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  Her Dream House 她的理想之家

  Curtis: All right. So Spencer if you could design yourdream home, what would it be like?


  Spencer: I know exactly what it would be like. Itwould be all wood, old-style beach house on theocean and on the sand. So it would have ocean frontporches all the way around. The biggest thing is the porches because I don't really care abouthaving, you know, massive extra rooms for guests or whatever like I want to be able to beoutside. Like being outside is big for me. I love screened-in porches as well. So that and alibrary. I'm a huge kind of book nerd, so I would love to have just a library with lots of differentshelves and, you know, a couple of desks for studying. That's the dream home for me.


  Curtis: Actually, I'm wondering about the outside. Would you paint the house or would you justleave it the natural wood color?


  Spencer: I want a natural color. There's an island south that's all kind of pastel Easter egglooking colors and it's too much for me. Also too like all the beach houses in LA, they're all kindof too tacky for me. Like I don't know. I like kind of the old look kind of traditional style.


  Curtis: Do you think you would use natural wood on it or a different material? I know that thebeaches are really tough on the siding and paneling.


  Spencer: That is true.


  Curtis: Okay. What would the kitchen be like in your dream house?


  Spencer: I'm not much of a cook but I hope that my future husband is. So I would like to havea big kitchen for him. Lots of table space. I want one of those islands, you know, in the centerof a kitchen where there's a marble countertop that has, you know, a couple of sinks and theability to kind of put multiple different parts of vegetables or fruits out and about while you'recooking and preparing. Yeah. I'd also like kind of a bar counter space as well so that peoplekind of pull up a chair and maybe help cook or maybe just be there for company while you'recooking.


  Curtis: And how about your living room, do you have any ideas for that?


  Spencer: Living room mainly just comfort. My parents had a living room in their house but itwas all just really nice antique furniture and we were never allowed to go there. So it's kind oflike what's the point of having a room in a house that you never go into? So I would like a livingroom, yes, maybe with a fireplace and some antique furniture but nothing too nice that, youknow, my child or my dog were to come in from outside could really like mess up.


  Curtis: And how about your yard, do you have any ideas for a yard around your house?


  Spencer: I want a lot of dogs. So I would like a big yard that they could be able to run aroundin, as well as if I have children, like have enough room for them to be able to, you know, slipand slide. So, you know, one of my best friends back home she had a yard that had a creek init. And that was so much fun like growing up being able to like catch different, you know, creepy-crawlies in the stream as well as have a messy or muddy day if we wanted to.


  Curtis: And how about the bathroom?


  Spencer: I want a massive bathroom actually. You know, my favorite shower in the world haslike five or six different faucets and it's just massive. That gives you space. I'm kind of aclumsy person, so if I fall down I don't want to be able to, you know – I don't want to hit myhead on anything. I also like a big Jacuzzi bathtub. My grandparents have this really, really, bigold porcelain tub that I swear like five people could fit into. So I'd really like to be able to havea big bathtub.


  Curtis: Okay. Thank you.


  Sleeping Patterns 睡覺模式

  Todd: So Sarah, let's talk about sleep. How manyhours of sleep do you usually get every night?


  Sarah: Usually, at least eight. It depends on howlate I stay up but usually about eight hours, I try toget every night.


  Todd: And you are pretty consistent, like even on the weekends, you get eight hours.


  Sarah: Yes. Even on the weekends. Sleep is very important for me to feel normal andenergetic.


  Todd: Now, do you need an alarm clock to wake you up or you just wake up naturally everyday?


  Sarah: I definitely have to have an alarm clock. Even though I wake up very easily, I don'twake up at a routine time easily. So I usually set two alarms and that will usually get me up.


  Todd: Oh wow. I actually have this kind of weird mental ability. I thought that everybody cando this but I found out it's not the case, but I can wake up exactly at the minute I want, anytime. So like, if I have to get up at 5:43, before I go to bed, I can say, "Okay. Get up at 5:43." And I'll wake up at 5:43, exactly.


  Sarah: That's amazing.


  Todd: Yeah. I don't know how – I guess your brain just can keep time. When I tell people this, sometimes they think, "Oh come on, that's not true." But really, ever since I was a kid I couldjust tell myself what time I want to wake up and I'll wake up exactly at that time.


  Sarah: That's really quite amazing. I wish it was that way for me, but it's not.


  Todd: Yeah. You know what's weird – because I don't use alarm clocks. And I can't – like analarm clock – the idea actually, I can't have a deep sleep if I know that it's going to ring andwake up, like it's going to jolt. To me an alarm clock is like somebody throwing cold water onyou, you know. So yeah, I don't use alarm clocks at all.


  Sarah: Yeah. I'm always paranoid about being late so that's why I set two just in case likeone doesn't go off. But I can sleep anytime of the day. Like it really doesn't matter what typeof day, it's very easy for me to fall asleep for as long as whenever. So that's why I have to havean alarm clock because I could sleep 12 or 14 hours and not wake up.


  Todd: Wow. That's like you do like sleep.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Todd: So do you take naps?


  Sarah: No, because then I feel really like groggy and really like irritable if I take naps becauseI just want to sleep longer than that amount of time. So I don't take naps.


  Todd: Like can you sleep with the light on?


  Sarah: Yes.


  Todd: Really?


  Sarah: Yes.


  Todd: Yeah, I can't. Actually, that's why I always wake up so early. As soon the light comesthrough the window, I wake up. I can't sleep if it's not dark.


  Sarah: I can sleep in any situation; light, noise, sitting up. It doesn't matter. I can sleep.


  Todd: Oh wow. So you're a deep sleeper.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  Todd: I'm so jealous. Like just a little bit of noise or a little bit of light and I can't sleep. Andactually, I probably only get an average six hours a night. But I do sometimes take naps.


  Sarah: Oh okay. How long do you usually nap for?


  Todd: Usually an hour. I found out if I go over an hour then that's the danger zone becausethen if you sleep like two or three hours, then you wake up and you're just groggy for the wholeday. Like you can't – it's like you've been drugged, you know. So yeah. Forty-five minute nap isabout it.


  Sarah: Yeah. When you were a child, did your parents make you take naps?


  Todd: They did. And oddly enough, when I was a kid though, I couldn't sleep, like, you wouldcry, "I don't want to take a nap" you know. And you'd be like you conk out. But yeah, I doremember. Do you remember having to take naps in school?


  Sarah: I didn't go to school actually. I was home schooled.


  Todd: Oh really.


  Sarah: I remember taking naps when I was really little but beyond that and like school-age, Inever had to.


  Todd: Oh wow. Anyway, all these talks are making me tired. I think I'm ready for a nap.


  Sarah: Sounds good.


  His Dream House 他的理想之家

  Spencer: Yeah. So Curtis, what would your dreamhouse be like? Tell me about the kitchen, livingroom, yard.


  Curtis: Well, I've thought a lot about my dreamhouse and designing it. Actually, that's the kind ofwork that my father does, so he said he could draw the plans up for me. But I've done a lot ofart and I really want to work my art into the house. So the living room, I would like there to bekind of a frieze around the outside of the room where I actually do the art myself. Now, I usedto do a lot of construction when I was younger, and so I would really like to take part in theprocess so that I have a kind of sense of ownership with the house that I've really built a partof that. The kitchen, I want it to be a very large space and next to a room that has a lot ofmedia so that you can kind of pay attention to things or watch tutorials and recipes whileyou're cooking, follow along with your favorite chefs or cooking channels. I'd like a really bigindustrial refrigerator and a huge island that I can work with, as well as a massive sink forcleaning things. I used to work at a restaurant and I loved the dishwasher there because it wasso quick and easy. So I would like a restaurant-style dishwasher in my kitchen, too.


  Spencer: Yeah. So tell me about – what would your yard be like?


  Curtis: I would like a lot of grass. I really love a yard with nice grass especially when you'replaying soccer, you can get under the ball and have a lot of fun like that.


  Spencer: It's nice to have a big backyard to play sports.


  Curtis: Yeah. I think so as well.


  Spencer: What about your bathroom?


  Curtis: My bathroom. Well, I would like to have a kind of a spa in there, honestly. I would liketo have a big bathtub. But I want my house to have geothermal heating. And if I have ageothermal heating system, I can also probably have a hot spring in the bathroom. I like it tobe quite big and have a nice shower as well. Just very nice open area with nice sinks. I don'twant to feel constrained in my bathroom. I don't want it to be small. It has to be big.


  Spencer: What about your living room?


  Curtis: My living room. One of the things that was really important to me for my living roomagain, is the art that I want to have a lot of details around the outside that are murals or friezesthat I have actually created on the wall and so that there's almost a kind of entertaining senseabout it. Just being in there before you turn on any other devices or televisions or anything likethat. That there is kind of a artistic and comfortable feel to it. It doesn't feel sterile, it feelsvery homey.


  Spencer: Cool. Would you have a big garage?


  Curtis: I probably would have a big garage because I really love driving, and I used to race carsat the track. And for the purposes of doing work on cars, or any other DIY work around thehouse, I would like to have a really big nice garage.


  Spencer: Would you have any sort of like swimming pool or – I know you said you wanted asauna in your bathroom but...


  Curtis: I would really like a portion that's maybe separate from the bathroom, that hasshutters that open up. So on a nice night, you can actually open it and see out over the yard orwhatever landscapes that the house is built next to.


  Spencer: That would be cool.


  Curtis: But I would like the area to be a little bit private, hopefully surrounded by woods a littlebit where you can't see your neighbors immediately.


  Spencer: Yeah, exactly.






4.常用實(shí)用英語情景對(duì)話:Lunch Meeting 午餐會(huì)
