Winter Vocabulary冬季詞匯
a cold snap (n) – a sudden short period of very cold weather 寒流
The USA is experiencing a very cold snap at the moment.
hibernate (v) – to sleep through the winter months 冬眠,蟄伏
We don’t see our neighbors during the winter as we all love to hibernate in the warmth of our homes.
wind chill (n) – when the wind makes the air temperature feel colder 寒風(fēng)
It might be zero degrees on the thermometer, but the wind chill makes it feel like -3 degrees.
slush (n) – snow that is starting to melt and become dirt 融雪,軟泥
I don’t like it when the snow turns to slush. It’s so ugly.
snowbound (adj) – in a situation in which snow makes travelling impossible 被雪困住的
Many flights at Heathrow airport were cancelled as it was snowbound over the last week.
sleet (n) – a mixture of snow and rain 風(fēng)雪,雨夾雪
Oh no, it’s not snow but sleet. I don’t like sleet.
snowfall (n) – the amount of snow that falls during a period of time 降雪,降雪量
We’ve had 8cm of snowfall overnight.
Winter Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions冬季相關(guān)詞組和習(xí)語用法
A lot of the expressions we have often have nothing to do with winter which can be confusing. Using some of these expressions will certainly add a sparkle to your English! Here are a few of my favourites:
to have a snowball’s chance in hell (informal) – to have no chance of doing or having something 根本沒機(jī)會做某事或擁有某物
You have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the lottery.
snowed under – with too much work to deal with 忙得不可開交的
We’re snowed under with applications for the job.
put something on ice (informal) – to delay something 拖延,推遲某事
The negotiations were put on ice when the market fell sharply.
to break the ice – to make people feel less nervous in a social situation 打破沉默,破冰之行
He told a few jokes to break the ice.
on thin ice – at risk of annoying someone 如履薄冰,處于惹怒別人的邊緣
I’m warning you, you’re on thin ice.
to get cold feet – to suddenly get too scared to do something planned 臨陣退縮
She cancelled the wedding because she got cold feet.
pure as the driven snow – to be completely innocent (often used to suggest the opposite) 純潔無暇(常用于否定形式)
I don’t think she is as pure as the driven snow.
in the cold light of day – to think about something clearly, without emotions, and often feel shame afterwards 冷靜地,毫無感情因素干擾的切合實際的再想一想,通常會感到懊惱,丟人
The next morning, in the cold light of day, Emma realised what an idiot she had been.
to break into a cold sweat – to become scared about something 除了一身冷汗,為某事感到后怕
Kevin broke into a cold sweat when he realised the losses he had made.
Do you know any of these expressions? Have you used them? Do you know any others? Please do share them.