
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 旅游英語 > 酒店常用的旅游英語口語


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  Can I reserve a hotel room here? 我能預訂一個房間嗎?

  I’d like to reserve a hotel room for tonight. 我想今天晚上預訂一個房間。

  Do you have a hotel guide? 你有酒店指南嗎?

  Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive? 你能推薦一個經濟點的酒店嗎?

  Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night? 這有一個低于每晚50圓的酒店嗎?

  Could you recommend a hotel in the city centre? 你能推薦一個在市中心的酒點嗎?

  I’d like to stay at a hotel near the station. 我想住在火車站附近的酒店。

  I’d like a room with bath 我想要一間有浴室的房間。

  How much is the room charge? 這間房間收費多少?

  How much is a single room with a bath? 帶浴室的單人間收費多少?

  I’d like a room with a shower. 我想要一個可以沖涼的房間。

  I’d like a twin room 我想要一個雙人間

  I’ll take that room 我想要那間房

  I’d like to stay for 2 nights. 我要住兩晚

  How much is it per night? 每晚多少錢?

  Does it include tax and service charge? 這包括稅和服務費嗎?

  Is breakfast included? 包括早餐嗎?

  Do you need a deposit? 需要押金嗎?

  Is there a discount for staying several days? 多住幾天有折扣嗎?

  Can you recommend another hotel? 你能推薦另一間酒店嗎?

  Do you know any cheaper hotels? 你知道有便宜點的酒店嗎?

  Where is the hotel? 這個酒店在哪里?

  How can I get there? 我怎么到那里?

  How long does it take on foot? 步行需要多長時間?

  Is there a youth hotel here? 這有青年旅社嗎?

  Can I have a youth hotel list? 能給我一張青年旅社的清單嗎?

  I’ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我會晚到,但請保留我的預訂。

  Check in, please 登記

  I made a reservation in Tokyo 我在東京做了預訂

  My name is ABC 我是ABC

  Here is my confirmation slip. 這是我的確認信

  I’d like a quiet room. 我想要一個安靜的房間

  I’d like a room on the upper level. 我想住在上層的房間

  I’d like a room with a nice view( a balcony) 我想要一個有陽臺的房間

  Is there a TV set? 這個有電視嗎?

  Is hot water available any time? 全天提供熱水嗎?

  May I see the room? 我可以看看房間嗎?

  Do you have any bigger (better/cheaper)? 你有間更大的(更好的,更便宜的)嗎?

  Could you give me a larger room? 你能給我間大房嗎?

  I’ll take this room. 我想要這間房

  Would you fill in this registration form? 你能填一下這個注冊表嗎?

  I’ll stay three nights 我要住3個晚上

  Do you accept credit card (traveler’s check)? 你們接受信用卡(旅行支票)嗎?

  Can I get a room for tonight? 我想要今天晚上的房間

  Do you have a shared bath (shower)? 你們有公用浴室嗎?

  May I have the key, please? 能給我鑰匙嗎?

  Would you have my baggage sent up? 你們收到我的行李了嗎?

  Can you keep my valuables? 你能幫我保管貴重物品嗎?

  Where is dining room? 餐廳在哪里?

  Is there also a cafeteria? 這里有自助餐廳嗎?

  What time does the dining room open? 餐廳幾點開門?

  What time can I have breakfast? 早餐幾點開放?

  Can I have breakfast in my room? 我可以在房間吃早餐嗎?

  Is there a beauty salon (barbershop) 這里有美容院(理發(fā)店嗎)?

  Does someone here speak Chinese? 這里有人說中文嗎?

  Could you keep this baggage until 4 o’clock? 4點之前你能保管我的行李嗎?

  May I have my baggage back? 我可以取走我的行李嗎?

  Can I have a card with the hotel address? 能給我一張有酒店地址的名片嗎?

  Can I get a ticket for the sightseeing bus here? 能給我張觀光巴士的票嗎?

  Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地鐵站在哪里?

  How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 從這里乘出租車到飛機場需要多長時間?

  Can you find me a baby-sitter? 能給我個嬰兒座椅嗎?

  Could you make reservations for a restaurant (tour/musical) for me? 你能幫我預訂個餐館(觀光/音樂會)?

  Cab I use a typewriter? 我可以用打字機嗎?

  Do you have facsimile (photocopier)? 你有傳真(復印機)嗎?

  What time do you close the front door? 你們幾點關前門?

  I’ll be back late tonight 我今晚會晚回來

  Are there any letters (massages) for me? 這有給我的信(口信)嗎?

  Please send this letter by air (sea) mail. 請空運(水運)這個郵件

  I’d like to send this parcel to China. 我想將這個包裹寄回中國

  Could you pack it for me? 你能幫我做下包裝嗎?

  Can I have a box for packing? 能給我個盒子作包裝嗎?

  Could you page Mr. Ford here? 你在這能寫上FORD先生嗎?

  He must be somewhere in the hotel 他一定是在酒店的某個地方

  Just a minute, please. 請等一下

  Come in 進來

  Please bring me a pot of coffee. 請給我一壺咖啡

  This is room 316. I’d like a blanket, please 這是316房,請給我一張毛毯。

  I’d like a wake-up call, please. 請給我一個起床提醒

  What time? 幾點?

  7 o’clock tomorrow morning 明早7點

  Your room number, please 你的房間號碼

  Do you have room service? 你有房間服務嗎?

  I’d like a pot of boiled water 我想要壺開水

  Please bring me some ice cubes and water 請給我一些冰塊和水

  Hoe long does it take? 需要多長時間?

  As soon as possible, please. 越快越好

  I’d like shampoo (hair conditioner/a drier/a bath towel/a match) 我想要洗發(fā)液(護發(fā)素/吹風機/浴巾/火材)

  I’d like to order breakfast for tomorrow 我想訂明早的早餐

  What would you like to have for breakfast? 你早餐想要點什么?

  I’d like orange juice, two eggs, over easy, with ham and French fries, and Coffee, please 我想要橙汁,兩個雞蛋,兩面煎,和火腿,法國菜和咖啡

  About what time shall we bring it? 大約幾點我給你送去?

  My breakfast still hasn’t arrived. Please bring it right away 我的早餐還沒有到。請立刻送來

  Good morning. Here’s a menu, sir 早上好,這是菜單,先生

  I’d like some rolls, scrambled eggs, hashed potatoes and tea, please. 我想要一些卷,攪過的雞蛋,土豆泥和茶

  Would you like some bacon or ham with your eggs? 你想要一些煎肉或火腿加在雞蛋上嗎?

  Bacon, please. 煎肉,謝謝

  Would you like some lemon slices with your tea? 你想要些檸檬塊在茶中嗎?

  No. with cream, please. 不,加奶油,謝謝

  Would you like your tea, now? 你現在就要你的茶嗎?

  Yes, please. 是的