

at present的同義詞是什么

時間: 楚欣650 分享

  at present釋義:現(xiàn)在;目前。以下是學習啦小編為大家整理了at present的同義詞和例句,以供參考。

  at present的同義詞:

at the moment

  at present的同義詞例句:

  It is now possible to put a man on the moon.


  He is writing a letter now.


  Now you see I am telling you the truth.


  You can click here to download the file now.


  Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.


  The mystery has now come to light.


  The boss is being in royal spirits right now.


  Now he slept quietly with his fathers.


  at present的英語例句:

  His present job seemed to be a blind alley.


  She is now at the summit of her career.


  There are at present three television channels.


  The most we can offer you at present is 500 cases.


  I don't need the dictionary at present. 我現(xiàn)在不需要這本字典。

  At present I do not have information on the meeting you asked about. 至于是否有你提到的會見,我現(xiàn)在還沒有這方面的消息。

  Many things in the country are now waiting to be done, but at present they arenot able to do the things all at once. 這個國家現(xiàn)在是百廢待舉,但目前他們還不能做到百廢俱興。

  I’m not directly involved in OLE at present, but I do work for one of the lead development partners. 我現(xiàn)在沒有直接研究OLE這個話題,但是我現(xiàn)在和一個頂尖的開發(fā)人員一起工作。

  There is little evidence of the effectiveness of these interventions at present. 目前,有關這些干預措施有效性方面的證據(jù)極為有限。

  There is actually no industry in the town at present, except for the enterprisesthat maintain the town infrastructure. 目前該城市除了維護這個城市基礎設施的那些企業(yè)外確實沒有任何工業(yè)。

  Humanitarian aid helped only at the beginning, at present there is no work forthem to get the money to buy winter clothes. 人道主義援助只是在開始的時候幫了忙,而現(xiàn)在沒有能夠讓他們掙錢買的、過冬衣服的工作。

  While many of these management functions are likely to be offered as automatedservices in the future, at present, they generally require some human interventionby the service provider. 雖然許多這類管理功能將來很可能以自動服務的方式提供,但是在目前,他們一般需要服務供應商的人為干預。

  But at present, only about one-third of bilateral aid to low income countries isflexible and can be used to pay for recurrent and investment costs in health andeducation. 但是在目前,對低收入國家的雙邊援助只有約三分之一具有靈活性,可以用來支付教育衛(wèi)生領域的經(jīng)常性費用和投資成本。

  The sales are legal as fuel imports are not at present included in sanctions against the country. 這些銷售是合法的,因為燃料進口目前不在針對伊朗的制裁范圍內(nèi)。

  Do you know what you should do at present? 你知道你目前應該干什么嗎?

  The mischief that it does at present is produced by our efforts to ignore it, or tosmother it under a heap of sentimental lies and false pretences. 目前,通過我們努力的忽略這個事實,亦或是把事實掩蓋在一堆情感謊言和虛假偽裝之下,這出可笑的鬧劇在不斷地上演著。

  We cannot explain this at present. 目前我們對此無法解釋。

  While it seems unlikely many people would volunteer for the Intel chip implant atpresent, it could have applications for people who are unable to move, such asquadriplegics. 因為目前不是有很多的志愿者參與英特爾芯片移植,這個可能應用于那些不能行動的人身上,比如四肢麻痹癥患者。

  What I should do at present is learn English well. 我目前應該做的事情是學好英語。

  Even at present, to be sure, there are some like this preacher of virtue, and notalways so honourable: but their time is past. 即使在當前,肯定也有不少這樣的德行導師,不過不總是這樣直白:可是他們不時興了。

  Oregon conducts its elections entirely by mail, but it is the only state to do so atpresent. 俄勒岡州完全通過郵寄方式進行選舉投票,但它是目前唯一這樣做的州。

  At present we do not have programmes for clinical psychology. 目前,我們沒有任何關于臨床心理學的規(guī)劃。

  At present, there is no cure for autism. 到目前為止,孤獨癥還是不能治愈的。

  What company are you with at present? 你目前在哪家公司就職?

at present的同義詞是什么

at present釋義:現(xiàn)在;目前。以下是學習啦小編為大家整理了at present的同義詞和例句,以供參考。 at present的同義詞: now at the moment at present的同義詞例句: It is now possible to put a man on the moon. 目前已能將人送到月




  • at frist同義詞是什么
    at frist同義詞是什么

    at first釋義:最初; 首先。以下是學習啦小編為大家整理了at first的同義詞和例句,以供參考。 at first的同義詞: originally, in the beginning at first的同義詞例句

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    assume釋義:假定;設想;承擔;(想當然的)認為;假裝。以下是學習啦小編為大家整理了assume的同義詞和例句,以供參考。 assume的同義詞: accept,acquire,adopt,

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    assistance釋義:援助;幫助。以下是學習啦小編為大家整理了assistance的同義詞和例句,以供參考。 assistance的同義詞: ally assistance的同義詞例句: The ally of

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