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  Eating Healthy 健康飲食

  Meg: Hey, Todd. Are you healthy? Do you eat lots offruits and vegetables?


  Todd: I guess I am healthy. I do eat lots of fruitsand vegetables, but I also eat junk food, sadly. But Itry to eat lots of fruits especially to stay healthy.


  Meg: What kind of fruits do you like to eat?


  Todd: Well, I like all fruits. I love all fruits except pineapple. I hate pineapple. I don't knowwhy. I just don't like pineapple. I don't like the taste. I don't like to chew it. It just feels funny. But I love apples, I love bananas, I love oranges. I usually have an apple every morning forbreakfast. It's very easy to eat. And I just love apples because you can take them to school. Youcan eat them quickly. They're very easy to eat. I also like oranges, and I love orange juice. Sosometimes, I make fresh orange juice in my kitchen. So oranges are great. But my favoritefruits are bananas and strawberries. I love bananas and strawberries. And I love to eat bananasand strawberries together, so my favorite snack is to cut up some banana and then cut upsome strawberry and mix them together, and then eat them.


  Meg: Well, it sounds like you really a lot of fruits.


  Todd: Oh yeah, I do.


  Meg: What about vegetables? Do you eat vegetables everyday?


  Todd: I do. I try to have a salad everyday, and I have a special salad I make and I call it mychunky, crunchy salad. And it's carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, and I cut the carrots andcucumbers into small little squares. And then I cut up the tomatoes and I mix together. Andthe carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers mixed together, the colors are really pretty. And whenyou eat the salad, it's very crunchy and it's very chunky because it's all little squares. So I call itmy crunchy, chunky salad.


  Meg: That sounds delicious. Do you ever share it with someone else?


  Todd: No, I don't but I want to because I really, I like it so much and I can't cook. So when Igo to somebody's house and I need to bring food, I think, "Oh, I should bring chunky, crunchysalad."


  Meg: Hmm, that's a good idea. Another idea is to cook some vegetables. Do you cookvegetables?


  Todd: Not too much. I do cook asparagus. Asparagus is probably my favorite vegetable, and it'svery easy to cook because asparagus, you just have to cut up into small pieces. And then youcan put the asparagus in a bowl with some water in the microwave, and you can cookasparagus in about 30 seconds. So I eat asparagus a lot. Also, I eat broccoli. I love broccoli. Sometimes I have broccoli and lettuce together for my salad. And then sometimes, I cookeggplant. I like to cook eggplant because I like the taste and it's easy to cook.


  Meg: I don't really like eggplant.


  Todd: Really?


  Meg: I don't.


  Todd: Oh no. Why not?


  Meg: It has a strange flavor to me, so I prefer not to eat eggplant.


  Todd: Well, as long as you eat your veggies.


  Meg: Yes.


  Kids and Make-up 孩子和化妝

  Katie: So what do you think is a good age for girls to start wearing make-up?


  Aimee: I think it depends on the kind of make-up that they're wearing and the purpose, you know, because to me, it seems like there are two different kinds. You know, there are young children, young girls, young children, who wear play make-up, you know.


  Katie: Yeah.


  Aimee: It's a toy. It washes off easily, garish colors, very mild on the skin, and you know, it's literally just coloring in their face. It's not, you know, enhancing their features or trying to look as society thinks beautiful, you know. They're not covering up any pimples or spots, you know. It's not like that. It's just coloring in their face, trying to look more like a princess. And I have a six-year old daughter and she loves make-up. She has her own, like, young like toy make-up and she asks permission to wear it, and I let her wear it. I bought some for her. I make sure that she can only do it if she has a clean face and clean hands and that she washes off properly at the end. And that she tidies it away afterwards.


  Katie: That was good.


  Aimee: She's actually on her final warning because she used to leave it out – and I've warned her I will throw it in the bin. Because I have a toddler and she wants to see what her big sister is doing and she wants to play with it, so she grabs it and makes a mess everywhere. So yeah, six-year old is on her final warning. So I guess to answer your question, my six-year old is wearing her play make-up already. So it doesn't, yeah, it doesn't bother me. Young is –


  Katie: How old were you when you started wearing make-up?


  Aimee: Well, I love make-up, and that's probably where my daughter got it from. I wanted to wear make-up from a young age, the way my daughter does. I wasn't allowed. It was forbidden. And I first actually managed to buy a secret lipstick when I was about 9 or 10.


  Katie: Secret lipstick.


  Aimee: Yeah. I had to hide it from my mom, and she would only let me wear lip gloss when I was that age, and I wasn't allowed to wear any lip sticks. I had to buy a secret one. And I was always so interested in my grandmother's make-up and my mom's make-up as well. But she never really wore much. She has a very simple sort of beauty routine. I'm much more interested in it than she is – she ever was. So I don't know where I inherited that from but my daughter has definitely inherited that from me. So maybe because it was forbidden for me that's why I was drawn to it more.


  Katie: Makes it more tantalizing.


  Aimee: I think so. That could be it, but yeah, it's a real hobby for me. I really, really love it. I wish I had more money to purchase more. You can never have enough.


  Katie: You can never have too many lipsticks.


  Aimee: I know. It's true.


  Katie: What do you think about boys wearing make-up?


  Aimee: If they want to wear make-up, then they should. Like it annoys me this horrible idea and concept of like men and boys have to be manly like what is manly? For me, make-up is an art. It really is. It's artistry. And, you know, if they want it, if they're feeling bad about their skin the way I feel bad about my skin, right. If I have pimples or spots, I'm lucky. I get to just cover up with like foundation and concealer, a bit of blusher. It makes me feel better. But, you know, if there's like a boy who has, you know, going through teenage years and he's got bad skin and he wants to cover up, and his macho friends catch him wearing it or whatever people in school catch him wearing it and it can be a really bad situation for him. And I think that is awful. It is really, really terrible. I think boys should wear make-up as they like. I actually follow quite a lot of make-up artists on social media. And I look at many, many pictures of different products and the art that they produce, and I follow male make-up artists as well. And the skills they have are unbelievable, honestly. The blending skills.


  Katie: Their contouring.


  Aimee: Yeah.


  Katie: Oh my goodness.


  Aimee: The blending skills and like covering up, you know, basically just like covering up their whole face and putting a new face on top of it.


  Katie: It's pretty impressive.


  Aimee: It's really impressive. It's so amazing. I would really enjoy a make-up lesson from some of the artists that I follow on different social media sites.


  Katie: Absolutely.


  The Right Age 合適的年齡

  Katie: So I want to ask you about when is the rightage to have stuff or to start doing stuff. What do youthink is the right age to start having a phone?


  Aimee: Oh, I think for security reasons, to, youknow, keep the child safe, perhaps maybe about 11 or 12 when they start going around places without their parents.


  Katie: Yeah.


  Aimee: It would be a way for me to contact my daughter. Even now, my daughter is only sixand she doesn't have a phone, and that's far too young, I believe. However, she walks to schoolby herself and walks home by herself. And that stresses me out for her safety. So there aretimes where I wish I could phone her or text her, but she doesn't have a phone. And I dobelieve that six is far too young to have a phone.


  Katie: A little bit too young.


  Aimee: Yes. So purely for security reasons, I think probably around 11 or 12.


  Katie: How old were you when you first got your phone.


  Aimee: Well, I'm an old person so, you know, people didn't have mobile phones. I was reachingthe end of high school. I was, I think, 17 when I got my first mobile phone. And it was a bigbrick. But again, that was for, you know, I guess security reasons.

  艾米:嗯,我年紀挺大的了,你知道 ,以前人們都沒有手機。我在高中畢業(yè)時才有了第一部手機。我想,我是在17歲時有的第一部手機。那時的手機和磚塊一樣。不過,那也是為了安全考慮。

  Katie: Yeah.


  Aimee: My parents got it for me. I was going out, you know, I started going out at night, going to concerts. And I was beginning to be allowed going into bars and things at 17, 18. Soyeah, it was a good security thing. My parents were appreciative of being able to contact me.


  Katie: Yeah.


  Aimee: How about you? How old were you when you first got your mobile phone?


  Katie: Oh goodness. I was about 12 or 13. I was really young.


  Aimee: Okay.


  Katie: And I only got my first mobile phone or my first cellphone because my best friend whogot the same one and I wanted to send like picture messages to her. It was back in the old dayswhere you can send a photo, you can take photos.


  Aimee: Picture messages.


  Katie: Picture messages.


  Aimee: I couldn't even send picture messages. Mine was just texts, like pressing the samebutton over and over again.


  Katie: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So I never really used it as like a way of security. I just used it tosend really overpriced picture messages to my friend for absolutely no reason. It was such awaste. And to play Snake. Do you remember Snake?


  Aimee: Oh yeah, Snake.


  Katie: Like the little game that you could play on your phone.


  Aimee: Yup, yup.


  Katie: Yeah. I didn't use it for a good use, I think. I just used it to waste time.


  Aimee: Fair enough. Well, you're 12, you said, right?


  Katie: Twelve, thirteen, yeah.


  Aimee: That sounds age appropriate, I think, age appropriate use.


  Katie: Yeah. It's a good time to start wasting your time.


  Aimee: Yeah.


  Katie: Get ahead to start wasting time.


  Aimee: Yeah.
