
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語短語 > 外研社必修三英語短語整理


時間: 焯杰674 分享




  1. be faced with 面臨,面對

  in (the) face of 面對,在…面前

  2. range from...to... 在…范圍內(nèi)變化

  mountain range 山脈

  in/within the range (of sth.)在射程以內(nèi);在…范內(nèi)

  beyond/out of the range (of sth.)在射程以外;

  3.situated adj. 坐落在…的

  be situated on/in/at... 位于…的;坐落在的;

  =be located at/in/on...

  4. a sign of... … 的標志/跡象

  sign (to) sb.to do sth. 打手勢讓某人做某事

  sign in/out 簽到/退

  5. ever since 自從…一直

  6. in terms of 據(jù)…;依照…

  7. have control over 對…加以控制

  8. little by little 一點點地;逐漸地

  9. refer to 查閱;提到

  10. on the other hand 另一方面;反過來說

  11. be known as 作為。。。而出名

  12. because of 因為;由于

  13. of all time 有史以來

  14. be compared with

  15.off the coast of 離。。。海岸

  16.have sth. in common with 在。。。有共同之處


  1. make...to one’s measure


  take measures (to do sth.) 采取措施(干某事)

  take action to do 采取行動

  2. in a...position 處于…的地位/處境

  in/out of position在/不在適當?shù)奈恢?/p>

  take up (one’s) position就位

  3. keep one’s figure 保持優(yōu)美的身材

  figure that... 認為…

  figure out 想出;理解;弄明白

  4. exchange A for B  以A換B

  exchange sth.with sb. 與某人交換某物

  exchange a word/words with sb.和某人交談

  in exchange for 作為交換

  5. up to 達到;直到

  be up to... 打算做(不好的事);勝任

  It is up to sb.to do sth.… 應由某人做…

  It’s up to you. 由你做主/取決于你

  6. make an effort 努力

  =try one’s best to do sth.努力做某事

  spare no effort 不遺余力

  with effort 努力

  without effort 毫不費力

  7. reduce …to… 減少到

  8. increase by 以…幅度增加

  9. in particular 尤其是

  10. be connected with 與…有聯(lián)系;與…有關(guān)

  11. be close to 接近;靠近

  12. at the top of 在。。。頂部

  at the bottom of 在。。。底部

  13. How do you find it?

  =What’s your opinion about it?

  14. as you see= in your opinion

  15. I didn’t get that = I didn’t hear what you said.


  1. have much experience 教學/工作經(jīng)驗豐富

  from/by experience 憑經(jīng)驗;從經(jīng)驗中(得出)

  be experienced in 在…方面有經(jīng)驗

  2. bury sb./sth.in/at 將…埋葬在…

  bury sth. under /beneath將…埋在…下面

  bury one’s head/face in hands用手捂住頭/臉

  bury oneself in=be buried in 埋頭干…

  be absorbed in / be concentrated on /

  fix one’s attention on 全神貫注于

  concern oneself with/in / be occupied with 忙于某事

  3. sth. occurs to sb. 某人想到……

  It occurs to sb.that.../to do …的念頭浮現(xiàn)于(某人)腦海

  It strikes sb. that...

  4.strike (struck;struck/stricken) v.





  5)表示“打某人的某個部位”時,使用“strike sb.+介詞+the+具體部位”結(jié)構(gòu)。


  5. do/cause damage to... 使…受到損害

  suffer damage 受到損害

  damage one’s good name 損害…的名譽

  6.pick up 拾起;搭載;偶然學會;卷起

  take off 脫掉;去掉;起飛;興旺

  turn over 翻身;翻動

  warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事

  on average 平均起來

  end up with 以……結(jié)束

  set fire to =set...on fire縱火燒,放火燒

  be active in 在…積極

  in all 總共,總計

  refer to 涉及,提到;參考


  1.have the strength to do 有做…的力氣/意志力

  build up one’s strength/body 強身健體

  2. be concerned with 與…有關(guān);關(guān)心

  be concerned that... 擔心…

  be concerned about/for 關(guān)心;掛念

  as/so far as...be concerned 就…而言/來說

  express/show concern about...對…表示關(guān)心/擔心

  have no concern for 對…不關(guān)心

  3. major in 主修

  4. complain to sb. about/of sth 向…抱怨

  make a complaint 提出投訴;發(fā)牢騷

  5. be caught in 遇上;趕上

  be trapped in be stuck in

  6. cut down 砍倒;削減,縮小(尺


  cut in (on sth.) 插嘴,插入

  cut off 切斷;切掉;隔絕

  cut out 剪除;切掉;割掉;刪除

  cut up 切碎;使傷心

  cut sth.in half/in two 將…對半切開

  7. do nothing but do 只有做…

  8. take in 吸收;欺騙;包含; 理解;收容

  take off 除去;脫掉;起飛;成功,成名;匆匆離開

  take on 呈現(xiàn);雇用

  take over 接管;占領

  take up 拿起;占據(jù);開始從事;

  take back 收回(諾言);帶回

  9. in a nutshell 概括地說

  10. give out 分發(fā);發(fā)表,公布;


  give off 發(fā)出

  give away 捐贈;泄露(秘密)

  give in (to...) 投降,屈服

  give up 放棄