
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語短語 > 表示因為的英語短語


時間: 玉蓮928 分享




  一、because of意為“因為,由于”,普通用語,比其他短語更口語化;構(gòu)成的短語在句子中通常作狀語,一般不作表語用;若引導表語,主語通常應(yīng)為代詞。后面可接名詞、代詞、分詞或what引導的名詞性從句等。

  Sampras is likely to miss the US Open because of his back injury.桑普拉斯因為背部有傷可能缺席美國公開賽。(置于句后作狀語)

  Because of my bad leg ,I couldn’t walk so fast as the others.由于我的腿壞了,我不能像其他人走得那么快。(置于句首做狀語,但用逗號與其他部分分開)

  Because of his wife’s being there, I said nothing about it.因為他妻子在場,我對此事只字未提。(接-ing分詞短語)

  He realized that she was crying because of what he had said.他意識到她在哭是因為他說的那些話。(接what從句)

  It is all because of what you said.那完全是因為你說的話。(接what從句)

  二、due to“由于,因„造成”,按照傳統(tǒng)語法:due to主要引導表語,但是在現(xiàn)代英語中,due to也可用來引導狀語(此時不用于句首),也可作定語。 His illness is due to bad food.他生病是由于吃了不好的食物。。

  Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend.在那個周末因高速駕駛造成的交通事故很多。

  Joe’s application to the University was not accepted due to his failing English.喬因英語不及格申報那所大學沒被錄取。

  另:“Due to”means "cause by", It should only be used if it can be substituted with "caused by". It does not mean the same thing as "because of ",

  Incorrect: The game was postponed due to rain.

  Correct: The game was postponed because of rain.

  Correct: The game's postponement was due to rain.

  以后再遇到due to只要把它換成我們熟悉的caused by就清楚多了。

  注意:due to除可表示原因外,還有“應(yīng)給于,應(yīng)屬于”的意思。

  Our grateful thanks are due to you.向你表示我們衷心的感謝

  三、on account of當“因為”講,后面常接名詞。

  It means: because of something else, especially a problem or difficulty

  She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem.

  四、owing to主要在句中作狀語,有時作表語;做狀語時,習慣上用逗號和句子其他部分分開。

  They decided to postpone the trip, owing to bad weather.由于天氣不好他們決定推遲旅行。

  Owing to his careless driving, we had a bad accident.由于他駕駛疏忽,我們發(fā)生了次大車禍。

  (Cf: The accident was due to his careless driving.這次車禍是由于他的駕駛疏忽。)

  五、thanks to“由于或因為某人(某事)”,通常用于好的方面,譯為“多虧”,引導的介詞短語可置于句首或句末。

  The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.由于全體演員的出色表演,那出戲才成功。

  Thanks to your help, we were successful.多虧了你的幫助,我們得以成功。

  六、as a result“因此,結(jié)果”,常用在有上下文(表原因)的情況下。as a result of„“由于„的結(jié)果”,可置于句首或句末。

  He had some bad fish. As a result, he didn’t feel well this morning.他吃了些變質(zhì)的魚,因此,今天早上感覺到不舒服。

  As a result of the flood, thousands of people lost their homes.因為發(fā)大水,成千上萬的人失去了家園。


  英語中,用于表示“由于”意義的方法比較多,除原因狀語從句外,還有介詞短語、成語介詞、不定式短語、分詞短語、形容詞短語,獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)等?,F(xiàn)分述如下,供大家參考。 I.介詞短語:介詞十名詞或代詞

  1. with:表原因時,多指心理、生理或順乎自然規(guī)律的原因。

  (1) He jumped with joy. 他高興得跳起來。

  (2) shiver with cold 冷得發(fā)抖

  (3) be down with fever 發(fā)熱病倒


  (4) mistakes made through carelessness由于粗心大意而造成的錯誤

  (5) That was all done through friendship.那樣做完全是出于友愛。


  (6) lots of people suffered from hunger in those days.在那些日子里,許多人都挨過餓。

  (7) He felt very weak from lack of sleep.由于缺少睡眠,他感覺很虛弱。

  4.out of (接近from):出于,由于

  (8) They have done that out of concern for the children. 他們這樣做是出于對孩子們的關(guān)懷。


  (9) If it weren't for the leadership of the Communist Party,our happy life today would be simply impossible. 沒有共產(chǎn)黨的領(lǐng)導,就不可能有我們今天的幸福生活。

  (10) The West Lake is noted for its scenery.西湖以風景優(yōu)美而著名。


  (11) We rejoiced at every victory you won.我們?yōu)槟闳〉玫拿恳粋€成就感到歡欣鼓舞。

  (12) She felt glad at what he had said.她為他所說的話而感到高興。

  (13) He was delighted at the idea of going to England.他一想到要去英國就感到高興。 II. 成語介詞

  1.because of:因為、由于,常用作狀語。

  (14) The football match was cancelled because of rain.由于下雨,足球賽取消了。

  2.on account of 比because of更正式,多用于書面語中。

  (15) We have to give up our plan on account of your objection.由于你的反對,我們不得不放棄計劃。

  (16) That was on account of the lack of exercises.那是由于缺乏鍛煉所致。

  3. by(或in)virtue of,由于,因為(多用于書面語)。

  (17)He passed the examination by virtue of hard work.由于努力工作,他通過了考試。

  4.due to:在標準英語中,due to構(gòu)成的介詞短語常用來作表語,而現(xiàn)在,due to短語也可以用作狀語。

  (18) His failure was due to carelessness.他的失敗是由于粗心大意。

  (19) The flight was cancelled due to the fog. 班機因霧停航。

  5.owing to:構(gòu)成的短語作狀語,既能指積極的原因,也可指消極的原因。

  (20) Owing to our joint efforts,the task was ful-filled ahead of schedule.由于我們的共同努力,任務(wù)提前完成了。(狀語,表積極原因)

  6.thanks to:由于,多虧,常用于書面語,多表示正面情況,間或也表示反面情況。

  (21) thanks to your hlep,we finished the task in time.由于你的幫助,我們及時完成了任務(wù)。

  (22) Thanks to the bad weather,our journey was very uncomfortable.由于天氣不好,我們的旅行很不舒服。

  7.as a result of:由于…結(jié)果

  (23) As a result of this interview,the number was reduced to two.這次面試的結(jié)果,人數(shù) 減至兩名。

  8.in(或as)consequence of:由于…的緣故,用于書面語。

  (24) In consequence of his ill health,he lost the opportunity.由于身體欠佳,他失去了這次機會。

  9.in view of:書面語,由于,鑒于

  (25) in view of these facts,it seemed useless to continue.由這些事實看來,繼續(xù)下去似乎是無效的。

  10.what with...and(what with)... 半因...,半因...;一方面由于..,一方面由于...,表示兩方面原因。

  (26) What with over work and what with hunger, John fell ill.一半由于工作過度,一半由于饑餓,約翰病倒了。

  III. 不定式短語


  (27)We are proud to be young people of New China.


  (28) We were surprised to find him there.看到他在那里, 我們感到很驚奇。

  IV 分詞短語


  1. 現(xiàn)在分詞短語

  (29) Not knowing her address, we could not get touch with her.由于不知道她的地址,我們無 法和她聯(lián)系。

  (30) Many of us, being so excited, could not go to sleep that night.我們很多人是那樣激動,那天晚上都沒有睡著。

  2. 過去分詞短語也可以用作狀語表原因

  (31) He soon fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.由于旅途勞累,他很快就睡著了

  (32) Moved by their speech,we were momentarily at a loss what to say.他們的活使我們很感動。一時不知道說什么好

  V. 形容詞短語表原因

  (33) Afraid of difficulties, they prefer to take the easy road.由于害怕困難,他們就揀容易的路走。

  (34) Unable to find words to express themselves, they silently grasped our hands. 因一時找不出表達的言辭,他們默默地緊握著我們的手。

  VI. 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)

  1. 獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu):由名詞(或代同)+分同(或形容詞、個定式、介同短語、副詞等)構(gòu)成。可以用來作原因狀語。

  (35) John being away,Henry had to do the work.由于約翰不在.只好由亨利來做這個工作。

  (36) When she was fifty she retired, her health having been impaired by years of over work. 她五十歲時退休了。(因為)多年勞累把她的身體搞垮了。



  (37)He felt more uneasy with the whole class staring at him.全班都盯著他瞧,他更感到不自在了。

  (38) With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it'll rain presently.大氣這樣悶,十之八九要下雨。






