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  Is College Worth It? 應(yīng)該上大學(xué)嗎?

  Todd: So Marianne, we're talking about education. And things are changing. Society is changing as it always is. But these days, you can pretty much learn anything on your own. And there is a new debate going around that colleges no longer serve the purpose that it used to. That basically, you can just learn what you want to learn without going to college. What do you think about that?


  Marianne: Yes, that's a very good question. I really love this possibility of having access to knowledge just by yourself without having to attend a college for example. It's a great chance for everyone to have access to this knowledge. So I can think it's a good thing. But I don't know why. I'm kind of skeptical because I think at some point, you have to have a time where you can exchange with a teacher or at least with other people who have the same knowledge as you. Because if you never, if you don't have this time and space where you can debate about what you learned, then there is no increase of the level of thinking. Like because you need to debate about things to learn more or maybe to correct things. It's like the Wikipedia, right. Like it's a contributive dictionary or – encyclopedia. But everybody is writing in this page. And sometimes you see some updates but you don't know why, for example, someone made the change because you don't have the space where you can debate about is this wrong or correct about like the information that was uploaded was wrong or correct. And if you just see the correction but you couldn't debate about this, then you cannot understand. So I think for me, having a time and a space where you can debate is very important. And this is a place and the time that college can offer, for example, debate between teachers or debate between students about some topics.


  Todd: Wow! Those are really good points. Yeah, I agree. You know, I've taught at university for a while. And I do see some of the points of being a self-learner and just basically getting what you want – getting the information you want online. But the problem is, when you go to university, you have that void or the vacuum really. And so, you're going to fill that with all these different types of information. And you might see things that you aren't – that you didn't even know that you liked. And also, there's that social element that's really strong in college. I don't think you're going to find that anywhere else where you, you know, make friends, you make relationships that last your whole life. So I'm still a big believer of college but I can see that maybe we need to change the model to make them little bit better.


  Marianne: Uh-hmm.


  Todd: Which brings us to another question: how do you think we can change college to make better? Like what are some changes we can make to college?


  Marianne: Wow.


  Todd: Like I have one idea. One idea I have is that we're starting to see it a little bit with MOOCs but there's no reason that you can't take a class at any other university via video from your university. So example, if you go to UCLA, you can take art classes from Harvard or somewhere else. I think that would be really good if you can start doing that. So you're not only limited to the professors on your campus.


  Marianne: Wow. Yes, that's a great idea. Yes.


  Todd: Anything that you, looking back, you wish you could have done differently at university?


  Marianne: Well the big issue about university especially in the US is that it costs a lot of money. And so, if we could find ways to – because for example, you are talking about having access to a lot of content information for free actually – I mean, for free. Like you just have to pay your Internet connection and suddenly, you have access to a lot of knowledge. But when you go to college, it costs a lot of money. So this is a big issue actually. So if you could find a way to, financially speaking, like if we can find a way to make university more accessible to a wider audience, it could be nice. But I know it's difficult because we have to pay teachers. We have to pay all the infrastructures about university, so it costs a lot of money. So I don't have the solution right now but I think working on this like free education or cheaper education – I mean, cheaper in a way talking about the entrance fee, not losing the quality of education. Yeah. If we can work on this point.


  Todd: Yeah. I totally agree.


  Good Teacher / Bad Teacher 好老師和壞老師

  Todd: So Marianne, we're going to talk about education, and we're going to talk about the qualities of a good and bad teacher. And I'm a teacher so this is important for me, so I'm going to be taking notes. What do you think makes a good teacher?


  Marianne: I have no idea. No, I'm kidding. Okay, so I have to remember like when I was in junior high school or high school for example, my good teachers, how were they. I think a good teacher has to be strict. Insisting sometimes because you can be lazy, or as a student it could be difficult to understand what the teacher is talking about. So the teacher really have to insist on very important things. And yes, the teacher has to be strict. But at the same time, the teacher-student relationship should be kind of equal or respectful. So the teach is not – of course, he is or she is superior because he has or she has knowledge. But it could be nice if the teacher can interact with the student. So if the student is able to give his opinion or her opinion about the subject the teacher is talking about, I think it's nice. Because I think the teacher, his responsibility or her responsibility is to raise critical thinking of the student. So it's very important this time of interaction of exchange between teachers and students. So yes, it could be my definition like the teacher being strict but at the same time being open to talk about subjects.


  Todd: All right. Those are some good points. But going back to being strict, can you be specific? Do you mean like making sure they do their home work.


  Marianne: Yes.


  Todd: Making sure they're on time to class.


  Marianne: Yes. And punish them if they are late for example, like...


  Todd: Oh, punishment. Okay.


  Marianne: I mean, like say something like, you know, like you have an appointment. It's very important. For example, you have English class at 2:00 so be here at 2:00 and not 2:05. So it's very important because you have to show respect for the person who would deliver you content about English. And it's very important because it helps you in your life to – even for yourself, for the student, it's not only to show respect to teacher but it's also for the student to – for him or her to be able to keep her schedule. It's very important in life because otherwise you can spend your life being always late and not doing things on time. But if you are always behaving this way, then you can never build anything in life. So you have to have also for yourself some strict attitude or strict capacity or I don't know how to say.


  Todd: No, that's perfect. Sounds good. How about some bad things? Have you had some bad teachers in the past?


  Marianne: Yes. Like for example, a teacher who are just strict and that's it, like there is no communication possible with them. It's terrible. For example, I remember when I was in junior high school, I had an art teacher actually, she was our art teacher and nobody liked her. She was just terrible like a very strict woman and very angry every time we went to attend her class. And I remembered I was really terrified by her. And for me, she didn't teach me anything. So this kind of strict attitude was not really helpful for me.


  Todd: Yeah. I like that. So strict but not too strict.


  Marianne: Yeah. Strict, it means in the sense that making the other responsible. Like an adult has to show teenagers that they will become future responsible adults, too. So they are not just like kids and you just don't say to your kids for example, "Don't eat this," and that's it. If you can just say to your children, "Don't eat this because you can be sick if you eat too much of this." Like you have to give them a reason or you have to make them responsible. They have to understand actually.


  Todd: No, I totally agree. Very, very good points.


  SoMe Love 網(wǎng)絡(luò)戀愛

  Todd: Hey, Marianne. So we're talking about love and relationships in the modern era. So the question is do you think social media changes how people date?


  Marianne: Yes, definitely. In the sense that, well, social media are actually changing the way we interact with each other. Not only talking about love but just even with your friends or colleagues. It just changes the way of how – or the way how people interact with each other. So for example, we have – I would say – well it's a difficult question because social media can help you to connect with people you would have – with who you wouldn't have any connection. But in the other hand, it can also kind of isolate you. Like because – well, if you use social media like you don't have the human interaction. You are just facing you with your screen and you are just alone with your social media. You do not encounter someone for real. So I would say, sometimes it cannot help you to connect with other people, so to have a social life. It's a product but I think it could work this way unfortunately. So you really have to be the own master on your social – you have to have the power on your social media to pass this line. Social media should not prevent you from having a social life. It should help you to socialize in a different way maybe. But don't be like isolated or don't just close yourself because it's very easy to lose it. It's just like social media reflects your – it's like a mirror. It just reflects you. So for example, if you try to look for a partner or if you play with your social – not social identity but there is a way to say this like a computer or Internet identity. Now there is a new identity. So many – of course, like you play with this image. Like you upload photos you have chosen to upload. You upload content you have chosen to upload. So you show a different face on the social media. So it's not really who you are. So it completely changed the way you interact with others because if you think that yourself you are like lying in a way or inventing this new face, then also other people invent new faces. So I think it changed completely the relationship you have with others.


  Todd: Yeah. That's so true. I agree with you. One thing I think that's kind of weird is for example, you become friends with somebody and you know that they're married. And then you'll follow them over, let's say, four or five years but you don't have contact with them everyday. And then I'll notice that person never mentions their spouse on their social media profile. Never. And it makes you wonder sometimes, are they still together because you never see photos of the person. You only see photos of the individual. And me personally, I think that's kind of strange. What do you feel about that? Do you feel like if you're in a relationship, your social media account can be just you and only you? Or should it include your...


  Marianne: That's a good question. Yes.


  Todd: Your other person.


  Marianne: Yes. That's a very good question actually. Yes, because for example – your partner for example, he or she, like you are not allowed sometimes to upload photo of him or her. So how do you, yes, how do you decide like what kind of content. And it's the same question for your children for example. Many people upload photo of their babies, newborn babies. So it's very cute but nobody asks them are they okay with like having their photos on your social media? So yes, it's a good question. In my case, well I use social media only for my work purpose, my job, or I just upload some events. So it's very like – it's more a platform where I exchange some information. And I don't talk too much about my private life. So I avoid this question about like uploading some content that concern my family or my partners or my children if I have some, so.


  Todd: Yeah. I guess, it's a tricky issue really, isn't it?


  Marianne: Yes.


  Todd: Anyway, thanks, Marianne.


  Marianne: Thank you.



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