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  Love and Relationships in France 法國的戀愛關系

  Todd: Hello, Marianne. I thought we would talk about love and relationships today.


  Marianne: Okay.


  Todd: If you don't mind.


  Marianne: That's fine.


  Todd: And we would ask you about marriage in your country of France. And is it changing? Like are fewer people getting married? Are they getting married younger or later? Like how is marriage changing in France?


  Marianne: Well, marriage, it's kind of like very, like it's a traditional idea. Actually, it's a very conservative idea or very – it became like a conservative concept. So actually nowadays, I would say that French people do not really care about getting married. They care more about like having a stable relationship or having a real love relationship. Because I would say like for example, for my grandfather and grandmother's generation, marriage was very, like, it was very important for the stability of the family and for the stability of – even for yourself. Like even for when you were a woman at this time, you have to rely on a husband to live because women were not independent. They couldn't work or they had difficult access to work. So marriage was very important to have this possible life and having someone who can support you. But nowadays, because things are changing between men and women, they tend to be equal, so they tend to have the same rights. So marriage became less important to get some stability in your life. But the most important nowadays is to find someone that you can really rely on and someone that you really love to have a family. So people get married like when they are older. So they really enjoy like being young and enjoy, like, having different partners for example and then decide who is the best one, best partner. And then when they are older, when they are sure, they can get married and have a family. But it's not the first priority. People are more independent; women and men nowadays in France. So marriage is like kind of just like people put back – put the marriage back, it's not the first priority. The main priority is really about love, about finding happiness in your life if you find someone you love.


  Todd: Okay. Well, I think in the States it's very similar. But how do they feel about children? And also, how do they feel about, let's say, being with someone for their entire life? Like you find your soul-mate and then that's it.


  Marianne: Well, it's a very romantic idea. So I think it's – it doesn't have to do with marriage. Like it depends on your personality I would say because if you believe in this idea of the perfect soul-mate and someone you can live with forever, it's more like romantic. So I would say, nowadays, like still French people believe in everlasting or never-ending love. But it's not necessarily through marriage that you accomplish this.


  Todd: Okay. And what about children?


  Marianne: What do you – so what's your question about children?


  Todd: So you were saying that marriage isn't as important to people. Are they willing to have children out of wedlock? Or like do people feel like you have to be married to have children or they just...?


  Marianne: No, no. No, no. You have to love each other. You really have to love each other to have children. Like it doesn't matter so much if you are married or not, it's just a question of paper usually. For example, if the child should have the name of the father or the mother when you are not married, it could be this kind of issue. But like people can have children and then get married. Like for example, my friends – I have many friends around me who are just getting married now but they have already children like two or three children. So it's not, yeah, the question of having children or getting married before – we don't need – the order does not really matter nowadays. You have to marry the other if the other is really your ideal partner. But it does not matter if you have children before or after.


  Todd: That makes a lot of sense. I think it's the same in a lot of countries these days.


  Using AirBnB 如何用AirBnB網(wǎng)站

  Todd: Okay. So we're talking about housing Meg. You know, these days, a lot of people can actuallystay in houses when they travel. Like they don't stayin hotels, they stay in a house. Have you heard aboutAirbnb?


  Meg: Yeah, I have heard of it. I've looked at the website a couple of times. Do they haveAirbnb where you're from?


  Todd: They do. They actually do have Airbnb in San Francisco but I have not used it in SanFrancisco, I've only used it actually traveling in other countries. I used it Thailand and I wasgoing to use it in Japan but I ended up – I couldn't use it because of the travel problems butyeah.


  Meg: So how does it work?


  Todd: Basically, what it works is if somebody owns a house, they can rent out a room. And so, you find a house online and then you book it with the scheduling system online. And then youpay Airbnb the money and then the people let you stay in their house.


  Meg: What are the cost usually? Is it expensive?


  Todd: It can be really cheap or really expensive. You have both ends. I mean, sometimes youcan just rent a room and sometimes, you can actually rent the whole house. So, you know – andnow, in places like Thailand or other places in Southeast Asia, what they do is a lot ofcondominiums now are kind of turning into mini-hotels. So rather than try to find long-termtenants, they just search for – or they just rent out their apartments on Airbnb.


  Meg: Right. Well, it sounds like a good way to stay some place you haven't been before.


  Todd: It is good. I mean, when I used it in Thailand, what I liked about it was you feel like youhave a real, you know, you have real roots there. You're not in the hotel so nobody is kind ofintruding on you or nobody is coming to clean your room everyday. So you feel like you havemore privacy and you feel like you really live in the place. And usually, the apartments are inreal neighborhoods so they're not in touristy areas. So there are definitely some advantages.


  Meg: Would you say that it's safe?


  Todd: Yeah. I guess that's the biggest concern. It seems to be safe. I mean, from what I see – although there was an interesting case recently in California where they've had problems ofsquatters. And a squatter...


  Meg: What are squatters?


  Todd: A squatter is somebody who, they take the Airbnb house and then they just never leave.


  Meg: Oh.


  Todd: Yeah. And then they're hard to evict. So that was one interesting thing. And then also, recently, the company has been in the news because people that have low-income housing, likegovernment subsidized housing, they've been trying to rent out their apartments on Airbnb.


  Meg: On Airbnb.


  Todd: And then the city or the government said, "Hey, you can't do that because we give youthis house at a discount to help you because you're low income. So you can't use it to make aprofit." So it's been a very debatable situation.


  Meg: Yeah. I guess it's kind of like double dipping.


  Todd: Yeah.


  Meg: You're getting discount or paid in a way to live there and then you want to get paidmore. So it sounds like a problem.


  Todd: Yeah. So what do you think? Would you be interested in doing something like Airbnb?


  Meg: Yeah. I definitely think so. After researching a place, maybe if I have a lot of pictures andit seemed clear that it would be safe, yeah, I think I'd like to do it.


  Todd: And actually their website is fantastic. Like if you go to their website, you can, let's say, choose a house in Paris or Madrid or whatever. And then they often have like the Google streetcam thing so you can see what the house looks like on the inside. And then you could actuallydo the rotating camera and see what the neighborhood looks like. And then everybody leavesreviews about the owner and about their stay there, so you'd get a good feel about what theplace is like. So it's kind of a new way to travel, and it's kind of cool.


  Meg: Yeah. It sounds interesting especially the reviews. I think knowing someone else has hada good experience, I would definitely be interested in doing it.


  Todd: Yeah, definitely.


  Ridiculously Expensive City 生活成本貴得離譜的城市

  Meg: So Todd, I heard that you're from San Francisco and that it's really expensive there maybe to live. Is it – is that true?


  Todd: Yeah. It's ridiculously expensive. It's obscene actually. It's so hard to get other people to realize how expensive it is. You have to actually live there and then you can experience it firsthand. But basically, you know, your average small apartment is a minimum, a minimum of like $3,000 a month.


  Meg: Wow. That sounds really expensive.


  Todd: Yeah.


  Meg: Well, so I don't know much about the San Francisco area. Is that like just in the main downtown part or anywhere in the city is it that expensive?


  Todd: It's actually – yeah, it's pretty much the entire peninsula. And the high pricing affects all of Northern California. And the reason is because companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Cisco – all these really big rich, rich companies pay people a lot of money. And so, there's a lot of money in San Francisco for the tech world, and that just drives up the prices for everything.


  Meg: So everyone who lives there like must be pretty rich?


  Todd: Yeah. So it's very high income. I think the average income is over $100,000 a year or something crazy like that.


  Meg: Wow.


  Todd: Yeah, it's a lot.


  Meg: So if apartments are $3,000 a month, what about houses?


  Todd: Houses are ridiculously expensive. So your average house is probably – in San Francisco, a really small rinky-dink house can go for almost $1 million.


  Meg: Wow.


  Todd: Yeah.


  Meg: Wow. That sounds impossible.


  Todd: Yeah. It sounds obscene. Yeah. Years ago I worked on the construction crew, and this was 15 years ago. And we were just renovating or painting a very small little shack. I mean, the house wasn't even that big and it was going for $1 million.


  Meg: Wow. So when you were working there, were you living in San Francisco also?


  Todd: I was. And that's actually why I became a teacher in Asia, why I moved to Japan because we were losing our lease on our apartment, and I had to go find new housing. And not only is the house inexpensive but even if you have the money, you might not get a house because you have to go through this long process. It's almost like getting into college. You have to get through this interview process. And just going and finding an apartment is such a complicated process in San Francisco that I thought, "Oh, forget it, I'm just going to take the easy way out and go back and start teaching overseas again."


  Meg: So if someone were interested in living in San Francisco, what would your advice be?


  Todd: Don't, or make sure you have a lot of money or you have a really good job. I guess there are some ways around it. You can rent rooms and things like that. But it's doable because there is low-income housing. And if you live in the outskirts and if you are going to commute into the city, you could probably find something around $1,500 a month. But still, it's pretty expensive.


  Meg: So work for Google first, then move to San Francisco.


  Todd: Right. Exactly. Make sure you get that job at the tech company. And then once you have that job, then you're set.


  Meg: Great. Well, thanks for sharing about San Francisco.


  Todd: Sure.






