On the Trail 穿越旅行
John: So Sarah, you talked about competing in a rodeo. Have you done any other sports on horseback?
Sarah: Yeah. Well, not a sport. I used to have a job, and my job was to take people on horseback into the mountains in Wyoming. And it was a really fun job. Everyday, we would saddle up, maybe 15 or 20 horses. And then we would take beginners, people who had never ridden horses before, and we'd show them how to lead the horses and get on the horses. And then, we'd go up into the mountains for two hours or four hours or sometimes all day.
John: Well, that sounds great.
Sarah: Yeah.
John: That was your job?
Sarah: That was my job, and it was really fun. We would walk along these cliffs, and people would get nervous and they'd say, "Oh no, isn't my horse going to fall down the cliff?" And I'd say, "No. Your horse doesn't want to fall down the cliff just like you."
John: Yeah. Right.
Sarah: And the horses were really good. And to be honest, the horses mostly ignored the people on their backs.
John: Really?
Sarah: The horses, they knew the path that we were taking.
John: Oh.
Sarah: And sometimes, people would want to do something that's dangerous like go too fast or go a different way. And the horses would ignore the people and go the way they're supposed to.
John: That's probably better.
Sarah: Yeah.
John: What about wild animals? You're out going on horseback trail rides through the mountains, right?
Sarah: Yeah. And the area we went through was famous for elk. We saw lots of elk. And, you know, where there's elk, there are also the animals that eat elk. So there were mountain lions and bears.
John: Bears?
Sarah: I never saw a bear. But I always told the people I was with, I said, "Don't worry guys. If you see a bear, you don't have to be faster than the bear. You just have to be faster than the slowest horse."
John: Oh, that's a good one.
Sarah: Yeah.
John: Did the visitors like that joke?
Sarah: They did. They thought it was really funny until I pointed out which horse was the slowest, and then that person got really nervous.
John: Did you ever see a mountain lion?
Sarah: I never saw a mountain lion. But one time, the horses were all acting really nervous and they wouldn't go forward. And I didn't know why they were acting this way.
John: Oh.
Sarah: They refused. And so, I ended up turning around and we went off the trail, and we had to make a big circle.
John: Really?
Sarah: And then, later, I found out that there had been a warning, that there were mountain lions in the area. And so, I think that's why the horses refused to go.
John: Wow. Those horses sound pretty smart.
Sarah: Yeah. Sometimes in the morning, when we are the first people on the trail, I would see tracks, like wolf tracks or cougar tracks. But I never saw the real animal.
John: That's probably lucky.
Sarah: Yeah.
John: Sounds like you had a really fun time at that job.
Sarah: Yeah. It was really fun and we were outdoors everyday. That was my favorite part. The air was so clean and I loved working with the animals and being in the sunshine. It was great.
Rodeo Rider 牛仔競技者
John: So Sarah, I was wondering, what kind ofsports do you like to play?
Sarah: Well, I love riding horses. And actually, whenI was in college, I took a lot of classes abouthorseback riding. So I can do all sorts of sports onhorseback.
John: Wow! That's amazing. Don't you think riding horses is scary?
Sarah: I think, it's part of the fun. For example, I used to be in the rodeo and I did a sportcalled saddle bronc riding. And the way you do this is they put the saddle on the horse andthen they let the horse just go crazy. And the horse runs, and bucks, and tries to get you off, and you try to stay on. And it's really scary but it's also really exciting.
John: Wow! That's what's called a bucking bronco, right?
Sarah: Yeah. And it's really hard to stay on. In fact, you win if you can stay on 8 seconds.
John: Oh, that doesn't seem very long.
Sarah: It's really, really long. When I was – it's really long when you're on the horse. My firsttime, I only stayed on about 4 seconds and then I fell off in the middle of ring and I gotknocked out.
John: Whoa!
Sarah: Yeah. And the rest – yeah, and I had a big black eye for about two months.
John: Wow! From falling off a horse. That's why it seems scary. Isn't it really dangerous?
Sarah: It is. It is really dangerous. And they don't make you wear helmet or any safety gear. Ididn't wear a helmet my first time. I think it was pretty stupid. You start – so the horse startsin a metal cage. So the horse can't move. And then you sit on top of the horse, on the horse'sback in the saddle. And then you say, I'm ready and they open the door. And the horseexplodes and just starts jumping, and turning and twisting. And the horse did about three orfour jumps and I fell off.
John: Wow! How many seconds did you make it?
Sarah: Three.
John: Three?
Sarah: Probably about 3 seconds.
John: So you would have to do that more than twice as long to win.
Sarah: Yeah. I got better at it, but I never could stay on for 8 seconds.
John: Did you try any other rodeo events?
Sarah: Yeah. I tried to do calf roping.
John: What's that?
Sarah: This is a sport where you have your horse and your horse is trained. It's not the wildhorse from before. And there's a calf, and you try to throw your rope so that you catch the calf. And a calf is a baby cow.
John: Wow! And so, what do you have to do if you get your rope around the cow?
Sarah: Then you have to run up to the cow and you have to tie the cow's legs together. Andwhen you finish tying the cow's legs together, the timer stops. So you want to do it as fast asyou can.
John: That sounds really fun. And it doesn't sound as dangerous as the saddle bronccompetition.
Sarah: No. It's not as dangerous. But after a while, I started to feel bad for the baby cow.
John: I see.
Sarah: It's just he's a small little baby and he's really scared, and he's trying to run away. And I started to feel bad about catching him with the rope and tying him up. So I stoppeddoing it.
Truffle Time 松露巧克力
Todd: Okay. So Meg, we're talking about baking. And in the last one, in the last interview, youmentioned cake pops and some other stuff. Now youalso mentioned truffles. What is a truffle?
Meg: A truffle is – it's a little chocolate candy or it can be not so tiny but it's not huge. It's likebite-size. Bite-size chocolate candy with something in the inside that's called ganache, which is – can be a chocolate or a different flavor. Kind of creamy or a little more firm and then coatedin chocolate. So it's a chocolate candy basically.
Todd: Okay. Now, I sometimes hear the word truffles like something that pigs find under thetrees. Is it the same word?
Meg: Yeah, different – no. Well, same word. Same word but those are a type of mushroom, Ithink.
Todd: Yeah.
Meg: Yeah. So there's truffles mushroom and then there's truffles chocolate candy. So Iguess be careful which one you're ordering if you're at the store.
Todd: Right. And they have nothing to do with each other.
Meg: No. I mean maybe someone has made a mushroom chocolate truffle before. I'm notsure, but not me.
Todd: Okay. So are truffles easy to make?
Meg: They are – they're time consuming. So I don't think they are difficult to make but youhave to have the time to put in because you need to make the inside chocolate part first andmix together the ingredients and then form – I always did it by hand – form all the little ballsso that you can dip them in chocolate. And so, one batch could usually get maybe 60 truffles. So probably I had to spend a few hours working on a batch of truffles.
Todd: Can you go through the process, like how do you make them from start to finish?
Meg: So probably my favorite ones are like an espresso chocolate kind where you would – Ineed some chopped up chocolates, more like baking chocolate or really dark chocolate or if youwant milk chocolate, you can use it. And then mix that with some heavy cream and butter onthe stove. And if there's any flavor, you're going to add. And so if it's like a coffee flavor, youcan add some coffee grinds and later strain them out, so it has that flavor. And then...
Todd: And that's the inner part that you're working on?
Meg: Right. Yeah.
Todd: That's like – what's that called again?
Meg: Ganache.
Todd: Ganache.
Meg: Hmm.
Todd: Okay.
Meg: And so, then you've made that and so it's still pretty thin, more liquid-y. And so youneed to put it in the fridge to let it firm up for – it can take – that recipe can take a few hoursbefore it's ready. And then once it's ready, I just use like a small spoon to scoop a little outand then use my hands to roll it into like a ball shape. And then let that sit, and then I had toput it back in the fridge because your hands kind of warm the chocolate back up. And then onceit's out, you can use a special dipping fork or just a regular small fork and have some meltedcoating chocolate that you can get at craft stores where there's fancy kinds or cheap kinds orwhatever. And then you need to dip each ball individually and put it down on wax paper, like aspecial paper that it won't stick to. And then you let them – if you're going to add anything ontop like sprinkles or anything, you can do that then. And then that's it. You're done.
Todd: Wow. And then you just put them on the fridge. You chill them, right?
Meg: You don't have to. They're better actually if keep them out of the fridge because if youput them in the fridge then you maybe have to handle issues with it going from cold to warm. And chocolate – you might not know chocolate – if it gets too cold sometimes or like frozen, little white spots can come to the surface. And so it kind of ruins the prettiness of the chocolate.
Todd: Okay.
Meg: Yeah. So you can just leave them out.
Todd: That's good to know.
Meg: Yeah.
Todd: Thanks. Well, I might give it a try but it still sounds pretty hard.
Meg: Well, I'll help you.