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學地道英語口語:跟中式英語say no

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學地道英語口語:跟中式英語say no

  英語口語之 對中式英語Say No

  “怎么是你?怎么老是你?(How are you? How old are you?)”; we two,英語書面語, who and who(咱倆誰跟誰);give you some color to see see(給你點顏色看看)…… 這些經(jīng)典的Chinglish你說過嗎? 鬧出過更加逗比的笑話嗎?讓咱們一起看看常說常錯的Chinglish吧。


  [誤] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.

  [正] Tastes differ.

  注:Tastes differ/vary是句英語諺語,除此以外,原句還可翻譯成No dish suits all tastes或You can never make everyone happy等。《新概念英語》第三冊第23課的標題是:One man's meat is another man's poison,抒發(fā)的很活躍。 總之,應采取意譯。


  [誤] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished.

  [正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.

  注:“掃帚星”是中國人對“慧星”(comet)的俗稱,因其后面象拖著的一條像掃帚一樣的長尾巴而得名。在中國古代,“掃帚星”被認為是災禍的預兆,并被用來比喻不吉祥的人或事;禍根;person or thing that is thought to bring bad luck(to sb/sth); curse. 英語的comet雖然不這層含意,但卻有一個對應的說法,即jinx。 例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble.“這輛汽車不太吉利,總給我找麻煩”。


  [誤] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault.

  [正] He never says uncle.

  注:Say (cry) uncle: to give up or in; to surrender; to admit defeat. Say uncle主要是男孩們打架時的用語,當一方想制服另一方時,就用命令的口氣說:“Say uncle!”這時,有的孩子為了表示不服輸,就是不說。后來,say uncle就成了“服輸”的代名詞,而not say uncle就相當于“嘴硬”了。


  [誤] The teacher likes this sweet-mouthed little girl very much.

  [正] The teacher likes this honey-lipped little girl very much.



  [誤] The student all dislike him because he often pats the teacher's ass.

  [正] The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots.

  注:以前在歐洲,臣民見到國王與王后往往要匍匐在地,親吻他們的靴子。后來,人們將lick the boots引申為“為了某種目的而諂媚某人”,它與漢語的“拍馬屁”含意一樣。在美國英語中,“拍馬屁”還有另一種說法,即polish the apple,典出以前的學生用擦亮的蘋果來諂諛老師。


  [誤] Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend.

  [正] Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend.

  注:Break up with sb固然表現(xiàn)“與某人分辨了”,但并沒說明是誰先提出來的。而dump的原意指“傾倒垃圾”,用在這里則表示像倒垃圾一樣地甩掉。


  [誤] We will build our motherland into a socialist modern powerful country.

  [正] We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.

  注:形容詞作為修飾語在漢語跟英語中都很常用,但應用的先后次序卻有所不同。在英語中我們個別遵照“靠近準則”,即越能闡明本質屬性的修飾詞越湊近它所修飾的名詞。原文中最能說明“國家”實質的定語是“社會主義的”,所以socialist要最湊近它所潤飾的中心詞。 總的來說,當多個形容詞修飾同一個名詞的時候,將表白總體觀點或進行形象描述的形容詞放在表白詳細觀點或進行具體描寫的形容詞前面。


  [誤] I'd like a little bit of white wine.

  [正] I'd like a little bit of liquor.

  注: 漢語的“酒”可指任何酒,包括白酒、葡萄酒、啤酒,甚至米酒;但英語中則要辨別用liquor, wine, beer及rice wine表示。所以要留心,英語的wine與漢語的“酒”是有差別的,它僅指葡萄酒。而red wine是紅葡萄酒,white wine是白葡萄酒。


  [誤] Chairman of the People's Republic of China

  [正] President of the People's Republic of China

  注:以前,我們始終將“主席”翻譯為 chairman,例如:great leader Chairman Mao(宏大領袖毛主席)。切實“主席”與chairman并不等義,chairman在英語中通常指會議或某一詳細組織的負責人,它的權力和重要性不同中文的“主席”。這就是為什么1983年,在我國《憲法》的英譯單行本中開始利用President一詞,英語培訓,并沿用至今。別的,國內(nèi)仍有不少詞典把“班/級長(學校的)”譯為"class monitor",這是“_”時代的產(chǎn)物,那時的“班長”是專門監(jiān)管學生的,所以譯作"monitor"。而“班長”的正確譯文應該是"class president"。


  [誤] fight south and north

  [正] fight north and south

  注:在地理方位的表達習慣上,中英文有一定的差異。中國人習慣于先“東西”后“南北”,并且在涉及“南北”時,習慣于先說“南”,再說“北”,如:“赴湯蹈火”、“南來北往”等。而英美人與此正好相反,如“江蘇在中國的東南部”英文是 Jiangsu is in the south-east of China, 而“新疆在中國的西北部”應譯為 Xinjiang is in the north-west of China。


  1. 人都是這山望著那山高,對自己的現(xiàn)狀不滿意的,英語口語。

  [誤] Almost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the one he's standing on. They never feel saisfied with what they've already got.

  [正] Almost all people think that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel saisfied with what they've already got.

  注:“這山望著那山高”是指人不滿足于現(xiàn)狀的心理,它在英語中有現(xiàn)成的說法,即 the grass is greener on the other hill(他山的草更綠),因而我們借用即可,這樣既方便又更有利于與西方人溝通。

  2. 北京申奧勝利的消息令我們熱血沸騰。

  [誤] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes our blood boil.

  [正] Beijing's winning the bid for the Olympics makes us excited.

  注:Make one's blood boil是指“激怒某人”,而非“使人激動”。英語中“使人激動”的說法除了make one excited, 還有較為書面語化的make one's spine tingle.

  3. 別聽他們胡說八道,壓根就沒那回事。

  [誤] Don't listen to their babbling. Nothing of the sort.

  [正] Don't be fooled by their babbling. Nothing of the sort.

  注:原文中的“聽”不能用listen to來表示,因為listen to指“聽”的動作,而原文中的“別聽”不是不讓他“聽”,而是勸告他“不要聽信”,因此,用not be fooled by才更準確。

  4. 我們這兒的人都覺得他有婚外戀。

  [誤] People around here all feel that he has affairs outside his own marriage.

  [正] People around here all feel that he is leading a double life.

  注:Affair本身就指“私通”或“曖昧關系”,當然是“婚外”的事,所以outside one's own marriage是多此一舉了。英語中“有婚外戀”的地道說法應該是lead a double life。

  5. 別看別人不把她當回事,在家里她可是父親的掌上明珠。

  [誤] Although other people never take her seriousy, she is the pearl on her father's hand at home.

  [正] Although other people never take her seriousy, she is the apple of her father's eye at home.

  注:中英文常用不同的喻體表達相同的喻義,“掌上明珠”與the apple of one's eye就是一個很好的例子。這種情況咱們應尊重各國文化跟風氣,翻譯時取目的語的固定說法,而不必直譯,這有助于將意思更有效地傳達給讀者。The apple of one's eye源自圣經(jīng)《舊約》,當時人們用apple指人的瞳孔。只管瞳孔當時已經(jīng)用pupil來表示,不再是apple了,但這一用法卻持續(xù)了下來。

  6. 都十點鐘了。起床了,勤蟲!

  [誤] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy worm!

  [正] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy bones!

  注:“懶蟲”并非真是一條蟲,只不過被用來形容人很懶惰罷了。英語里與之對應的說法是lazy bones(懶骨頭)。留心,這里的bone應以復數(shù)形式浮現(xiàn),興許是由于不會只有一根骨頭懶吧!

  7. 我唯一的資本就是勤奮。

  [誤] My only capital is diligence.

  [正] My only means to success is diligence.

  注:原文的“本錢”是借喻,實際指“可能依靠并取得成功的手段”。而英語的capital指money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business,并不中文那樣的引申意思。所以,這里的“成本”不能與capital畫等號。也有人用advantage來翻譯“資本”,固然不盡意,但至少能夠讓讀者理解。

  8. 這家商店開辟了休息處,受到顧客的稱贊。

  [誤] This department store has set up a resting-place, much to the customers' appreciation.

  [正] This department store has set up a lounge, much to the customers' appreciation.

  注:英語的 resting-place誠然有“休息處&rdquo,英語書面語;的意思,但更經(jīng)常的是用來指“墳墓”,即“最后安息之處”。因此,把公共場所的“休息處”譯為resting-place不很合適。也有人將它譯為rest-room,但那更不妥當,因為英語中的rest-room是“廁所”的委婉說法,而“休息處”不是這個意思。Lounge指in a hotel, club, or other public place, a room where people can sit and relax,正是“休息室”之意。

  9. 大家都懷疑湯姆是個特務。

  [誤] Everyone doubts that Tom is a spy.

  [正] Everyone suspects that Tom is a spy.

  注:Doubt作“猜忌”講,是“不信任”的意思;而suspect作“猜疑”講,是指“對...有所發(fā)覺”。第一句譯文犯了兩個錯誤:首先,doubt不能接that從句,只有not doubt that跟 doubt if/whether;其次,它所表白的意思是“大家對湯姆是間諜這件事表現(xiàn)懷疑”,即“大家不信賴湯姆是間諜”,與原文的意思恰好相反。

  10. 咱們倆關系最好,他時常來我這兒蹭飯吃。

  [誤] We are best friends. He always comes here to have meals for free.

  [正] We are best friends. He always comes here to bum meals off me.

  注:第一句只表達“他常到我這兒來白吃白喝”,但友人這間那種親密關系沒有表現(xiàn)出來。而 bum sth. off sb.指向非常熟的朋友要一些不起眼的小東西,而朋友也不會介意還不還。