually a region in the North Island, actually northland, North Island.


  Todd: OK, so did you grow up in a city or in the country?


  Lucinda: In very, very, very country. (Oh really) Yeah the population of my town or region is about 100 people, between 100 and 200 people. I haven't been back, been there for awhile but yeah, about 100, 200 people.


  Todd: Wow, what's it like growing up in the country?


  Lucinda: It's very different. It's very different from living in the city and I can remember when I was a kid, I never had TV because we couldn't get reception for television or candy, anyhing that you really couldn't buy in bulk, cause my mother would go shopping I think once every two weeks and my mother is health fanatic so she basically chose all of the things myself and my brother ate and we really had no choice so we never really knew about, you know, junk food until we were quite older.


  Todd: Whoa, so did your mother grow her own food and her own vegetables and raise her own animals?


  Lucinda: Yeah, we didn't have animals because we were living on an estate which allowed for no animals, pet animals but we, my mother grows her own lettuce, herbs, things like that, yeah. Oh, we did have chickens. We had our own eggs, so yeah.


  Todd: OK, so but you said that you grew up in the country. This wasn't a farm?


  Lucinda: No, no not a farm. My mother was raised on a farm but I was raised in, I guess we call it New Zealand, "the bush", it's like a forest.


  Todd: Oh, really.


  Lucinda: But it's right by the ocean so it's very hard to explain. It's on a big mountain top and it's covered with bush with like, not really big trees, but


  Todd: Small trees?


  Lucinda: Yeah, and then some big trees but mainly small trees, and then there is a cliff face around the whole area. It's on like a point, and the cliff faces around the whole area and then water below, because it's islands, and a bunch of islands, so the islands are covered not with farmland but with bush.


  Todd: So when you have children, or if you have children some day, would you want them to grow up in a similar environment or in the suburbs or in the city?


  Lucinda: Oh, that's very hard. When they are young I would like them to grow up in that environment perhaps to the end of primary school but because of schooling problems, the best school's always in the cities and so unfortunately I had to travel by bus one hour each way and I was going to high school.


  Todd: Oh, that's a long way.


  Lucinda: Yeah, and that's over a ferry, on a ferry as well, that's a boat that carries cars, and you have to travel, the bus had to go over on a boat.


  Todd: Man, you had to take a bus and a boat to get to school.


  Lucinda: Yeah.


  Todd: That's a commute.



  Todd: So, wait, Lucinda, you said you lived in the country, and you said you could not have pets at your house?


  Lucinda: Yes, because we didn't own our house and we're on kind of a nature reserve so that any animal that could be dangerous to the wildlife like a cat or a dog or even a large rat would be a problem for the environment so we couldn't have any pets apart from chickens.


  Todd: OK, but I thought that you said you had many pets and you're an animal lover!


  Lucinda: Yeah, I do have pets but they didn't live with me most of the time. My parents are divorced so my father lived in the city and he had a cat which he named after me and my brother, and then he also had a dog which was a schnauzer, that's quite a rare dog from Germany, and yeah, that was a really cool dog.


  Todd: Oh, wait, that's cool, so at your dad's house you had a cat and a dog? (Yeah) And you said he named them after you and your brother?


  Lucinda: Yeah. The cat's name is Lugi and my name is Lucinda and my brother's name is Giles so it's like "Lu-Gi". It's pretty weird?


  Todd: And what did he name the dog?


  Lucinda: Ah, the dog's name was Boeing? It's actually, it's father was a Australian show champion, so it's show name was Boeing 747.


  Todd: Oh, cool, like the plane. Oh, sweet. So you only had pets at your father's house?


  Lucinda: No, I also had pets at my auntie's and my grandparent's house.


  Todd: At your auntie's and your grandparent's? What pet did you have at your auntie's house?


  Lucinda: Ah, I had a horse.


  Todd: A horse!


  Lucinda: Yeah, my had a, she's from America and she had, she always had horses in America, and when she came to New Zealand, she, the first thing she did was buy me a pony, so I've had that pony since I was about 7 years old.


  Todd: You still have the pony? What's the pony's name?


  Lucinda: Lady. share her with my cousin now because my auntie has had more children so I share them, but yeah, I have a horse at my aunties house.


  Todd: Is it a good pony? Is it easy to ride?


  Lucinda: I can't ride it anymore. It's a bit small now. It's about the size for a seven-year old, so pet is now is about all I can do.


  Todd: Well, what about your grandma's? What did you have there?


  Lucinda: My grandmother had a cart horse. My grandmother used to train race horses so she actually had an old cart horse which I used to ride on the cart all the time and she also had a cat and a number of farm dogs but my grandfather wouldn't let me near the farm dogs because farm dogs are not meant to go near kids or other humans because they're meant to be taught only by they masters but I ruined about five of his dogs because they liked me better than him and so he wasn't too mad but they were really good sheep dogs until they met me because they'd actually run away from, cause I live with my grandparents for couple of months, and they'd actually run away from him when he was using them on the fields to meet me at t e bus stops, so


  Todd: Well, you have special gift with animals.






