1. 他慢慢地向她走近,兩人的目光膠著了。
He walked slowly towards her and they held each other`s gaze.
2. 這種地雷中裝置了傳感器,當任何人走近時都會引發(fā)一團刺激性的氣體。
This grenade has a proximity sensor, and will produce a cloud of knockout gas when approached.
3. 幾株河柳婀娜飄逸,他若有所思,走近一株河柳,從上面折下一段嫩枝,慢慢的擰著,須臾,一段白生生的柳枝從嫩綠的樹皮中抽出,一個柳笛擰好了。
Several Strains glandulosa graceful and elegant, he was thoughtful, approached a glandulosa, the following paragraph shoots off from above, slowly twisting, even for a moment, a section of white Sang Sang's willow bark extract from the verdant, a willow flute screw better.
4. 不論走近氣勢磅礴的環(huán)形紀念碑,還是駐足蒼松翠柏掩映之中的紅軍墳旁,崇敬、凝重與四面的肅穆交融在一起,沒有人高聲說話,也沒有人在這里以旅游觀光者的心態(tài)自居。
Approach no matter the annular monument of the of great momentum, still stop pines and cypresses of verdant green sets off one another by the Red Army grave in, esteem, dignified and all around solemn and respectful blend together, talk loudly without the person, also be here without the person the pose as of state of mind with travel sight-seer.
5. 你的耳畔低語和無限的溫婉柔情,濕了我已泛黃的自尊,寂寂的夜里,只有我孤身一人,魄冷魂清,緊閉雙眼,想把迷醉的思緒慢慢張開,請你走近我的夢里。
Your ears whispering and unlimited Mild tenderness, wet I have yellowing of the self-esteem, knowing about the night, only I was alone, cold soul soul-ching, closed eyes, trying to intoxication thoughts slowly opened, you approached my dream.
6. 有時候,一只狐貍被我的燈光吸引住,走近了我的窗于,吠叫似地向我發(fā)出一聲狐貍的詛咒,然后急速退走。
Sometimes one came near to my window, attracted by my light, barked a vulpine curse at me, and then retreated.
7. 秋天的時候,正是橘子掛果的季節(jié),那一個個橘子黃澄澄的,長得小巧玲瓏,如果你站在幾棵橘樹面前吮吸著這里的氣味,就會覺得一股股清香撲鼻而來,如果你在走近些,這些橘子一定會令你垂涎欲滴,現(xiàn)在你會情不自禁的摘一個下來,輕輕地掰開橘子,這時它那酸甜可口的果肉就會露出來,那果肉呀!
Autumn is the season of orange that one of the orange, small and grow, if you stand in front of a few orange trees suck the smell here, they will feel that a fresh-smelling from the Unit, if you approaching some of these oranges will make your mouth watering, and now you can not help but pick the one down, gently break apart and oranges, the sweet and sour at this time it will be exposed to the flesh, then flesh it!
8. 你們?nèi)鐐?cè)耳,走近我前來聽,你們必將獲得生命;我要與你們訂立一項永久的盟約,即誓許于達味的慈惠。
Incline your ear and come to me: hear and your soul shall lire, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, the faithful mercies of David.
9. 你們?nèi)鐐?cè)耳,走近我前來聽,你們必將獲得生命;我要與你們訂立一項永久的盟約,即誓許于達味的慈惠。
Come to me heedfully, listen, that you may have life. I will renew with you the everlasting covenant, the benefits assured to David.
10. 就在第二天,這個人又回到了商店,走近那個店員,把一個白鞋盒子放到了柜臺上,盒子蓋上有一個小孔。
The very next day. the guy returns to the store, approaches the clerk and places on the counter a white shoe box with a small hole on the cover.
11. 他趕忙從車上跳下來,走近千里馬,親切地撫摸著它的毛,并脫下自己的外衣披在馬背上。
He quickly alighted his chariot and approached the horse, fondly stroking its hide and placed his own outer garment over the horse's back.
12. 當他向我走近并且劃燃火柴時,我們的目光相遇了。
As he came close and lit the match, our eyes met.
13. 她的朋友悄悄走近她,使她跳了起來。
Her friend stole up on her and made her jump.
She crept up to him from behind.
She will soon learn to come to you when she wants water or food.
When I got to C., I was a bit nervous as he’s known for his very physical fits of frustration.
Like the meeting of the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.
燃著的火 ,以它熊熊的光焰警告我不要走近它 .
The flaming fire warns me off by its own glow.
Nina is secretly researching Ted Cofell’s background when Alberta Green approaches with aquestion about the passenger list of the plane that went down.
One day when he was going out in a bit of a hurry, he accidentally picked up his umbrellainstead of his gun. When he got to the Creek, he saw a rabbit sitting beside the stream.
"Volvo is like a mysterious, beautiful woman," he told the Wall Street Journal in April. "We justlook at her from far away, amazed.
The uninformed attendant politely opened the large doors for me and as I approached the receptition; s desk she smiled pleasantly.
奧鎂首席執(zhí)行官弗蘭茲.司杜表示。 同時,他還提到“巴西鋼鐵工業(yè)正在蓬勃發(fā)展。我們希望走近客戶,盡可能從中受益。
According to Struzl, "Brazil's steel industry is growing and we want to benefit as much as possible from this enormous growth, being close to our customers.
Here, LIFE.com presents previously unpublished pictures of a June 2011 Haitian Vodouceremony, along with Karen's insights into so-called "marginalized" groups and his own work as a photographer.
Here, LIFE.com presents previously unpublished pictures of a June 2011 Haitian Vodouceremony, along with Karen's insights into so-called "marginalized" groups and his own work as a photographer.
1. I hyperventilate when they come near me with the needle.
2. At their approach the little boy ran away and hid.
3. Mirella approached him and, after a brief hesitation, shook his hand.
4. She approached a young couple holding hands on a bench.
5. A stray dog came up to him.
6. Their pace quickened as they approached their cars.
7. Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging and distended.
8. As he neared the house his steps faltered.
9. She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached.
10. The snake slithered away as we approached.
11. She glares at me if I go near her desk.
12. His nose told him that he was getting near the cow shed.
13. I asked the spectators to keep back from the sideline.
14. They were filled with apprehension as they approached the building.
15. The explorers made a camp fire to keep off wild animals.