經濟金融術語漢英對照表 J
基本建設投資 investment in infrastructure
基本經濟要素 economic fundamentals
基本適度 broadly appropriate
基準利率 benchmark interest rate
機關團體存款 deposits of non-profit institutions
機會成本 opportunity cost
激勵機制 incentive mechanism
積壓嚴重 heavy stockpile;excessive inventory
擠提存款 run on banks
擠占挪用 unwarranted diversion of(financial)resources(from designated uses)
技改投資 investment in technological upgrading
技術密集型產品 technology-intensive product
計劃單列市 municipalities with independent planning status
計劃經濟 planned economy
集體經濟 the collective sector
加大結構調整力度 to intensify structural adjustment
加工貿易 processing trade
加快態(tài)勢 accelerating trend
加強稅收征管稽查 to enhance tax administration
加權價 weighted average price
價格放開 price liberalization
價格形成機制 pricing mechanism
減虧 to reduce losses
簡化手續(xù) to cut red tape;to simplify(streamline)procedures
交投活躍 brisk trading
繳存準備金 to deposit required reserves
結構扭曲 structural distortion
結構失調 structural imbalance
結構性矛盾突出 acute structural imbalance
結構優(yōu)化 structural improvement(optimization)
結匯、售匯 sale and purchase of foreign exchange
金融脆弱 financial fragility
金融動蕩 financial turbulence
金融風波 financial disturbance
金融恐慌 financial panic
金融危機 financial crisis
金融壓抑 financial repression
金融衍生物 financial derivatives
金融詐騙 financial fraud
緊縮銀根 to tighten monetary policy
緊縮政策 austerity policies;tight financial policies
經常賬戶可兌換 current account convertibility
經濟特區(qū) special economic zones(SEZs)
經濟體制改革 economic reform
經濟增長方式的轉變 change in the main source of economic growth(from investment expansion to efficiency gains)
經濟增長減速 economic slowdown;moderation in economic growth
經濟制裁 economic sanction
經營自主權 autonomy in management
景氣回升 recovery in business activity
境外投資 overseas investment
競爭加劇 intensifying competition
局部性金融風波 localized(isolated)financial disturbance
經濟金融術語漢英對照表 K-L
開辦人民幣業(yè)務 to engage in RMB business
可維持(可持續(xù))經濟增長 sustainable economic growth
可變成本 variable cost
可自由兌換貨幣 freely convertible currency
控制現金投放 control currency issuance
扣除物價因素 in real terms;on inflation-adjusted basis
庫存產品 inventory
跨國銀行業(yè)務 cross-border banking
跨年度采購 cross-year procurement
會計準則 accounting standard
來料加工 processing of imported materials for export
離岸銀行業(yè)務 off-shore banking(business)
理順外貿體制 to rationalize foreign trade regime
利率杠桿的調節(jié)作用 the role of interest rates in resource allocation
利潤驅動 profit-driven
利息回收率 interest collection ratio
聯行清算 inter-bank settlement
連鎖企業(yè) franchise(businesses);chain businesses
良性循環(huán) virtuous cycle
兩極分化 growing income disparity;polarization in income distribution
零售物價指數 retail price index(RPI)
流動性比例 liquidity ratio
流動資產周轉率/流通速度 velocity of liquid assets
流動資金貸款 working capital loans
流通體制 distribution system
流通網絡 distribution network
留購(租賃期滿時承租人可購買租賃物) hire purchase
壟斷行業(yè) monopolized industry(sector)
亂集資 irregular(illegal)fund raising
亂收費 irregular(illegal)charges
亂攤派 unjustified(arbitrary)levies
經濟金融術語漢英對照表 M-P
買方市場 buyer's market
賣方市場 seller's market
賣出回購證券 matched sale of repo
貿易差額 trade balance
民間信用 non-institutionalized credit
免二減三 exemption of income tax for the first two years ofmaking profit and 50% tax reduction for thefollowing three years
明補 explicit subsidy
明虧 explicit loss
名牌產品 brand products
母國(請見“東道國”) home country
內部控制 internal control
內部審計 internal audit
內地與香港 the mainland and Hong Kong
內債 domestic debt
扭虧為盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one
扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources
農副產品采購支出 outlays for agricultural procurement
農村信用社 rural credit cooperatives(RCCs)
泡沫效應 bubble effect
泡沫經濟 bubble economy
培育新的經濟增長點 to tap new sources of economic growth
片面追求發(fā)展速度 excessive pursuit of growth
平衡發(fā)展 balanced development
瓶頸制約 bottleneck(constraints)
平穩(wěn)回升 steady recovery
鋪底流動資金 initial(start-up)working capital
普遍回升 broad-based recovery
配套改革 concomitant(supporting)reforms
配套人民幣資金 local currency funding of…