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  1.Welcome to Hainan! 歡迎您來海南!

  2. Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Province. 海口是海南省的省會城市。

  3. Sanya lies in the south of Hainan. 三亞位于海南的南面。

  4. Holiday Beach is about twenty kilometres away from the city proper.


  5.Wenchang is well known as “the home of coconuts”. 文昌以椰子之鄉(xiāng)聞名于世。

  6. Wenchang Chicken is deliccious. 文昌雞很美味。

  7. If you visit Qionghai, please don’t forget to taste Jiaji Duck. 如果你來瓊海,請別忘記嘗一嘗嘉積鴨。

  8. On weekends, you can fly a kite in the Ever Green Park. 周末你可以去萬綠園放風箏。

  9. Is it the first time you came to Sanya? 你是第一次來三亞嗎?

  10. I have been in Hainan for about two weeks. 我在海南已有兩個星期了。

  11. Great changes have taken place in Sanya since 1987.


  12. How long does it take to go to Sanya from Haikou by bus?


  13. It usually takes about three hours. 通常要三個小時左右的時間。

  14. Wenchang High School is one of the best middle schools in Hainan.


  15. Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Hainan University?


  16. The NO. 17 bus can take you right there. 十七路公車直達。

  17. Want to go shopping? You can go to the Pearl Plaza or the Oriental Plaza.


  18. I want to practise oral English. Could you recommend a training school in Haikou? 我想練習口語,你能推薦一所培訓學校給我嗎?

  19. Hainan New Active English Training School is the best choice.


  20. People in Haikou often go to the Volcano Park to eat lamb hotpot.


  21.Boao is situated in Qionghai. It is the seat of the Boao Aisa Forum.


  22.Sanya is the southernmost city in China. 三亞是中國最南端的城市。

  23.Sanya is the habitat of several nationalities, including Han, Miao, Li, Hui.


  24. How do western people say “Tianyahaijiao” in Engish?


  25.The Edge of the Sea, the Rim of the Sky. 海的邊,天的邊。

  26. The name of the Turn-round Deer Park comes from an ancient fairy story of the Li nationality. 鹿回頭公園的名字源于黎族的一個神話傳說。

  30. There are two big airports in Hainan. The Phoenix International Airport is in Sanya and Meilan International Airport is in Haikou.


  31. Haikou is bigger than Sanya, but there are more visitors in Sanya.


  32. Haina has no winter. The weather is warm in the winter time.


  33. The trees and grass are green all the year round on Hainan Island.


  34. Different from other provinces, Hainan is the second largest ocean island and the smallest land province in China.


  35.People both at home and abroad call Hainan Island ""the Oriental Hawaii"".


  36. The seafood of Hainan is very popular. 海南的海鮮很受人喜歡。

  37. Hainan is an ideal place for you to be away from the cold winter.


  38. The best time to visit Hainan is between November and March the next year.


  39. Nandu River is the longest on Hainan Island. 南渡江是海南島最長的淡水河。

  40. At Xixiu Beach, you can enjoy the national saling and windsurfing teams training on the sea. 在西秀海灘,你能欣賞國家帆板隊在海上的訓練。

  41.The streets of Haikou are lined with coconut palms. Haikou is also called “the coconu city” ??诘慕值纼膳月柫⒅膳诺囊訕?,??谝脖唤兄?ldquo;椰城”。

  42. As a tropical seaside city, Haikou is pollution free.


  43. Wenchang Chicken, Jiaji Duck, Dongshan Mutton and Hele Crab are the four famous local dishes in Haiana. 文昌雞,嘉積鴨,東山羊和河樂蟹是海南的四大名菜。

  44. Tasting the local dishes of Hainan is a must to a visitor.


  45. Yalong Bay is really beautiful. It is worth a visit.


  46. Miss World Competition has been held in Sanya for three times.


  47. If you want to find a quiet place to enjoy the night beauty of Sanya, the Coffee Time Western Food Restaurant is recommended.


  48. When you are in Sanya, don’t forget to try scuba dive. It’s really fun!


  49. Before diving, you need to be trained. 潛水前,你要接受訓練。

  50. With the sea on three sides, Sanya has abundant maritime resources.


  51. The customs of Li and Miao Minority attract the tourists from both at home and abroad. 黎苗族的習俗吸引了來自海內(nèi)外的許多游客。

  51. There are more than twenty cities in Hainan and different city has different sceneries. 在海南有20多個城市,不同的城市有不同的風景。

  52. Hainan Island has often been called the Chinese Hawaii, and indeed, it is the only tropical beach destination in China. 海南通常被稱為“中國夏威夷”,事實上它是中國唯一一個熱帶海灘目的地。

  53. So far, many international hotels like Mandarin Oriental have opened resorts in Sanya. 到目前為止,已經(jīng)有許多國際性的大酒店,像文華東方酒店落戶三亞。

  54. Look round and you’ll encounter weekend visitors from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, all seeking to escape the crush of big-city life for a quiet stretch of beach. 環(huán)顧四周,你可以看到很多來自北京,上海,香港和廣州的周末旅游者們,他們都是為了逃避大城市的擁擠,尋求一片清靜的海灘。

  55. For centuries Hainan Island only served as a place of banishment for criminals, exiled poets and political undesirables. 曾經(jīng)數(shù)世紀,海南島僅僅是作為一個流放犯人,詩人及政治犯的地方。

  56. Thirty minutes from Sanya is the famously scenic Tianya Haijiao, also called the Edge of the Sky and the Rim of the Sea. 離三亞有30分鐘的車程是著名的景點“天涯海角”,也被稱作“天的邊緣,海的盡頭”。

  57. Today, as an international tourist island, Hainan is an immensely popular tourist attraction 現(xiàn)如今,作為國際旅游島,海南是一個廣受歡迎的旅游景點。

  58. After Hainan separated from Guangdong to become its own province in 1988, a development boom was quickly followed by a bust that left many building projects on the island half-finished. 自1988年脫離廣東獨自建省以來,海南省蓬勃發(fā)展一段時間之后,隨之破滅,留下了許多未完成的半拉子建筑項目。

  59. In the last few years, Hainan has welcomed back investors and become a fashionable draw for Russian tourists looking to escape winter. 在過去的幾年里,海南又迎來了投資者并且對于逃避寒冷冬日的俄羅斯人來說成為了時尚的吸引地。

  60. It’s the right time for the Chinese to get into surfing and Sanya is the ideal place. 現(xiàn)在是中國人開始沖浪的適宜時機而三亞則是一個理想之地。

  61. Along Yalong Bay, a lovely four-and-a-half-mile stretch of beach was developed as a national resort district. 沿著亞龍灣可以看到,一片長達4.5英里的可愛海灘已經(jīng)發(fā)展成為一個國家旅游度假區(qū)。

  62. Because of warm and humid climate, Hainan Island is an important producer of pineapples, coconuts, mangoes, sugar cane, coffee and rubber trees. 由于氣候溫暖濕潤,海南島還是菠蘿,椰子,芒果,甘蔗,咖啡和橡膠樹的重要產(chǎn)地。

  63. In the countryside north of Sanya, you can see the hillsides heavy with mango trees and rice paddies worked by teams of farmers and water buffalo. 在三亞北方的農(nóng)村,你可以看到山坡上長滿了芒果樹,稻田里一隊隊的農(nóng)民和水牛們正在辛勤地勞作著。

  64. Changes are happening all over China, and Hainan Island exemplifies this moment. 中國到處都在發(fā)生著翻天覆地的變化,而海南島則是體現(xiàn)這一時刻的樣板。

  65. The boom in tourism in Sanya is exposing mainland travelers to a foreign beach culture in new and interesting ways. 三亞旅游業(yè)的繁榮給內(nèi)地旅游者以一種新的有趣的方式展示了外國沙灘文化。

  66. Hainan is an easy flight from any major Chinese city. 中國所有的大城市都有直飛海南的航班。

  67. The new space launch centre, to be built on the eastern island province of Hainan, is scheduled to be completed in 2012 and starts operating in 2013. 一個新的航天發(fā)射中心將在海南島東部興建,預計會在2012年完工,并于2013年開始運作。

  68. Known as Coconut City, Haikou is the capital city of Hainan and it contains interesting historic sites like the Five Officials Temple, Xiuying Fort Barbette and Hairui Tomb. 作為椰城的??谑呛D系氖?,它包含了許多像五公祠,秀英炮臺,海瑞墓等這樣的有趣的歷史古跡。

  69. Hainan cuisine is said to be "lighter, with mild seasonings." 海南菜一向以調(diào)味清淡出名。

  70. In most of the restaurants of Sanya, seafood predominates the menu, as shrimp, crab, fish and other sea life are widely available. 三亞的大部分餐廳以海鮮為主,像蝦,蟹,魚和其它的海鮮到處都可吃得到。

  71. As opposed to battery chickens, Wenchang Chicken meat has more texture and is somewhat drier. 比起普通的家禽雞,文昌雞更有口感,肥而不膩。

  72. The Li people have their own language, as do the Miao and Zhuang and they usually speak standard mandarin as a second language. 黎族人民有他們自己的語言,苗族和壯族人也一樣,他們通常把標準的普通話作為第二語言。

  73.Railroad ferry link was established in early 2000s connecting the island's railroad network to the mainland. 火車輪渡在2000年初建立,從此正式把海南與大陸的鐵路網(wǎng)連接起來。

  74. When the new railway linking Haikou and Sanya is finished, the travel time between Haikou and Sanya is expected to be approximately 80 minutes. 當連接??诤腿齺喰碌蔫F路線完成之后,預計??诘饺齺喌穆眯袝r間將會縮短為80分鐘。

  75. Marine products contribute a significant share to the provincial economy. 水產(chǎn)品在海南省經(jīng)濟中占據(jù)了顯著地位。

  76. Shrimps, scallops, and pearls are raised in shallow bays and basins for local use and export. 在淺海灣及盆地養(yǎng)殖著蝦,扇貝,和珍珠等,一部分用于當?shù)厝说氖褂?,一部分用于出口?/p>

  77. Grouper, Spanish mackerel, and tuna constitute the bulk of the catch from the rich offshore fishing grounds. 從富饒的近海漁場捕獲量的大部分海產(chǎn)都是石斑魚,西班牙鯖魚,和金槍魚。

  78. Paddy rice is cultivated extensively in the northeastern lowlands and in the southern mountain valleys. 水稻,在東北低地和南部山區(qū)一帶被廣泛栽培。

  79. Leading crops other than rice include coconuts, palm oil, sisal, black pepper, coffee, tea, cashews, and sugarcane. 除水稻以外的領導作物還有椰子,棕櫚油,劍麻,黑胡椒,咖啡,茶葉,腰果,甘蔗等。

  80. After 1950, state farms were developed, and Hainan now produces a significant amount of China's rubber. 1950年以后,隨著國營農(nóng)場的發(fā)展,海南現(xiàn)在生產(chǎn)一定數(shù)量的中國橡膠。

  81. There are large deposits of lignite and oil shale on the island, and significant offshore finds of oil and natural gas have been discovered.有大量的褐煤和油頁巖大量沉積在島上,重要的近海石油和天然氣已經(jīng)被發(fā)現(xiàn)。

  82. Most of the rivers in Hainan like the Wanquan River and the Nandu River originate in the central area of the island and flow radially in different directions. 在海南的大部分河流像萬泉河,南渡江均起源于島的中心地區(qū),并且以放射狀流向不同方向。

  83. There is a well-known artificial reservoir, the Songtao Reservoir, in the central-north area. 在中北部地區(qū)有一個眾所周知的人造水庫——松濤水庫。

  84. Whether on the land or on the sea (and even under the water), Hainan offers places to go and things to do for everyone. 不管是在陸上,在海里還是在地下,海南到處都是可做可看可玩的東西。

  85. If your idea of a dream holiday is sipping a tall cool drink beside a swimming pool, Hainan has international resorts and top-flight hotels to pamper you and cater to your every need. 如果您理想的假期是在游泳池旁喝一杯高度清涼的飲料,那么海南國際度假勝地和一流的酒店恰巧可以放縱您,并且滿足你的每一個需求。

  86. With an almost infinite selection of speciality restaurants serving local, western, traditional Chinese, Japanese and other dishes, Hainan is the perfect place to wine and dine yourself and your guests and to please every palate.


  87. Hainan was the first place in China to experience a development and real estate boom after it was declared China’s newest, province in 1988.


  88. Many mainland Chinese have bought second homes on Hainan as vacation retreats and investments. 許多中國大陸人在海南買了第二個家作為假期休閑地區(qū)和另一種方式的投資。

  89. For a brief period Hainan was the fastest growing economic region in China and people from all over China came to make their fortune. 從一個短暫的時期來看,海南是中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展最快的的地區(qū),來自全國各地的人們來這里去淘金。

  90. These days more and more mainlanders are coming and they are joined by significant numbers of Russians seeking the sun at relatively low costs. 這些天,越來越多的內(nèi)陸人來了,他們中的大部分都是俄羅斯人,來這里尋求低成本的日光浴。

  91. Sanya hosted the Miss World contest two years in row: in 2003 and 2004. 三亞在2003和2004兩年連續(xù)舉辦世界小姐大賽。

  92.Li people can cook rice in a hollow piece of bamboo which gives it a distinctive flavor. 黎族人可以在空心竹子里做竹筒飯,從而形成一種獨特的風味。

  93. Hainan's most popular season is, of course, Spring Festival, when legions of mainlanders shuddering from sub-zero winter temperatures spend Chinese New Year on the invitingly temperate beaches of the tropica island. 說到海南最受歡迎的季節(jié),當然是春節(jié)咯。當大部分的大陸人在忍受著零下幾度的嚴寒過春節(jié)的時候,我們卻可以在溫和的氣候中在熱帶海島上過新年。

  94. Hainan Island enjoys a tropical weather that ranges from as low as 16 degrees during the winter months to 30 degrees in the summer. 海南島屬于熱帶氣候,冬天平均氣溫16度到冬天,夏天30度。

  95. Hainan’s tourist season is from October to March, but there are possibilities of typhoons during the months of October to March. 海南島的旅游旺季是從3月到10月,這同樣也是臺風多發(fā)的季節(jié)。

  96. Most of the Chinese tourists on Hainan usually buy one of the colourful garments, even though they are produced in a Chinese textile factory somewhere else, however the Chinese hardly care if the shirts are made locally or not. The main thing is that they have a holiday look. 大部分來海南的中國游客都會挑一件五顏六色的島服,雖然很多都是在中國其他地方的紡織廠制造的。但中國人很少介意這件襯衫是不是在本地制造的,最主要的是穿起來有度假的樣子。

  97. Most visitors head south to the area around Sanya, where there is one picturesque bay after another -- and one hotel after another. 大部分的游客都會向南去三亞的海岸,那里有許多風景如畫的酒店和海灣。

  98. The construction boom was so big that Sanya has the greatest concentration of five-star hotels in all of China. 由于建筑業(yè)蓬勃發(fā)展,三亞已經(jīng)成為中國五星級酒店最集中的地區(qū)。

  99. The city's principal place of interest is Luhuitou Park, a grassy hill topped by a sculpture of a deer turning its head. 這個城市主要景點是鹿回頭公園,在那滿山青草的山上座落著一尊回頭鹿的雕塑。

  100. Just outside Sanya, the newly built Nanshan Temple with its 108-metre-high Buddha statue draws a lot of tourists. 緊鄰三亞,有著108米高的南山寺吸引了很多游客。


下面是學習啦小編整理的旅游英語100句,希望對大家有幫助。 1.Welcome to Hainan! 歡迎您來海南! 2. Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Province. ??谑呛D鲜〉氖鞘小?3. Sanya lies in the south of Hainan. 三亞位于海南的