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  The Home of ELLLO ELLO網(wǎng)總部

  Meg: Hey, Todd, where do you live?


  Todd: I live on the east side of downtown


  Meg: Oh. Do you like it there?


  Todd: I do. I live in an older house. But it's a big house, and it's really relaxing. It's a nice place to live.


  Meg: Wow. Sounds nice. How many rooms does it have?


  Todd: My house is pretty big. It's four rooms. It has a big sleeping room. It's a Japanese house. So it's not really a bedroom because you sleep on the floor.


  Meg: Oh.


  Todd: But it also has a living room. It has, like, an office room and it has a kitchen.


  Meg: Is it a big kitchen?


  Todd: No, it's a pretty small kitchen and it's a very old kitchen. I have a small stove. So it's very difficult to cook. But, you know, I have a refrigerator. I have a microwave. I have a nice kitchen table to eat at. So it's a pretty decent kitchen.


  Meg: It sounds okay. What about your living room? What do you have in the living room?


  Todd: My living room, it's pretty cool for a guy because it's a good place to watch sports. I have a really big TV, and I have cable TV, so I get all the football channels.


  Meg: Nice.


  Todd: And I have a really big sofa, so I can sit on my sofa and watch sports and drink beer. It's great.


  Meg: Sounds relaxing.


  Todd: Very relaxing.


  Meg: Well, do you also have a nice bathroom?


  Todd: I do. I actually have three bathrooms.


  Meg: Oh, really?


  Todd: It's kind of crazy, yes. So in English, we say bathroom, but I have two rooms that are for the toilet and I have one room or the bathroom with the toilet for the guests. And then I have a bathroom that I used. And then also I have a natural hot spring bath outside my house. So if I want to take a shower or bathe, I use that room.


  Meg: Wow. I'd love to have a hot spring at my house.


  Todd: Yeah, it's very nice. It's very, very nice.


  Meg: Does your house also have a yard?


  Todd: It kind of has a yard. So outside my house, there's an area for flowers and bushes. And it's like a yard or a garden around the house, but it's not a place you can play sports. There's no grass or anything. So it's a very, very small yard. But, you know, it's a nice place.


  Meg: Oh yeah. It sounds like a nice place to live.


  Todd: It is a nice place to live. I'm very, very lucky.


  Meg: You said you have a sleeping room, not a bedroom. What does that mean?


  Todd: Yeah. I live at a Japanese style house. So it's called the tatami room. And you sleep in the tatami room and you sleep on the floor on a futon. So I don't have a bed. So it's not a bedroom. It's a room that you sit in during the day and you can eat and talk with guests. But it's also a room that you sleep in at night. So yeah, I call it my sleeping room. But I think in Japan, they just call it the tatami room.


  Meg: Is it comfortable sleeping on the floor?


  Todd: Yeah, it's really comfortable. Now I love it. So before, I slept on a bed. But now I sleep on the futon on the floor and I really like it. Actually, I prefer to sleep on the futon on the floor.


  Meg: Well, it sounds like your house is really comfortable.


  Todd: It is. It is. I never want to leave.


  Traveling with Kids 和孩子一起旅行

  Sarah: Okay, John. I was curious about a trip you've taken. Have you ever taken a really, really awesome trip?


  John: Yeah. I've been on a lot of awesome trips but I didn't know that trips could be so awesome until I went with my kids.


  Sarah: Really? It went well?


  John: Oh yeah. It went very well. It's more fun, I think to take kids with on a trip.


  Sarah: Where did you go?


  John: I went to Thailand.


  Sarah: Wow.


  John: My first trip with a kid was with my daughter to Thailand. We did everything. We rode on elephants in Chiang Mai, and we went down south and went to the beach. I wasn't worried about anything because of having kids with us. Yeah. So I wonder what would have been different if I didn't have kids. I probably would have stayed up too late, and I wouldn't have woken up in the morning. In that way, I think kids can help you have a better vacation. You can use your time better because kids are definitely going to wake up early. So you can't waste the morning.


  Sarah: You said you rode an elephant.


  John: Yes.


  Sarah: With your daughter? Didn't you think that was dangerous?


  John: Well, I was nervous about it at first. I thought, maybe it would be too dangerous but we had very good guides to help us. So I asked the elephant trainers, "Do you think it's safe enough for my daughter to ride the elephants?" And the trainers told us, yes, it would be very safe. And the trainers were right there with us together, from the start to the end. So there was never any risk.


  Sarah: Was there anything that you wanted to do but you decided you couldn't do it?


  John: Well, maybe there are some things that younger people would do if they don't have kids like going out to a dance club late at night. But I wasn't too interested in doing that anyway, so I don't consider that I missed it. Besides a dance club late at night, I don't think there's anything else I skipped. Maybe an amusement park. When you have a baby or a toddler, you can't go to an amusement park and go on a rollercoaster. But after the kids are older, you can do that, too.


  Sarah: So when you went to Thailand, you had one daughter, do you have more kids now?


  John: Yes. Now, I have a daughter and a son.


  Sarah: Is it hard to travel with two kids?


  John: Oh, it's a little harder than traveling with one kid but it's not twice as hard.


  Sarah: Ah.


  John: There are two kids now but it's not twice as hard as traveling with one kid. Also, you find that lots of people want to help you. So if you have too many bags, for example, someone will help you carry your bags. Or if you need to feed your kids because babies can't feed themselves, right, well you just have to learn some skills like give one kid some toys while you feed the first child and then switch. So give toys to the other kid and feed the second one. So you learn lots of tricks like that so you can make traveling easier.


  Sarah: Well, it sounds like you have a great time traveling with your kids. Thanks for telling me about it.


  John: Oh yeah. I want to go on more trips with my kids. I can't wait for our next vacation.


  Naughty Kids 淘氣的孩子

  John: So I was wondering about disciplining kids in public. You have kids, right?


  Sarah: Yeah. I have two kids. I have a three-year old and a one-year old.


  John: Are they ever naughty when you're out in public?


  Sarah: Yes. They are naughty out in public. And I think that you shouldn't discipline your children in front of other people. So if I'm out in public and my three-year old starts to be naughty and she's crying because she wants a toy from the store or something, I will pick her up and I take her somewhere quiet until she's calm. Like I might take her to the family bathroom or a quiet hallway, so she can stop crying and stop making noise.


  John: I see. So you wouldn't just give her the toy she wants.


  Sarah: No. I don't think you should do that sort of thing to make your child be quiet, just give them something until they are quiet because then they'll be bad more in the future. If they know they can cry and scream, and mom and dad will give them what they want, they'll just be worse and worse.


  John: Oh, I see. They'll learn that it's okay. They can get what they want by crying.


  Sarah: Yeah.


  John: But don't you think you'll – won't you lose more time if you have to take your kids to some quiet place to calm down?


  Sarah: Yeah. You lose time but I think it's worth it because I think of the future and the time I'll save by making sure that my child is better behaved in the future. And the other thing too is I'm always trying to think about other people. So I don't want other people to have to listen to my child scream and cry. And I also don't want them to see me talking sternly to her because they'll maybe be annoyed or feel uncomfortable. And maybe my child will scream more because she can feel that. So I try to go somewhere quiet.


  John: Oh, I see.


  Sarah: Sometimes that's impossible though. Sometimes, if you're on the plane or on a train, you can't go anywhere or do anything. You have to stay in your seat.


  John: What if you're on an airplane, then do you give your child whatever they are crying for as soon as possible?


  Sarah: Yes, I do. I try to plan ahead and I think, okay, I need to have enough toys. I need to have lots of snacks, lots of fun things so that I prevent them from becoming naughty or crying or screaming. But sometimes, you can't help it. And if you're child or baby starts to be loud at that point, I will. I'll give them candy or food or toy, whatever they want.


  John: Oh, I get it. So I think you're saying, you think there might be a different reason why kids become naughty. Besides what they want...


  Sarah: Yeah.


  John: For example, they're hungry or bored.


  Sarah: Yeah. I think a lot of the times, children are naughty because maybe they're tired or they're hungry, or they want to play and stretch their legs but they can't because they're on the plane or they're in a stroller at the shopping mall.


  John: So instead of waiting for bad behavior and then doing some discipline like yelling at your kids or grabbing their arms, maybe it's better to prevent bad behavior by making sure the kids sleep enough and don't get bored.


  Sarah: Yeah. That's what I'm saying. And, you know, my kids are young. Just three and one. So a one-year old can't really be naughty. They're just a baby. So if they need something, I give them food or what they need. But a three-year old, they can throw a tantrum. And so, they can be very naughty.


  John: A tantrum?


  Sarah: Yeah. When they scream and maybe they fall down on the floor, and they kick their legs. Sometimes they try to hit you. It's really bad. But I think all two-and-three-year-old children sometimes they do them.


  John: Oh, I've heard of that. It's called the Terrible Two's.


  Sarah: Yes. But it also lasts into three.


  John: Well, it sounds like you're a good parent.


  Sarah: Oh, I try.







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