A:Hey,貝貝~ Why you so excited? What’s the rush? B:Oh,yes! I am really excited! Do you remember the lottery we buy together last Friday?
C:Year~Today is the date of drawing the winning numbers of lottery, right?
A:Whoop! I can’t wait to know the results of the lottery. c:Me too! Let’s go to the lottery betting station! Act two—in the way
B:You know, yesterday evening, I dreamed that I strike a lottery! And I won a ten thousand so I was very rich! C:Wow! It is really exciting! So, what are you going to do with your money if this dream come true?
B:Oh,As for me ,I will use some of them to do some charity. I want to help the students who haven’t enough money to enter university.
A: What a kind heart! But as for me, I will buy a big house for my parent firstly, then I will think about using the money
to start a kindergarten ! I want to prove my capacity. How about you?銘琪?
C:That’s really cool. However, I just want to open a coffee shop. It must be leisure and enjoyable. I don’t want to have a busy job.
B:Oh, this is also the lifestyle that I dream of.
Act three—in the lottery betting station
B:Oh, I am a bit disappointed to the results! Why doesn’t the lottery strike on us?
A:Haha,It is only to be expected. After all, the man who win five—million yuan in the lottery only appears in the newspaper or TV generally.
C:Enha~you are right! I can’t agree more, SO we still need to work hard, right?
A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David.
B; I'm very glad to meet you.
C: It's a pleasure to meet you.
B: How do you like Texas so far?
C: It's really different from what I expected.
B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.
A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.
B: How do you do?
C: Hello.
B: What's your impression of the United States?
C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here.
B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon!
A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.
B: Hi.
C: Nice to meet you.
B: What do you think of Dallas?
C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me.
B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess.
.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown.
B: Pleased to meet you.
C: How do you do?
B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here.
C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much.
B: It always takes time to get used to a new place.
T: You know, my aunt bear a baby last month.
J: Really? Congratulation! She turned to be a mother.
T: Yes, my family is very happy for her and these days she was also in a good mood .She told me she felt very happy and satisfied.
M: It is normal. Once people became a mother, her heart is always full of happiness. By the way, what are your views on happiness?
J:Well,almost everyone desires happiness.But the definations of happinese vary person to person.As for me ,travelling with my dear friends is the most happiest thing.
M:What about you ,Tara ?
T:Well,people in different profession have different opinions about happiness.To a doctor, saving a life is a kind of happiness.And a teacher,he feels happy when he sees his students make progress.
M:Yeah,I argee with you.People in diffrent profession stand on their own positions,their atttitude to happniess shall be different.
T:In my view of point,happiness lies in our daliy life.We can find various minute details everyday which can make us feel happy. J:For example?
T:When you feel dpressed,there is always someone who try his or her best to cheer you up.
M:Absolutely right!Friends always mean a lot to us.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Something they do make us feel warm.
J:You are right.And I think family are also of great significance.In every case,they are behind you and give you motion to go ahead.
T:Yeah.From our parents we learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other.They give us a lot.We should do something to make them feel happy.
M:Then what should we do,let me see,first of all ,we should be mature and not let them worried about us.Hold a positive attitude to create a hopeful future.Then we can make their life to be more comfortable. J:Whatever we do for them,we will never repay their care and love.What’s more,It’s also necessary for us to learn how find the right way of keeping a good mood.Do you think so?
T:I can’t agree with you anymore.Additionally,good moods can not only make us healtheir but also can let us notice something beautiful that we ignore in daily life.
M:If we can control ourselves and keep a good mood,we are bound to live a happy life.But how to keep a good mood?I perceive that I can’t keep sober when I lose my cool.Can you give me some advice?
J: Whenever I come across such situation,I will tell myself “calm
down,you can deal with it”.If it doesn’t work,I will keep silent to avoid hurting other’s feelings.
T:Let me see,well,when I feel angry,I will smile a big smile before a mirror to help me back to calm.You can try it.
M:I got it.I will try it next time.Well,I feel a little hungry,how about you? J: Actually, I starve to death. I know a pretty good restaurant nearby.How about going there?I just can’t wait.
T:Sounds good.Sometimes going to eat delicious food also can make us feel happy all around.Is it right?Happiness sometime can be so simple. M:Yes.And I think cooking can make me feel content too. By This Process,I feel like I were creating something wonderful. When I see the pleased look on people’s face who taste my dishes.I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.
J;Wow! That’s means that you are an expert in cooking. I hope someday you can teach me how to cook.Look! It’s here,let’s go!
