長度[cháng dù]
length ; longness ; size ; extent
網(wǎng) 絡length;Dress Length;dresslength;extent
She paced out the length of the room.
Quavers, crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music.
The river is ten times the length of the Tamsui River.
This river is ten times the length of that River.
The metre is a measure of length.
My estimate of the length of the room was 10 feet.
Cubit is an ancient unit of length.
The length of a secret exceeds the maximum length allowed.
Normal or linear strain is defined as the change in length per unit length.
Correct core length is verified by measurement.
1. The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys. 段落的長度 取決于它所傳達的信息。
2. Mickey favoured tight skirts with a hemline at the knee. 米基喜歡長度 及膝的緊身短裙。
3. It's apparently rare for anyone to have two legs the same length. 顯然,一個人兩條腿的長度 完全相同的情況是很少見的。
4. The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length. 埃及人很有可能用不同長度 的24小時來度量日子。
5. The skirts were knee-skimming and flirty. 這些短裙長度 及膝,很有女人味。
6. This room is twice the length of the kitchen. 這個房間的長度 是廚房的兩倍。
7. A hall ran the length of the upper floor of the house. 走廊的長度 等于房子上層的長度 .
8. The standard of length in France is the metre. 法國的標準長度 是米.
9. It is good practice to write to a certain length. 按照一定的長度 進行寫作是一種好的練習.
10. You must measure the length by rule and line. 你必須準確地計量長度 .
11. An aisle ran the length of the house. 過道的長度 等于房子的長度 .
12. He's making linear measurements. 他正在進行長度 測量.
13. Take two pieces of string of different lengths. 拿兩條長度 不同的帶子.
14. They paced out the length of the garden. 他們用步量出這個花園的長度 .
15. He compressed his report into three pages. 他把他的報告壓縮到三頁的長度 .
16. All these sticks are of uniform length. 所有這些手杖的長度 都是一樣的.
17. How much must we allow for the shrink? 要留多少縮水長度 ?
18. It is of convenient length. 它的長度 合適.
19. An inch is a measure of length. 對是長度 的度量單位.
20. Length is predicable of a line. 長度 是線的屬性.