


時(shí)間: 長(zhǎng)思709 分享



  我們換個(gè)話題吧! Let's change the subject.

  Okay, okay, I'll pay you back next week... (好吧,好吧,下星期我還你錢……)

  = Let's talk about something else.

  = Let's talk about something different.

  = I'd rather talk about something else. (能不能換個(gè)別的話題。)

  言歸正傳。 Let's get back to the subject.

  Yes, let's. (對(duì)。)

  = Let's get back to the point.

  = Let's get back on track.

  我現(xiàn)在不想談那件事。 I don't want to talk about it now.

  = I'd prefer not to talk about it. (我不想談?wù)撃羌隆?

  那事兒以后再說吧。 Let's talk about it later.

  We're playing golf this Sunday, right? (我們這個(gè)星期天要去打高爾夫球,對(duì)吧?)

  另外我們說說…… To change the subject...

  I can't believe it. (真讓人難以相信。)

  = To change the subject... (另外我們談點(diǎn)兒別的吧。)

  好了,玩笑就到此…… Well, all joking aside,...

  Ha, ha, that's a good one! (哈,哈,這個(gè)玩笑真有趣。)

  = Well, all joking aside, let's get to work. (好了好了,玩笑歸玩笑,快去干活兒吧。)

  = Well, seriously,...

  順便提一下…… By the way,...

  It was really fun. (真的特好玩。)

  By the way, how is John? (順便問一下,約翰怎么樣了?)

  = Well,...

  = Now,...

  你剛才說什么來著? You were saying?


  = Continue.

  = Carry on.

  = Please go on.

  啊,我想起來了。 That reminds me.

  The party gonna be great! (那個(gè)舞會(huì)一定會(huì)很棒。)

  Oh, that reminds me. I can't go. (啊,我想起來了,我去不了。)

  別說了。 Let's stop talking.

  I'm tired of talking. (我都說累了。)

  = I don't want to talk anymore. (我不想說了。)

  那事兒我聽過了。 I've heard the story before.


  = You've already told me.

  = I'm sick and tired of hearing that. (我耳朵都聽出老繭了。)

  sick and tired of... “對(duì)……膩透了”。

  = I've heard enough about it (already).加already起強(qiáng)調(diào)作用。

  = I don't want to hear about it anymore. (我再也不想聽那件事了。)

  這件事別再說了。 Let's drop the subject.

  drop 除了“落下”之外,還表示“(問題、事件、話題等)完了、結(jié)束、停止”。

  = Let's drop it.

  = I don't want to talk about it anymore. (我再也不想說那件事了。)

  別那么大聲說。 Don't say it so loud.

  I thought you were hard of hearing. (我以為你沒聽見呢。)

  = Don't say that kind of thing so loudly. (那種事別那么大聲嚷嚷。)

  = (Please) lower you voice. (小點(diǎn)兒聲。)

  別把責(zé)任推給我。 Don't blame me.

  blame “把責(zé)任歸于……”、“讓人承擔(dān)罪責(zé)等”。

  It's all your fault! (都是你的錯(cuò)!)

  Don't blame me, I'm innocent. (這可不能怨我,我是清白的。)

  = Don't say it's my fault.

  = Don't put the blame on me.

  = Don't accuse me.

  這是你的過錯(cuò)。 You're to blame.

  You're to blame. (這是你的過錯(cuò)。)

  Why me? (怎么是我?)

  = It's your fault.

  你站在我的立場(chǎng)上想想。 Put yourself in my shoes.


  We will not take your illness into consideration. (我們沒考慮到你生病。)

  Put yourself in my shoes. (你們?cè)摓槲蚁胂搿?

  = Try to see it from my point of view.

  = Try to see it my way.

  你就不覺得害臊嗎? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

  ashamed “做了不好的事感到的羞愧和慚愧”。 be ashamed of... 表示“……覺得害臊”。

  How do you live with yourself?

  = You should be ashamed of yourself. (你該為自己害臊。)

  我要教訓(xùn)他一頓。 I'll give him a piece of my mind.

  give...a piece of...'s mind “嚴(yán)厲批評(píng)、責(zé)備……”、“大聲地叱責(zé)……”。

  I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying! (他撒謊了,我會(huì)好好說說他的。)

  I don't blame you. (我不會(huì)怪你的。)

  別把我卷進(jìn)去。 Don't involve me!

  I'd like you to lie for me. (能不能幫我撒一次謊?)

  Please don't involve me! (請(qǐng)別把我卷進(jìn)去。)

  I don't want to get involved. (我不想被卷進(jìn)去。)

  我早說過了吧。 I told you so.

  I got in trouble for lying. (因?yàn)槿鲋e,我闖禍了。)

  I told you so. You shouldn't lie. (我早說過吧,你不該撒謊。)

  = See, I told you so.

  = There now, didn't I tell you?

  = You should have listened to me. (你要聽我的就好了。)

  你知道的吧? You knew that, didn't you?

  My son stopped going to school. (我兒子沒去上學(xué)。)

  You knew that, didn't you? (你知道這事兒吧?)

  好像是我做錯(cuò)了什么事似的。 It is as if I had done something wrong.

  as if... “好像……似的”。

  = It's as if it's my fault.

  = It's as if I'm to blame.

  = It's like I did something wrong.

  他在最后關(guān)頭膽怯了。 He chickened out at the last moment.

  別沖我發(fā)火。 Don't take it out on me.

  take it out on... “為泄憤而沖……發(fā)火”。

  Don't take your frustration out on me.

  Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day. (別因?yàn)榻裉炷悴豁樉湍梦胰鰵狻?

  I didn't do anything wrong! (我沒有做錯(cuò)什么事。)

  還我錢。 Pay up!

  Pay up! (還我錢!)

  Can you wait till next month? (能等到下個(gè)月嗎?)

  = Pay your debt!

  = Pay me back!

  = Give me my money now! (現(xiàn)在你就還我錢。)

  我會(huì)找你算帳的。 You'll pay for this. 威脅他人,帶有“要報(bào)復(fù)你”的語(yǔ)感。

  你瘋了! You're out of your mind!


  = You're off your rocker.

  = You're nuts.

  你怎么這么說? You shouldn't say things like that.

  Don't say stuff like that. (你別這樣說呀!)

  這可全為了你! It's for your own good!

  I don't want to. (我不想做。)

  It's for your own good! (這可全為了你!)

  = It's for your own benefit.

  = It's for your own sake.

  你干嗎老挑我的刺兒? Why are you picking on me?

  表示“為什么責(zé)備我?”、 “干嗎我非得挨責(zé)備?”

  You've got an ugly tie on. (瞧你系這么條難看的領(lǐng)帶。)

  Why are you picking on me? (你干嗎老挑我的刺兒?)

  他對(duì)我的工作總是雞蛋里挑骨頭。 He always finds fault with my work.

  find fault with... “吹毛求疵”、“有意見”、“挑剔”。

  我得提醒一句。 Let me give you a piece of advice.

  I want to buy this car. (我真想買這輛汽車。)

  Let me give you a piece of advice. (我得提醒你一句。)

  = Let me tell you something.

  = I think you should know...

  小心! Watch out!


  Watch out! (小心!)

  Thanks! You saved my life. (謝謝你救了我一條命。)

  = Look out!

  = Be careful!

  = Heads up!

  = You'd better be careful!

  = Please be careful! (請(qǐng)多加小心!)

  = You should be careful! (你得多加小心!)

  = You should watch out! (你得留神!)

  注意腳下。 Watch your step! 用于提醒地滑,看不清楚樓梯等場(chǎng)合。常用于公共告示。

  Watch your step! (注意腳下。)

  Oh, yeah? Why? (噢?是嗎?為什么?)

  = Mind your step.

  = Be careful where you walk.

  = Look where you're going.

  抓緊我。 Hold on to me tight.

  = Don't let go! (別松手!)

  = Hold me tightly.

  要提防著點(diǎn)兒他! Watch out for him!

  Watch out for him! (要提防著點(diǎn)兒他!)

  Why? (為什么?)

  = Be careful of him.

  = Keep your eye on him.

  這里有點(diǎn)兒蹊蹺。 There's a little catch.


  That sounds easy. (好像很簡(jiǎn)單。)

  Well, there's a little catch. (可是,有點(diǎn)蹊蹺。)

  = There's something to it.

  It's not as easy as it sounds. (并不像聽起來的那么容易。)

  三思而后行。 Think twice before you do it.

  輕拿輕放。/動(dòng)作輕點(diǎn)兒。 Easy does it.


  Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV. (動(dòng)作輕點(diǎn)兒,小心別把電視掉下來。)

  Don't worry. I won't. (放心吧,掉不下來。)

  = Gently.

  = Be careful. (小心啊!)

  手下留情。 Please go easy on me.

  出自于新手和沒有實(shí)力的人的口中。 也可用于體育運(yùn)動(dòng)go easy on... 常用于命令句, 表示“對(duì)……要手軟”、 “對(duì)人或東西要珍惜”、 “對(duì)……要留有余地”。

  It's my first time, please go easy on me. (我這是第一次,請(qǐng)手下留情。)

  Alright, I'll try. (知道了,我會(huì)的。)

  別操之過急。 Let's not jump the gun.

  gun為“手槍”,而jump the gun是固定詞組,表示比賽槍響前就跑出去的意思。即“搶跑”、“搶先……”之意。

  I think I've got the job. Let's celebrate! (我想我已經(jīng)找到了工作。我們來慶祝一下吧!)

  Let's not jump the gun. (為之過早了吧。)

  = Let's not be too hasty.

  = Let's not rush into things.

  = Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.


  不要做得太過火。 Let's not go overboard.

  go overboard “做過了”、“超限度”。

  I bought four dozen eggs. (我買了四打雞蛋。)

  Let's not go overboard. (別太離譜呀!)

  = Let's not go too far.

  = Let's not be extreme.

  我們看情況再說。 Let's wait and see how things go.


  = Let's wait and see.

  別這么快下結(jié)論。 Don't jump to conclusions!

  jump to conclusions直譯是“隨便下結(jié)論”,即“過早地下結(jié)論”、“貿(mào)然斷定”。

  So, I think she's pregnant. (所以,我想她已經(jīng)懷孕了。)

  Don't jump to conclusions! (別這么快地下結(jié)論。)

  Don't prejudge it! (別憑想像判斷。)

  Don't make assumptions! (不能主觀臆斷。)

  Don't get the wrong idea. (不要抱有那種錯(cuò)誤想法。)

  別那么自私。 Don't be selfish. selfish “任性的,自私的,利己的”。

  = Don't be self-centered.

  = Don't be egotistical.

  你的工作表現(xiàn)總是不穩(wěn)定。 Your work is always inconsistent.

  inconsistent “不一致的”、“不穩(wěn)定的”、“反復(fù)無常的”。

  = Your work is always erratic.

  = Your work is always patchy.

  = Your work is always uneven.

  你不該隨便亂花錢。 You shouldn't spend money foolishly.

  You should try to be thriftier. (你該試著再節(jié)約些。)

  You shouldn't spend your money like water.

  = You shouldn't waste your money. (你不該那么浪費(fèi)錢。)

  你的態(tài)度太惡劣了。 You have an attitude problem.

  You have an attitude problem. (你的態(tài)度太惡劣了。)

  Who are you to say that? (你不是在說你自己吧。)

  = I don't like your attitude.

  = You have a bad attitude.

  = You need to readjust your attitude.

  別那么沒有禮貌。 Don't be so naughty.

  naughty “不聽話,頑皮的,淘氣的”。

  = Don't do such naughty things.

  = Don't be so bad.

  = Behave yourself! (有點(diǎn)禮貌!)

  請(qǐng)安靜! Hold it down!

  Be quiet! 用于一般情況下。

  = Keep it down!

  = Keep it quiet!

  = Silence! 用于學(xué)校老師對(duì)學(xué)生。

  = Turn it down! 對(duì)看電視或聽收音機(jī)的人說的。turn down是“關(guān)小電視、收音機(jī)等的聲音”。

  噓!(安靜!) Hush!

  = Shh.

  太吵了。 It's too noisy.

  = It's too loud.

  別丟人現(xiàn)眼了! Don't make a fool of yourself.

  I'm going to dance. (我想去跳舞。)

  Don't make a fool of yourself. (別丟人現(xiàn)眼了!)

  = Don't play the fool.

  = Don't make an ass out of yourself.

  = Stop acting like a fool.

  分清場(chǎng)合。 Think about where you are.

  = You should consider where you are.

  你也不看看你多大了。 Act your age.


  How do you like my new red skirt? (你覺得我這條新的紅裙子怎么樣?)

  Act your age. (你也不看看你多大了。)

  You should act your age. 比較溫和的說法。

  Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age!

  You should behave more maturely. (你該表現(xiàn)得更成熟些。)

  You shouldn't act like a child. (別像個(gè)孩子似的。)

  你想得也太天真了。 Your view is too optimistic.

  optimistic “樂觀的”,“樂天派的”。

  你的想法太不現(xiàn)實(shí)了。 You should get your head out of the clouds.


  You should get your head out of the clouds. (你的想法太離譜了。)

  Maybe you're right. I should try to be more down-to-earth. (也許你是對(duì)的。我該更現(xiàn)實(shí)點(diǎn)兒。)

  = You aren't being realistic.

  = You should be more logical.

  logical “符合邏輯的”、“道理上講得通的”。

  別再重復(fù)這種愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤了。 Don't make such stupid mistakes again!

  make a mistake 慣用語(yǔ), “出錯(cuò)”。

  Don't make such stupid mistakes again! (不要重復(fù)這種愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤。)

  I won't, I won't. (不會(huì)了,不會(huì)了。)

  You should be more careful! (你應(yīng)該多加小心。)

  Don't make dumb mistakes again!

  別那么自命不凡。 Don't be stuck-up.

  stuck-up “驕傲自滿”、“自高自大”。

  = Don't be so pompous. pompous “裝模作樣的”、“自負(fù)的”、“華而不實(shí)的”。

  = Don't be such a snob. snob “勢(shì)利小人”、“看人行事的俗人”。

  = Don't act like you're better than I am.

  = Don't flatter yourself so much. (別那么自以為是。) flatter oneself “驕傲自滿”、“得意洋洋”。

  人不可貌相。 Don't judge a book by its cover.


  He's so short. (他的個(gè)兒多矮呀。)

  Listen, don't judge a book by its cover. He was the best basketball player in California last year. (喂!你可不能以貌取人,他是去年加利福尼亞最棒的籃球運(yùn)動(dòng)員。)

  Never judge something by its looks.

  = Appearances are deceiving. (不能以貌取人。)

  = Don't form an opinion about something based on appearance alone. (人不可貌相。)

  說話要留神。 Watch your tongue.


  Hey, you, asshole! (你這個(gè)混蛋!)

  Watch your tongue. (嘿,說話留點(diǎn)神兒。)

  = Watch your language.

  = Watch your mouth.

  = Be careful of what you say.

  = Don't use bad language. (不要說臟話。)

  要遵守規(guī)則。 Follow the rules.

  follow “遵守,服從(規(guī)則、命令、勸說等等)”。

  Follow the rules. (要遵守規(guī)則。)

  You're the one not following the rules. (你就沒有遵守規(guī)則。)

  = Don't violate rules. (不許違反規(guī)則。)

  = Don't violate regulations. (不許違反章程。)

  = Don't break the rules. (不許破壞規(guī)則。)

  別偷懶! Stop goofing off!

  這是一句俚語(yǔ),用于針對(duì)在工作、學(xué)習(xí)或練習(xí)中偷懶、?;娜?。 goof off是口語(yǔ)表達(dá)方式,意為“懶惰”、“偷懶”。

  = Get a life!

  = You should make something out of yourself!

  = Don't be a bum!

  = Get a job! (去找個(gè)工作。)

  = Grow up! (該長(zhǎng)大成人了!/你什么時(shí)候才能長(zhǎng)大!)

  照我說的做! Do as I said!

  = Do what I said.

  = Do what I tell you to do!

  不要說別人的壞話。 Don't say bad things about others.

  = Don't speak ill of others.

  = Don't speak bad about other people.

  別食言。 Don't go back on your word!

  I'm sorry, I can't do that. (對(duì)不起,我做不了。)

  Don't go back on your word! (別食言。)

  Don't break your promise. (不能說話不算數(shù)。)

  = You should keep your word.

  做你能做的。 Don't take on more than you can.


  = Don't take on more than you can handle.

  別那么粗魯! Don't be rude!

  = Don't be impolite!

  你被開除了。 You're fired!

  = Man, you're out of here. 嚴(yán)厲的說法。

  = I have to sack you. 溫和的說法。

  = I have to let you go. 溫和的說法。

  你得像個(gè)男子漢! Be a man!

  I don't want to be a leader. (我不想當(dāng)頭兒。)

  Be a man! (你得像個(gè)男子漢!)

  Be strong! (堅(jiān)強(qiáng)些!)

  Don't be a wimp! (別那么窩囊!)

  Don't be a chicken! (別當(dāng)膽小鬼。)

  別自吹自擂。 Don't talk boastfully.

  boastfully “夸耀的”、“自吹自擂的”。

  Japan is a very rich country. (日本是一個(gè)富裕的國(guó)家。)

  Don't talk boastfully. (別自吹自擂。)

  = Don't brag.

  = Don't boast.

  = You should be more modest. (你該謙虛一些。)

  請(qǐng)別讓我失望。 Please don't disappoint me.

  disappoint “讓……失望”、 “辜負(fù)……期望”。

  = Please don't let me down.

  別挑逗女孩/男孩! Don't flirt with girls/boys!

  flirt with “對(duì)異性半開玩笑的引誘”、“男女之間的調(diào)情”。

  Don't flirt with girls! (別挑逗女孩!)

  I was just being friendly. (我只是表示友好。)

  = Don't make eyes at her/him! (別跟她/他眉來眼去的。)

  make eyes at... “向……送秋波”。

  別抱怨,叫你怎么做,就怎么做。 Don't complain and do as you are told.

  = Do what I tell you to do without complaining.

  干脆點(diǎn)!(趕快!) Make it snappy!

  這是一個(gè)慣用句, “快!”、“干脆點(diǎn)兒!”

  = Hurry it up!

  = Look snappy. 英式英語(yǔ)。

  麻利點(diǎn)!/利索點(diǎn)! Step on it!

  step on it 原意是“坐火車飛跑”現(xiàn)在常表示“趕緊”的意思。

  = Be quick!

  = Get a move on!

  = Move it!

  = Snap to it.


  約翰,向她道歉。 John, apologize to her.

  John, apologize to her. (約翰,向她道歉。)

  I'm really sorry. (真對(duì)不起。)

  約翰,你聽我說! John, you listen to me!

  John, you listen to me! (約翰,你聽我說!)

  I don't want to. (我不想聽。)

  危險(xiǎn),別淘氣。 Watch out! Don't play with that thing.

  Mom, watch! (媽媽,你看!)

  Watch out! Don't play with that thing. (危險(xiǎn),別淘氣。)

  自己的事情自己做。 Do it yourself.

  Can you fix my bicycle? (能幫我修一下自行車嗎?)

  Do it yourself. (自己修。)

  = Do it by yourself.

  = Do it for yourself.

  你別半途而廢。 You should finish what you start.

  I'm going to give up. (我想放棄了。)

  You should finish what you start. (你別半途而廢。)

  = Don't leave things half done. 也可用half done來表示“半途而廢”。

  我認(rèn)輸了。 I'm ready to throw in the towel.


  You failed the exam again. (你又沒考上。)

  I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我認(rèn)輸了。)

  這是你(應(yīng)盡)的責(zé)任。 It's your duty (to do that).

  duty “(法律、道德上的)義務(wù),應(yīng)盡的責(zé)任”。

  It's up to you to do that. (這是你應(yīng)該做的。)

  It's your responsibility. (這是你分內(nèi)的工作。)

  要善待他人。 Be good to others.

  = Do unto others as you would have done to you.正式的說法。

  = You should treat others kindly.

  = Do unto others.

  你要再三小心。 You can't be too careful.


  You can't be too careful. (你要再三小心。)

  That's true. (那是當(dāng)然。)

  = It's best to be as safe as possible.

  = (It's) better safe than sorry. (保得安全總比后悔好。)

  三思而后行。 Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully.

  make up one's mind 常用詞組,表示decide(下決心)。帶有“仔細(xì)考慮之后再下決定”的語(yǔ)感。

  = Make your decision after you give it a lot of thought.

  = Think it over carefully before you decide.

  我全靠你了。 I'm counting on you.


  = I'm relying on you.

  你終究會(huì)明白的。 You'll see.

  I don't think she's mean. (我沒覺得她有什么惡意。)

  You'll see. (你終究會(huì)明白的。)

  You'll find out soon enough.

  Time will tell. (時(shí)間會(huì)證明一切。)

  冷靜下來好好想想。 Calm down and think carefully.

  calm down “冷靜”、“鎮(zhèn)靜”。

  Calm down and think carefully. (冷靜下來好好想想。)

  I can't! (我做不到。)

  = Calm down and think about it clearly.

  這是最重要的事情。 That's the most important thing.

  We need to know who's buying our products. (我們需要弄清楚誰(shuí)買了我們的商品。)

  That's the most important thing. (這是最重要的事情。)

  = That's the name of the game.

  人要有自知之明。 Don't bite off more than you can chew.

  bite off more than one can chew 直譯是“咬下了自己嚼不了的東西”,常用來表示“接受自己力所不及的工作”、“接受超過自己能力的事情”。

  = Don't attempt more than you are capable of.

  這事做起來沒有太大價(jià)值。 There isn't much merit in doing so.

  = There is no reason to do so.

  = I don't see the point (of doing that).

  你還得再加把勁兒。 What you need is a little more effort.

  effort “努力”、“盡力”。

  You should put a little more effort into it. (你應(yīng)該再加一把勁兒。)

  You should try a little harder. (你應(yīng)該再努力一點(diǎn)兒。)

  有點(diǎn)自尊心吧! Respect yourself.

  我希望你事事要積極。 I hope you'll be more positive overall.

  positive “積極的”。

  I don't think I can do it. (我覺得我做不了。)

  I hope you'll be more positive overall. (我希望你事事要積極。)

  = I hope you'll be more positive in every way.

  = I wish you'd be more positive.

  = You should be more optimistic. (希望你能樂觀點(diǎn)兒。) optimistic “積極的”、“樂天派的”。

  你說得容易。 That's easy for you to say.

  If you practice hard, you'll get a gold medal. (如果你刻苦練習(xí),一定能夠得金牌。)

  That's easy for you to say. (你說得容易。)

  你發(fā)什么牢騷? There's no reason for complaints.

  complaint “不滿”、“抱怨”、“訴苦”。

  = There is no reason to complain.

  = There is nothing to complain about.

  你臉上都寫著呢呀! It's written all over your face.

  Did you pass the exam? (考試都通過了?)

  How did you know? (你怎么知道的?)

  It's written all over your face. (你臉上都寫著呢呀!)

  = It's obvious. (明顯地能看出來。) obvious “一眼就能看出來的,明顯的”。

  = I can see it in your eyes. 你的眼睛告訴了我。

  我當(dāng)然會(huì)生氣了。 It's natural for me to get angry.

  It's natural for...to “當(dāng)然(自然)會(huì)”。

  = Why shouldn't I be angry?

  = I have a right to be upset!

  = My reaction is completely appropriate. (我這樣的反應(yīng)是自然的。)

  appropriate “與目的、條件等相稱的,適合的,恰當(dāng)?shù)?rdquo;。

  我是根據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗(yàn)才這樣說的。 I'm telling you this from my experience.

  Are you sure about it? (確實(shí)是這樣嗎?)

  I'm telling you this from my experience. (我是根據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗(yàn)才這樣說的。)

  Let me offer you some advice. From my experience... (我給你一個(gè)建議,據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗(yàn)來看……)

  沒其他不同的看法嗎? Can't you think of it differently?

  = Can't you look at it another way?

  = Can't you think of it in a different way?

  好好想想。 Just think of it!

  Just fancy. 有點(diǎn)過時(shí)的表達(dá)方式。

  Just imagine. (想像一下。)

  不要輕信。 Don't trust it.


  The newspapers say that the yen will go up soon. (報(bào)紙上說,日元馬上就會(huì)升值。)

  = Don't trust it. (別輕信!)

  = Be cautious. (請(qǐng)慎重。)

  = Be careful. (要多加小心。)

  = Trust it. (請(qǐng)相信。)

  我是個(gè)容易上當(dāng)?shù)娜恕?I'm so gullible. gullible “易受騙的,輕信的,太老實(shí)的”。

  別小看他。 Don't underestimate him.

  underestimate “過于輕視”、“小看”。

  We don't need to worry about him. (我們不必?fù)?dān)心他。)

  Don't underestimate him. (別小看他的能力。)

  You shouldn't underestimate his abilities. (你不該小看他的能力。)

  He is better than you think. (他比你想像的要好。)

  那是最重要的呀! That's the name of the game.

  我不能對(duì)你特殊。 I can't make any exceptions for you.

  exception “除去……”、“……除外”。

  = We can't give you any special treatment.

  = I can't make an exception for you.

  動(dòng)動(dòng)腦子。 Use your head!

  I don't know how to do it. (我不知道怎么做。)

  Use your head! You can do it. (動(dòng)動(dòng)腦子,你能做到的。)

  自作自受。 You asked for it!


  My boss scolded me today. (今天被老板訓(xùn)斥了一頓。)

  You asked for it! You didn't finish your report on time again. (自作自受,你又沒有按時(shí)交報(bào)告。)

  如果批評(píng)得對(duì),你就接受吧。 If the shoe fits, wear it.


  My boss criticized my sloppy personal appearance. (我的老板批評(píng)我穿得邋遢。)

  Well, if the shoe fits, wear it. (如果批評(píng)得對(duì),你就接受吧。)


  我已經(jīng)決定了。 I've decided.

  I've decided to move. (我已經(jīng)決定搬家了。)

  Really? (真的?)

  = I've made up my mind.

  = I've come to a decision.

  一切都看你的了。 It's up to you.

  up to... “應(yīng)該……做”、“隨便……”、“全由……負(fù)責(zé)”。

  What should we do tonight? (今天晚上我們干點(diǎn)兒什么?)

  = It depends on you.

  = It's completely up to you. 稍微強(qiáng)調(diào)的語(yǔ)氣。

  = It's all up to you. 比較強(qiáng)調(diào)的說法。

  你決定吧! You decide.

  Do you want to go out or stay home? (你想出去,還是在家?)

  這是關(guān)鍵性的一點(diǎn)。 This is the important point.

  = This is the main point.

  = This is crucial. 語(yǔ)氣稍重。

  這是我個(gè)人的問題。 This is my personal problem.

  Let me help you. (我來幫助你吧。)

  = This is my private affair.

  這是生死攸關(guān)的大事。 It's a matter of life and death.


  = It's extremely important. (這是一件極其重要的事。)

  是去是留,隨你。 You're free to go or stay.

  = You're free to leave anytime.

  = I'm not keeping you here.

  已經(jīng)無可挽回了。 There's no turning back.

  Are you going to patch things up? (你們打算和好嗎?)

  = No, there's no turning back. (已經(jīng)不能挽回了。)

  = We can't turn back now.

  走一步看一步吧!(到時(shí)候再說吧!) Let's play it by ear.


  Should we go to the party tonight? (我們今天晚上是不是該去參加聚會(huì)?)

  = I don't know. Let's play it by ear. (我不知道,到時(shí)候再說吧。)

  = Let's leave everything to chance.

  = Let's just see what happens. (看情況吧。)

  我確信我能做好。 I'm sure I can do it.


  Are you sure you can do it? (你真的可以做嗎?)

  = I certainly can do it.

  = I believe I can do it. (我相信我能干。)

  我仍然無法決定我該做什么。 I'm still unable to decide what to do.

  What are you going to do? (你打算做什么?)

  I'm still unable to decide what to do. (我仍然無法決定該做什么。)

  I'm still undecided. (我還下不了決心。)

  I still can't decide what to do. (我還無法決定我該干什么。)

  = I'm still unsure. (我仍然沒有把握。)

  我跟著她。 I'll follow her.

  = I'll go after her.

  我們擰成一股繩地去干。 Let's all get together and act as one.

  = Let's work together as a team.

  反正,也得干。 I have to do it anyhow.


  = I must do it anyway.

  機(jī)不可失,時(shí)不再來。 It's now or never.


  Should I go to college? (我應(yīng)該去上大學(xué)嗎?)

  = Yeah, it's now or never. (當(dāng)然,機(jī)不可失,時(shí)不再來。)

  = No time like the present. 直譯是“沒有像現(xiàn)在這樣的時(shí)間了”。

  = Seize the day. 直譯“把握今天”。多在軍隊(duì)中用。

  = Carpe diem. (不必?fù)?dān)憂未來,及時(shí)行樂。) 出自拉丁語(yǔ),英語(yǔ)中也常使用。

  越早越好。 The sooner, the better.

  When should I go? (我什么時(shí)候去?)

  The sooner, the better. (越早越好。)

  碰碰運(yùn)氣看。 I'll take a chance.

  Can you jump over the river? (你能跳過那條河嗎?)

  I'll take a chance. (碰碰運(yùn)氣看。)

  = I'll take a gamble.

  = I'll go for it. (我大膽試一試。)

  = I'll give it a try. (試試看。)

  再拿出點(diǎn)勇氣來。 Have more guts!

  我們總得想辦法完成。 Let's finish it somehow.

  somehow “想方設(shè)法”、“不管怎樣”。

  It's getting late. (已經(jīng)這么晚了。)

  Let's finish it somehow. (我們總得想辦法完成。)

  = Let's try our best to finish it. (竭盡全力完成。)

  = Let's get it over with. (趕快把它做完吧。)

  值得一試。 It's worth a try.

  worth “有價(jià)值”、“值得”、“也許不順利”或“做起來太勉強(qiáng),但值得一試”。

  I don't think I can beat him. (我想我贏不了他。)

  = Well, it's worth a try. (但,值得一試。)

  我們必須同心同德。 We must function as one mind and one body.

  = We have to work together.

  = We must be a team.

  = We have to cooperate with each other. (我們必須相互協(xié)助。)

  你等著瞧吧。 You just wait.

  豁出去了。 It's all or nothing.


  = We're betting all of our money. (我們把所有的錢都賭上吧。)

  = Yeah, it's all or nothing. (好吧,孤注一擲。)


在我國(guó)大學(xué)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)中,教師為了保證學(xué)生能順利通過英語(yǔ)四、六級(jí)考試,常常將教學(xué)重點(diǎn)放在聽力、閱讀和寫作三部分上,而英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)教學(xué)一直處于被忽視的境遇。下面小編就分享日常生活的英語(yǔ)句子給你們。希望你們喜歡。 日常生活的英語(yǔ)句子