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  Mega Cities 大都市

  Goron: Hello, my name is Goron. I'm from Italy.


  Win: My name is Win. I'm from Vietnam.


  Michael: My name is Michael. I'm from Norway.


  Goron: So today, we're going to discuss about megacities. So do you have mega cities in your countries?


  Win: Well, Vietnam is still a developing country, but we have several big city. The city I'mfrom, Ho Chi Minh City is – I think it's the biggest city in Vietnam. And we have people flockingfrom the countryside to the city every year. And the population keeps growing butinfrastructure is not capable of keeping up with the population, so we kind of have someproblem right there.


  Michael: No. Norway does not have any mega city. But even so, we have problems withinfrastructure. We have a huge car queues but they're actually right now, they are doingeverything they can to develop that infrastructure. And most of our capital, Oslo, is actuallyplanned – well, it plans for the roads to all be sub-terrestrial.


  Goron: Okay. In Italy, the biggest city is Rome. It's a really ancient city, as you know. And sofor this reason, it was built for horses, for a really small amount of people, not five million as, Ithink, we have today. So the biggest problem in Rome is the traffic jam. Sometimes, it could beterrible, terrible. You can be stuck in the traffic for hours. And you just start to think, "Oh well, I want to get out of here."


  Michael: Have you – do you have any kinds of rules or like there's days, specific days whereyou cannot drive if your sign has this specific number or something like that?


  Goron: They tried to do that, but the drivers in Rome are really famous. They didn't follow therules. It's really hard to have a car incident there. They're driving like crazy. They are reallystressed out about traffic jam and so they're screaming. They're horning. So it could bestressful.


  Win: Does the government try to renovate infrastructure of the city?


  Goron: The problem is like it's really interesting because when they're trying to dig into Rome, they find something, some monuments or something that's from the Roman Empire. And theyhave to stop everything. So they cannot just destroy, you know, the columns or that theymaybe, they find some new houses under the ground, then the...


  Michael: Or catacombs.


  Goron: Catacombs, yeah. So really, it's – and so this one, it's really difficult to dig into Romeand build new metros for example.


  Michael: So maybe for Italy, it would be better to create like a new capital, like political capitallike in Brazil where they have Brasilia which was specifically built only for the politicians.


  Goron: It will be much better to move the capital of Milan actually. I think that, but it's toomuch history in Rome to just say, "Oh well, let's move it out somewhere else."


  Win: I mean, I think...


  Michael: Would you say that urbanization is a problem in Rome that more and more people arecoming to Rome from other places? And what would you think is the reason for that?


  Goron: Not really. It was a problem some decades ago, but not now. Not really. If you canavoid the big city, you do. But as we know, the biggest opportunities that you have for work, for everything are in the big cities. So this is the main reason.


  His Life in Japan 他在日本的生活

  Antoinette: Well, Warren, you know, we've beentalking about the fact that we both live in Japan andthat we're both from Western countries. Tell me, howdo you feel about Western eating utensils comparedto Japanese eating utensils?


  Warren: Well, you know, even in Japan, they use Western utensils sometimes. But overall, Ido like chopsticks. I think it's very handy. It's just easier to pick up certain things. When I firstcame to Japan and saw people eating salad with chopsticks, I thought it was very strange. But ifI tried to eat it with a fork now, it's actually very difficult to pick up things like lettuce. And Iprefer using chopsticks for things like that.


  Antoinette: When you first started using chopsticks, did you get hand cramps?


  Warren: Not so much because – I can't recall when I started using them, but I actually, Ibecame comfortable with them before coming to Japan.


  Antoinette: That's good to know.


  Warren: Uh-hmm.


  Antoinette: Well, what about sleeping? How do you sleep? Do you prefer a bed or do youprefer the Japanese style futon?


  Warren: Well, it's funny you say that. At first, I hated the idea of this thin little mattress butI did find that it's actually quite nice for my back. I actually prefer it to Western beds becauseit's better for my back. But I don't like sleeping on the floor. I like being higher up.


  Antoinette: So a high futon.


  Warren: If I could get like, you know, a tatami mat that's raised with a futon mattress on top, that would be best for me.


  Antoinette: You know, I think I've seen things like that in the stores, platform bed withtatami.


  Warren: Oh, that sounds nice. I should look for that.


  Antoinette: Yeah. I should find one for you and point you in that direction. Well, what aboutbathing? The Japanese are famous for their incense and the way they bathe. So do youprefer a Japanese style bathing situation or a Western style shower?


  Warren: Well, I actually much prefer the Japanese style now. When I go back home, I find itquite difficult. I like to be able to clean myself before going into the bathtub.


  Antoinette: That's a good thing. I do enjoy that as well. What about the custom of taking yourshoes off before going into a house?


  Warren: Well, that doesn't bother me too much. Growing up in Canada, I always took myshoes off coming inside anyways. I don't think it's as much of a ritual in Canada but manypeople do it just to keep a clean house. But sometimes, if I run out and I forget something likemy car keys and I want to just run back inside, I'll tend to want to keep my shoes on ratherthan taking them on and off every single time.


  Antoinette: Okay, tell me. Confess now. Do you sometimes keep your shoes on and go into thehouse?


  Warren: Yeah, sometimes I have. But I've caught my wife doing it a couple of times too, andshe's Japanese. So I guess I'm not that bad.


  Antoinette: Hey, I don't think so. I do it, too. What about sitting on the floor versus sitting inchairs? Which do you prefer?


  Warren: Oh again, I really dislike sitting on the floor. It isn't very comfortable for me. I'm alittle bit tall. I have long legs and I don't seem to have a place to put my legs when I'm on thefloor. Usually, my legs will fall asleep quickly and my back will start to bother me. So I preferto sit up in a chair.


  Antoinette: Oh that's too bad. I guess my last question refers to eating habits – well, mealsand how they're served. Do you prefer to eat meals that are served to you individually or do youprefer to eat and share your food?


  Warren: Well, that's a good question but I don't know if I have a preference. I like the idea ofeating all sorts of different things, so it can be fun eating in a Japanese style sometimes. Butthere are times where do I like to just have my own meal in front of me as well.


  Her Life in Japan 她在日本的生活

  Warren: So Antoinette, you've been living in Japanfor a while now, right?


  Antoinette: Yes, that's right.


  Warren: Well, can you tell me, do you like to usechopsticks or forks and knives more?


  Antoinette: It depends on what I'm eating really. For the most part, I enjoy usingchopsticks. They are easy to use. I don't have to worry about cutting anything. And especially ifI'm eating Japanese food, which tends to be chopped in small pieces, small bite-size pieces, chopsticks are perfect. But when I'm eating Western food or spaghetti, I prefer using Westernstyle utensils.


  Warren: Oh okay, that makes sense. What about sleeping, do you like to sleep on like aWestern bed or a Japanese futon?


  Antoinette: Actually, it depends on the season.


  Warren: Why is that?


  Antoinette: Well, in summer, I prefer sleeping on a futon. It seems cooler than a bed. But inwinter, I love a cozy, plush bed with lots of pillows and quilts or duvets. And yeah, I like to feelcozy.


  Warren: That sounds nice. Okay. How about having shoes on or off in the house?


  Antoinette: Hmm, I like to go barefoot – well, with socks. My feet get cold.


  Warren: Well, do you use slippers?


  Antoinette: No.


  Warren: Okay.


  Antoinette: I find slippers uncomfortable unless they are the kind that fit your foot. They'renot actually the correct size for my foot.


  Warren: Oh, I see. So Japanese slippers are a different size from you.


  Antoinette: They are one-size fits all and I just feel like kicking them off anytime.


  Warren: Right. Okay. How about, you know, in Japan, a lot of times people sit on the floor, butyou don't really do that very much in the United States. Do you like sitting in chairs or on thefloor more?


  Antoinette: I like both actually. Again, it depends on the season. The floor is so nice and coolin summer, and I like just feeling that coolness. But in winter, I want fabric underneath me, and I want cushions that tend to act – provide a barrier for cold wind.


  Warren: Right, right. Eating out is a little different, too. I think in Japan, you tend to share allthe meals that you have but maybe back home you usually just buy one meal.


  Antoinette: That's true. Maybe I'm a germ-phobic American – I don't know. I like eating myown food. I don't like to share. If it's one huge serving plate that's meant for several people, then fine. But I like just having my own plate of food.


  Warren: Oh, okay. There's one more. What about having a shower or a bath? I think in Japan, they usually have like a detachable shower-head and you can shower yourself before going intothe bath. What do you prefer?


  Antoinette: Well, I like showers, either way as long as the water is hot. Whether it'sdetachable or not, as long as the water is hot, I like showers. And I like having water run downmy body. That's a pleasant feeling. But I also like sitting in a hot tub of water but not for toolong.


  Warren: Well, what about the bathtubs because I think they are different sizes, aren't they?


  Antoinette: They are. I like the fact that Japanese baths allow you to sit in water up to yourneck. But I also like the fact that Western style baths allow you to recline in the water.


  Warren: Right. You can stretch out more.


  Antoinette: So you can stretch out, yeah.


  Warren: Oh, okay. I see.


  Antoinette: That's a hard call.






