1. Are you alone? 你是一個人來嗎?
Are you only one person?或是Do you come here by yourself?其實美國人簡簡單單用alone一個字就可以代表你好幾個字!所以如果你去參加一個舞會,看到你想邀舞的對象,最好先問一聲Are you alone?免得到時候怎么被人扁了都不知道.另外你去買票,售票員問你是不是只買一張票,有時他也會問Are you alone?
2. Are you guys OK? 你們都還好吧?
通常你去別人家里玩,主人有時看你太無聊就會走過來問你, Are you guys OK?或是你去餐廳用餐時侍者也常會走過來過你, Are you guys OK?當(dāng)然這就只是一種禮貌性地詢問,看看你有沒有需要些什么東西.在美國他們常把you guys連用.即使是對方是有男有女或是全部都是女的,也可以這樣說,加上guys似乎只是讓句子更順暢,并沒有其它的含意.再造一句, Do you guys want to go with us?有沒有加guys都是一樣的,另外值得一提的是,這種說法一般認(rèn)為是北方的說法,。
3. He dances like an animal. 他跳舞跳很瘋狂.
美國人喜歡把愛跳舞的人說是dance like animals喜歡開party的人稱作party animals.大概是因為這些人精力充沛,像是動物一樣.記得有一次電影里也出現(xiàn)了Come out with us, you party animal!聽來很有意思吧!我覺得美國人是很喜歡跳舞的,每到周末,Bar里面就擠滿了跳舞的人潮.明明里面空氣污濁,空間又很擠,大家還是拼命要往里頭擠。不過跳舞的人雖多,要被人家說成跳舞像動物,非要精力充沛,跳起舞來一點兒也不累才行。
4. Everybody picks up whatever you want.
在美國人家吃飯,一般都是buffet的型式,一人一個盤子,要吃什么自己拿。一開動了,主人就會說, Everybody picks up whatever you want.個人感覺, whatever一般我們都不太會用,其實whatever就相當(dāng)于"隨便什么都可以"的意思.還有這里他們用pick up這個動詞我覺得也值得學(xué)一學(xué).
5. I'll walk you out. 我?guī)愠鋈?
在美國跟他們一起玩,如果你說你要回家了,朋友就跟你說, I'll walk you out.也就是我送你出去的意思.不過有趣的一點是,美國溜狗也用walk這個動詞,例如我去溜我的狗英文叫, I want to walk my dog.所以I walk you out聽來不是有點我溜你出去的意思呢?
1. Would you like to join the house warming party this
2. Your house is decorated so wonderfully.
3. I love the traditional style furniture.
4. Your house looks fabulous! I wish I could afford it, too. 你的房子漂亮極了,但愿我也能買一套。
5. I like your living room. It is spacious.
6. The living room can serve as a home office.
7. This is the gift for your new house.
8. Do you need a hand in the ketchen?
9. The kitchen looks simple, neat and relaxing.
10. Do you need a refill?
11. A grandfather clock would look great in the den.
1、I've heard so much about you. 久仰!
2、You've had a long day./ You've had a long flight. 辛苦了!
3、Distinguished/Honorable/Respected friends 尊敬的朋友們!
4、On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit Beijing. 我代表北京市政府歡迎各位朋友訪問北京。
5、On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. 對您的大力協(xié)助,我謹(jǐn)代表北京市政府表示衷心的感謝。
6、How are you making out in Beijing? 在北京過得怎么樣?
7、I'll surely remember you and your invitation to him. 我一定向他轉(zhuǎn)達您的問候和邀請。
8、American businessmen are welcome to make investment in Beijing. 歡迎美商來北京投資。
9、Your valuable advice is most welcome. 歡迎多提寶貴意見。
10、It's a rewarding trip! 不虛此行!
11、As you have a tight schedule, I will not take up more of your time. 您的日程很緊,我們的會見是否就到此為止。
12、Please remember me to Mr.Wang. 請代我問候王先生。
13、Thank you so much for coming. 感謝光臨!
14、Hope you'll come again. 歡迎再來!
15、Hope you'll visit Beijing more often. 歡迎以后多來北京!
16、I will see myself out, please. 請留步,不用送了!
17、At your service! 愿為您效勞!
18、Host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of „ 為„舉行宴會/宴請
19、Serve a courst 上菜
20、Here is your seat. 您的位置在這里。請入席!
21、Enjoy this happy get-together 歡聚一堂
22、Please yourself at home./Please enjoy yourself. 請隨便!
23、Help yourself please. 請各位隨意用餐。
24、What would you like to drink? 您喝點什么?
25、At this point, I propose a toast: to the cooperation between „ And „ , to the health of Senator„, cheers! 現(xiàn)在我提議,為了„和„之間的合作,為了„參議員的健康,干杯! Joke of Today:Who was fighting