speciality stores
exclusive shop
迪士尼專賣店 Disney Store
專賣店&展示 Retail & Exhibition
專賣店主管 Specialty shop supervisor
1. I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt.
2. Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £10.99.
3. Is there a computer store near here?
請問這附近有計算機專賣店 嗎 ?
4. Other jobs assigned by the corner sales manager or the sales coordinator.
5. I remember in Changshu Road subway station alone magnetic cards store inside.
6. Maiga: I just bought it in a unique sports goods store.
麥加: 我剛從體育專賣店買的.
7. The 12 - inch Masters mini - putter in the Augusta National pro shop.
奧古斯塔國家俱樂部專賣店的12英寸大師賽 迷你 推桿.
8. In term of " Retail outlet store decoration policy " and " Decoration procedure "
按照《專賣店裝修政策 》 及《專賣店裝修流程 》.
9. At present, back to power in China, has more than 200 stores.
目前, 回力在全中國已有200多家專賣店.
10. Where do there is real Taluo brand exclusive agency in Guangzhou?
11. Reporter: The discount inferior, can you create pressure to brand brand shop?
記者: 折扣較低, 會不會對品牌專賣店造成壓力?
12. Film Suitable; store, Clothing store Supermarket, Boutigue and so on.
適用; 專賣店, 服裝店,大賣場,超市, 便利店等產(chǎn)品的外包裝.
13. We've worked out butts off to open this franchise.
14. By the 1970 s, Haagen - Dazs's popularity had spread , with stores opening in Brooklyn.
到了20世紀(jì)70年代, 隨著在布魯克絲的專賣店的開幕, 哈根達斯 的知名度打響了.
15. What about that new Adidas store that just opened up?
“專賣店”的第一個意思是“獲得特許而出售某一品牌商品的商店”,即“特許零售店”。英語用licensed store表示。奧運特許零售店,就是奧運商品專賣店,英語用Olympic licensed store表示。例如:2月10日,奧運射擊冠軍楊凌來到這個奧運特許零售店為顧客簽售奧運特許商品。On February 10, Olympic shooting champion Yang Ling came to this Olympic licensed store to autograph Olympic licensed commodities for the purchasers.
“專賣店”的第二個意思是“專門出售某一種類或某一地方特色商品的商店”,即“專業(yè)店”或“特色商店”。英語用speciality shop 或 specialty store表示。例如:這個專賣店的特色是經(jīng)營男裝、女裝和童裝及配飾。This speciality shop/specialty store features apparel and accessories for men, women and children.
boutique是小型精品店或時裝店,屬于第二類專賣店。例如:這個精品店是一個小零售店,專賣禮品、時裝、配件或食品。This boutique is a small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories or food.
有人用exclusive agency 或sole agency表示“專賣店”,有些不妥。“專賣店”一般是零售店。而exclusive agency 和sole agency 是“獨家代理商”。例如:我方請求充當(dāng)貴公司計算機在我國的獨家代理商。We ask to be the exclusive agency for your computers in our country.
我方已決定委托你方作為我方汽車在貴國的獨家代理商。We are decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our cars in your country.