


時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享


  紫羅蘭[zǐ luó lán]


  [植] johnnyjumpup ; violet ; common ; stock ; johnny-jump-up網(wǎng) 絡(luò)violet;Stock;Matthiola incana;Violette



  It smells like violets.


  She planted some violets in the garden.



  Those violets are exquisite flowers.


  The ionones and related analogues are of academic and commercial interest.


  It has deep cherry colour with bright violet tones.


  The fragrance of the violets filled the whole house.


  Presently he ventured to lean over the table and smell the violets.


  The violets are running wild in the flower bed.

  1. All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable. 深深淺淺的各種木槿色、丁香色、熏衣草色和紫色都是流行色。

  2. The avenues lined with jacaranda trees burst into a carnival of purple. 大街的兩旁種著藍(lán)花楹,綻放的花朵匯成一片紫色的海洋。

  3. Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint. 它的大葉子往往帶點(diǎn)紫色。

  4. His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops. 他的長(zhǎng)靴和紫色貝雷帽表明他統(tǒng)領(lǐng)著蘇格蘭傘兵部隊(duì)。

  5. the deep purple flowers so beloved by artists 受藝術(shù)家青睞的深紫色花

  6. She was wearing an unbecoming shade of purple. 她穿著一身不相配的紫色衣服。

  7. A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair. 她身著拖地的淡紫色的長(zhǎng)睡衣,與她那耀眼的紅頭發(fā)很不協(xié)調(diào).

  8. The priest wore a purple vestment to conduct the funeral services. 牧師穿上紫色法衣主持葬禮儀式.

  9. He is in purple. 他穿著紫色的衣服.

  10. They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds. 他們穿過(guò)點(diǎn)綴著紫色草的田地.

  11. How beautiful the purple flower is! 那朵紫色的花多漂亮 啊 !

  12. Purple, though beautiful, adds years to the age. 紫色雖美, 但會(huì)使人顯得老氣.

  13. I was wearing a purple jumpsuit, high heeled shoes, and lots of makeup. 我穿著紫色連衫褲和高跟鞋,臉上抹著厚厚的化妝品。

  14. A white cane sofa is sumptuously upholstered in gold taffeta and purple velvet. 白藤沙發(fā)上配有金色塔夫綢和紫色天鵝絨制成的沙發(fā)墊,顯得豪華而精致。

  15. When violet is added to the medium blue a particularly striking, warm coloration is created. 在中藍(lán)色中加入藍(lán)紫色就形成了一種格外鮮艷奪目的暖色。

  16. A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind. 一件薄薄的羊毛長(zhǎng)外套和一條紫色的頭巾為她擋了風(fēng)。

  17. It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer. 初夏時(shí)節(jié),它開(kāi)出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。

  18. Purple and yellow flowers peeped up between rocks. 巖石間隱約可見(jiàn)紫色和黃色的花兒。

  19. Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass. 巨大的云層形成紫色云團(tuán)。

  20. They climbed the garish purple-carpeted stairs. 他們登上鋪著俗艷的紫色地毯的樓梯。