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  Foreign Flicks 外國電影

  Goron: When I want to look something like moreoriginal, I started to watch some Korean movies orIndian movies from Bollywood, which are reallyinteresting. I was fairly surprised. Try it guysbecause Korean movies are great. Are great.


  Michael: Korean movies are good but the ones – the typical thing about Korean movies, theyalways end bad.


  Win: They always end with cancer.


  Michael: Whereas Hollywood movies, usually there's always like it has a good ending.


  Goron: And actually, Japanese movies do the same thing. The happy ending is not so granted. And probably many people like them for this reason.


  Michael: And I would say that even Norwegian movies, they try to, you know, go out from thenorm that movies are supposed to end nicely. And that they have like a shocking ending. It'slike reading a novel with a shocking ending that you wouldn't expect to happen.


  Goron: Because I think some love movies really have a bad effect on the real life becausepeople are trying to have the same relationship that they see on the movies. And then when it'snot like – love is not like that. It's not that beautiful. It's not like happy ending all the time. And so they...


  Michael: Oh but...


  Win: Yeah.


  Goron: And then – and they are shocked when their real life – they see that they...


  Michael: But not all movies are like that. I mean, even animation movies like you've seen Up, right?


  Goron: Well, the plot is like they fall in love, they have like a nice time, and then theproblematic moment. You know, they overcome like the difficulties, and then at the end, they live all together. Happy ending.


  Win: Well, that's the usual Western discourse of how you produce a movie. But I thinknowadays, movie producers are trying to do a lot of different things from the past.


  Goron: Yeah, they try but basically...


  Michael: It's interesting to say because maybe why we prefer movies to have good endings andwhy we prefer them to be very harmonic is because maybe we don't want to watch depressingthings. We want the movie to give us a good feeling in the aftermath.


  Goron: To give us hope.


  Michael: Yeah, give us hope, give us like good thoughts. And you know when I watched Up forinstance, which is an animation. When I just saw the first part of the movie, it really – Ialmost cried just watching it. I never cry to an animation film like that before. It was really, really touching.


  Goron: Right. I cried to the Lion King. [Laughs]


  Michael: When I was younger, I cried to the Lion King.


  Goron: No, I still cry when I see that.


  Win: I mean it's good to be emotional.


  Goron: Oh yeah. When the movie is good, it's good forever.


  Hollywood Hits 好萊塢大片

  Michael: Okay. Hello, my name is Michael. Next tome I have Goron from Italy and Win from Vietnam. And today we're going to do discuss movies, andspecifically, we're going to discuss about Hollywoodmovies. Do we like Hollywood movies, what is typicalin our own countries and so on? So we're going tostart with you Goron. Please.


  Goron: I will say that generally, I like Hollywood movies. They are — if I want to be like withoutthinking anything, you just like lie down on my couch and just eat something and drink andwatch a movie, I would choose like a Hollywood movie. They are pretty fun. They are well done. They spend — they have huge budgets for those kinds of movies. Like the last superheromovies now, there's about Ironman, Spiderman, the Avengers, all those kinds of movies. Thestory or the plot is pretty weak but, you know, you have this like visual effects which theimpact on you is strong. And you just think, or at least I think, "Oh wow, how did they dothat?"


  Michael: Yeah. I will give like that example there. You have Avatar. You know, the story is – it's a huge cliché.


  Goron: Yeah. We heard about this story for...


  Michael: I knew how the movie would end. But, you know, just going there to see the good 3Deffect that movie had, I think it had good 3D. It really immersed you in this whole world. Youknow, you saw those flying things from the forest.


  Goron: Yeah, but if you think, it was recorded by a 3D camera because just the camera was amillion of dollars.


  Michael: Yes, but...


  Goron: The other 3D movies are really crap because everything in post production. So you cantell, "Oh this is 3D?"


  Michael: Yes.


  Goron: I mean, it's dark and you have to wear glasses. And if you already have glasses, it'suncomfortable. So it's kind of – it sounds – it seems like a technology that's trying to stealyour money.


  Michael: It was a huge hype, I would say. They were charging more for it, and everyone triedto get on the 3D bandwagon. All the movies went into 3D and it became more normal for thereto be 3D movies in cinemas than normal movies. But yeah, I agree totally with you. They wenttoo far. Avatar was made, you know, from the ground up. The idea was to make it in 3D, andthey really worked hard to provide a good 3D experience. While those other movies, they're...


  Goron: I guess...


  Michael: It's just not the same.


  Goron: Technology is not ready yet, probably.


  Michael: And I also agree with you that, you know, there is movies that you watch for thestory, which are really good, and you love them. They don't have to be 3D. They don't have tobe and you just focus on the story. And then you have the movies, like – you know, evenTransformers with lots of explosions, lots of effects. It's entertaining in another way.


  Win: I mean it depends on how we look at entertainment. I mean, some days you could – Imean, you want to watch something emotional and romantic, and then some days you justwant some really easy stuff. But I'm just saying that Hollywood isn't all about the blockbusterand effect-heavy movies. I think Hollywood have made some really good thinking, really goodfood for thoughts. And it's not that all bad.


  n the Club 夜店

  Paul: So Amy, I was talking to somebody the otherday and they told me that you had quite a number oflike interesting little odd jobs. So I'm interested, socould you tell me a bit about that.


  Amy: I don't know how odd they were. I don't know. When I was in university, part time jobs, I used to work in restaurants and—the usual stuff—restaurants, and I think my favorite was working in a nightclub. It was a really, really bignightclub and I used to work on the floor, just kind of cleaning up, looking after all the drunkpatrons. And my first night there was—actually, one of my favorite DJs was on, so that wasgreat. I got to listen to really good music whilst finding money on the floor, and cleaning upafter folks. It was really good.


  Paul: You found some money on the floor.


  Amy: Yeah. You know, it was a busy club. Really, really full, a good couple of thousand peoplein there. And I guess people were doing whatever they were doing and they would drop bigwads of cash. And because I was the person to clean up all the glass bottles, then I would findthe wads of cash on the floor. So it was good. I'd get my wages, I'd get tips, and then I wouldget my own personal tips from finding money on the floor.


  Paul: So you must have found like a whole range of different things, like, what else did youfind?


  Amy: Yeah. A little wraps of things, and then packets of things, yeah. I mean, I had to workhard for the money. It wasn't easy because the place was full, absolutely rammed of people. Everybody is incredibly drunk or whatever and they all just want to dance and have a goodtime. And I have to make sure there's no broken glass for safety reasons, obviously. So I'mpushing my way through the crowd and keeping eyes on the floor constantly with a torch. Andalongside the broken glass that I would sweep up would be, yeah, wads of cash, sometimeslittle purses, little bags, things like that. When I find, like, identification for things—when itwas a purse, I would do the right thing with it, hand it in but it was just a wad up, like a rolledup set of notes, I would just put them in my pocket for me, basically.


  Paul: Yeah, it's difficult to know what to do with cash because you're handing it to someonewho—well, it's cash, isn't it?


  Amy: I know.


  Paul: Yeah, yeah.


  Amy: I remember finding some driving license and student ID, and I took—it was actually thesame university that I went to at the time, and I just took it to uni when I was going during theweek. And I handed it in to make sure that it got back to the owner because you know that'sthe worst thing about when you lose your purse or your wallet. The cash, you can kind of justsay goodbye to. It's a given really that it's going to be gone, but it's your ID and your cards andeverything. It's such a hassle trying to get them back again. So I wanted to make sure thatwhoever drunken idiot dropped them in that club that it got back to their hands safely.


  Paul: Well, that's nice. So you're a thief with heart then.


  Amy: I'm not a thief. I'm an opportunist.


  Paul: I'm kidding. I'm kidding.


  Amy: It's on the floor.


  Paul: I'm pulling your leg, Amy. No, I would have done the same.







