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  (1) On the air:在廣播中

  The Prime Minister's National Day speech was broadcast live and will be on the air again.

  (2) On balance:權(quán)衡輕重之后

  Our national football feam sometimes won but sometimes lost. On balance, it has had a quite good track record.

  (3) On the dole:接受福利金

  In the West, unemployed workers can still survive if they are on the dole.

  (4) On an even keel:平穩(wěn)的

  The grocery business has experienced a tough period, but it is back on an even keel.

  (5) On the loose:不受拘束的

  According to some newspaper reports, a big tiger is on the loose in an outlying island.

  (6) On the make:熱衷于追求名利

  Among your friends, do you have some continually on the make?

  (7) On the mend:病情在好轉(zhuǎn)件

  When I saw Mike last time, he was quite ill, but he is now said to be on the mend.

  (8) On the move :在活動中

  A good friend of mine has been on the move in and out of the country, trying to find business to do.

  (9) On a par with:……和……平等

  The flowers in that garden are pretty, but I am not sure if they are on a par with yours.

  (10) On the quiet:秘密地

  Some foreign students have been making money on the quiet during school holidays.

  (11) On the rocks:遭受失敗

  His ill-fated attempt has landed itself on the rocks.

  (12) on the run:在逃跑中

  One kidnapper has been arrested, but others are still on the run.

  (13) On a shoestring:小本經(jīng)營地

  Xiao Lei ran his business on a shoestring before it was expanded.

  (14) On the side:作為兼職

  Some low-income people have to take up a second job on the side.

  (15) On the sly:秘密地;偷偷地

  Smoking was prohibited in school, but some students did it on the sly or in the lavatory.

  (16) On the spot:當(dāng)場;立即

  When an adult shoplifter is caught on the spot, he or she will be sent to prison.

  (17) On tenterhooks:提心吊膽

  Those waiting for the outcome of university admission are on tenterhooks beyond their control.

  (18) On the rack:極度焦慮不安

  When the doctor did not say anything after seeing the patient, the patiant felt somewhat on the rack.

  (19) On tap:隨時可得到的

  The director has a wide circle of friends who are on tap when needed.

  (20) On the cards :有可能重現(xiàn)的

  Unconfirmed news has it that a new university could be on the cards.

  (21) On edge:緊張;著急;

  When the small boy could not see his mother in the crowd, he was on edge and cried.

  (22) On call:待命

  The company car is always on call to take the Chief Executive Officer to meetings.


  (1) In the air:尚未確定的

  Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air.

  (2) In clover:(常和 "live"連用)生活舒適

  Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the poor.

  (3) In deep water:深深陷入困境

  You had better get away from that business or you will be in deep water with no one to pull you out.

  (4) In low spirits:士氣低沉的

  What's wrong with you ? You looked fine a moment ago. Why are you now in low spirits?

  (5) In a fix:面臨困境

  Some newly-weds are in a fix now; when can they get their HDB flats and move in ?

  (6) In a flutter:處在緊張狀態(tài)中

  The news about the dignitary's visit put the staff in a flutter.

  (7) In full swing:如火如荼地

  The celebration for welcoming the victorious national team is already in full swing.

  (8) In the know:知道詳情的

  The manager has resigned. For further information, please see the secretary, who is in the know.

  (9) In limbo:處于不確定的狀態(tài)中

  The decision on the oversea project is in limbo, due to some indeterminate factors.

  (10) In a flash:瞬息間

  I don't know what happened to Grace, who went out and retuned in a flash.

  (11) In the limelight:眾人注意的焦點

  Once a person becomes famous, he will be in the limelight. all the time with very litte private time.

  (12) In a nutshell:簡而言之

  I have a lot to say about his latest book, but to put it in a nutshell, it is a good work.

  (13) In the offing:即將到來

  According to a newspaer report, a minor cabinet reshuffle is in the offing.

  (14) In the pipeline:在準(zhǔn)備中

  The TV magazine indicates that some new TV serials are in the pipeline.

  (15) In the open:公開的

  The hearsay about a minister's resignation has now become a fact; everything is now in the open.

  (16) In the same boat:面臨同樣的不幸處境

  If a company cannot survive, many others will be in the same bboat, and working people will be in for a hard life.

  (17) In step with:和……符合

  Is it possible to expect the opinion of every member to be in step with that of the party leaders?

  (18) In store for:即將發(fā)生;即將到來

  For every capable person, there is a promising future in store for him.

  (19) In the swim:通曉時務(wù)

  If you are to keep your information up to date, please see Jimmy, who is always in the swim.

  (20) In a tight squeeze:(財務(wù)等)緊縮

  When in a tight squeeze, a company has to resort to the bank for assistance.


  1. At bay:(經(jīng)常和keep或hold連用)使……不能接近

  One of the gangsters kept the police at bay until the rest escaped.

  2. At bottom:實際上

  Judy said she was not jealous of her friends' success, but at bottom, she was.

  3. At close quarters:逼近地

  The two rivals grappled at close quarters.

  4. At cross purposes:互相誤解

  I think we are at cross purposes. When I said "J.C.", I meant "Jason Chen", not "John Chen".

  5. At daggers drawn:勢不兩立

  Dan and Bob have been at daggers drawn for years. There is no evidence that they will make up.

  6. At every turn:處處

  When you go downtown, you will see shops, big and small, at every turn.

  7. At one fell swoop:一舉

  Which country can invade another country and conquer it at one fell swoop?

  8. At issue:在討論中的

  The question asked was not relevant to the matter at issue .

  9. At large:一般的;逍遙法外的。

  a. The people at large support the government's various policies.

  b. Some illegal immigrants were caught, but some others are still at large.

  10. At length:詳細(xì)地

  Time did not allow the speaker to talk about the financial turmoil at length.

  11. At loggerheads with……:經(jīng)常和……爭吵

  Mr and Mrs Thang are often at loggerheads with each other. Why can't they get along well?

  12. At a loss for words:不知說什么好

  The news came so surprisingly that she was at a loss for words.

  13. At a low ebb:處于低潮

  Henry's mood seems to be at a low ebb now; let's cheer him up a bit.

  14. At a price:付高代價

  Some people became successful at a price; their health and family life were adversely affected.

  15. At random:隨意地

  One may choose things at random, but not the prospective life partner.

  16. At the ready:處在準(zhǔn)備狀態(tài)中

  At the news conference, news reporters gathered around, pens and notebooks at the ready.

  17. At sea:茫然

  Those not interested in politics will be at sea when people discuss political issues.

  18. At a stretch:連續(xù)地

  In order to earn money, some workers do overtime works for a few days at a stretch.

  19. At will:任意地

  In a society like ours, one has to be law-abiding and not to do things at will.

  20. At one's wits end:不知所措

  Chased by the enemy to an abyss, the man could not advance any more, nor could he retreat; he was at his wits end.

  21. At heart:在內(nèi)心里;本質(zhì)上

  a. A good leader often has the people's interests at heart.

  b. Though Xiao Gan works in a city, he is a country boy at heart.

  22. At sixes and sevens:亂七八糟

  When the maid returned to work after three days' leave, she found all the rooms at sixes and sevens.






