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  Hot pot

  chafing dish


  麻辣火鍋 麻辣味 ; Mala sauce ; mala sauce ; spicy hot pot

  石頭火鍋 stone fire pot ; Jungol ; Hangi ; Patines

  火鍋魚(yú)片 fish podjarka ; Fish cooked in charcoal pot

  火鍋雞 podjarka chicken

  火鍋豬排 pork chop podjarka

  牛肉火鍋 Beef in hot pot ; Fondue Bourguignonne ; shabu

  銀魚(yú)火鍋 Whitebait in chafing dish

  丸子火鍋 Meatballs in hot pot

  什錦火鍋 Mixed meat in chafing dish ; assorted chafing dish;mixed chafing dish;mixed firepot


  1. They stopped at a little cafe and had a fondue.


  2. He debated heating up the pot first before his friends came.


  3. Do you have self - service hot pot, please ?

  請(qǐng)問(wèn)貴店設(shè) 自助 火鍋 嗎 ?

  4. Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe.


  5. First go and sweep up the snow . For lunch , I'll treat you to a meat hotpot. "

  先去掃掃雪, 晌午我請(qǐng)你吃火鍋. ”

  6. Harbor City is a hot fishing professional Sichuan hot pot restaurants.


  7. Switzerland is well known for cheese fondue, penguin parades and its multiculturalism.

  瑞士一向以芝士火鍋, 企鵝游行和多元文化等特色聞名于世.

  8. But wait, I called after her, what happened to the fondue pot?

  不過(guò),等一下, 我在身后喊道, 要這些火鍋叉做 什么 ?

  9. Aldridge had eight points, four rebounds and two blocked shots.

  阿爾德里奇得到8分, 4個(gè)籃板和2次火鍋.

  10. Special chafing dish . Delicious in taste . Welcome to try.


  11. But on Friday nightBird's Nest should have been called the Boiling Pot.


  12. The family are eating instant - boiled mutton around an electric dish.

  一家人圍著電火鍋吃 涮羊肉.

  13. It's kind of cold out. Why don't we have hot pot?

  外面有些冷. 不如我們?nèi)コ曰疱?

  14. Good morning, speaking . What can I do for you?

  早上好, 翡翠火鍋酒家.請(qǐng)講.

  15. Chongqing Pot: pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing.

  重慶火鍋: 火鍋 - 是最有名的和最喜愛(ài)的菜肴在重慶.


  寒冷冬日,有什么能比火鍋(hot pot)更暖人心呢?不僅樂(lè)享美食,還可以和朋友家人歡度時(shí)光。這里我們?yōu)槟蜕细鲊?guó)的創(chuàng)意火鍋,讓你足不出戶便可享用異國(guó)美食!

  What could be better on a numbingly cold winter night than a hot pot to warm your heart? Eating hot pot is not simply about dipping small pieces of food into boiling liquid, it’s also an opportunity to have a great time with friends gathered around a simmering pot. Here we bring you hot pot ideas from around the world, so that you and your friends can enjoy these exotic flavors at home or (if allowed) in your dormitory.


  Cheese fondue, Switzerland


  A heaving pot of bubbling cheese with bite-sized bread and vegetables to dip into it, that’s what hot pot in Switzerland is about. The dish bears a French name: fondue.


  Legend has it that the cheese fondue was created by two shepherds in the Alps. Whether or not that’s true, one thing is for sure: the Swiss are credited with creating the fondue. It is always served as a main dish in the country, not as an appetizer or as part of a multi-course meal.


  But beware, the etiquette for eating fondue forbids double dipping. And if a person drops their bread into the cheese they must kiss the person to their left. Or you could drop it on purpose if you happen to fancy the person next to you.


  Chocolate fondue, US


  Americans love fondue parties. With the number of different seasonings available today, there are fondues made out of beef, prawns and even scallions. But chocolate fondue is by far the most famous.


  The dish, in which fresh fruit is dipped into a hot, rich, creamy chocolate sauce, was born in a long-lost New York restaurant called Chalet Suisse in the 1960s. It has since become one of the most popular dessert options for parties.

  上世紀(jì)六十年代,這道用新鮮水果搭配香濃絲滑熱巧克力醬的美食誕生于紐約一家名為Chalet Suisse的餐廳之中,如今這家餐廳已經(jīng)不復(fù)存在了。自面世之后,它便成為派對(duì)上最受歡迎的甜品。

  The most common and traditional chocolate fondue dipper is strawberries. Bananas, blackberries and pears also go well with hot chocolate. You could even try some more unconventional dippers, like potato chips.


  Chanko nabe, Japan


  This hearty, protein-rich Japanese-style hot pot dish is famous for being the principal source of energy for the country’s sumo wrestlers. But don’t worry, you would have to eat a serious amount of this special hot pot before you become as big as them!


  A traditional chanko nabe usually contains a dashi or chicken broth soup base with sake or mirin to add flavor. Vegetables and meat are then cooked in the soup.


  During sumo tournaments, this hot pot is served exclusively with chicken meat. This is because a sumo wrestler should always stand on two legs like a chicken, not on all fours. Of course, you are free to replace chicken meat with any other meat or seafood.






