The children are still wide awake.
The smart of his wound kept him awake.
A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather.
He is awake to the serious problem.
You should be more awake to the danger of your position.
The lion lay asleep in its den.
He soon fell asleep with weariness.
Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.
My grandfather was asleep forever.
When I woke my left arm was asleep.
The old man plumped himself down and fell asleep. 老人一屁股倒下,埋頭便睡。
The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep. 那個生病的孩子呻吟了一會兒就睡著了。
Strange thoughts float into my mind when I am nearly asleep. 我快要入睡時,心中浮現(xiàn)出一些奇異的想法。
The tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep. 那個疲勞的旅客往床上一倒就睡著了。
He turned over in bed and fell asleep again. 他翻了個身又睡著了。
Hey, are you awake or asleep? 嘿,你是醒著還是睡著呢?
The wife and kids are asleep during that time, so I’m not as active then. 畢竟我的妻子和孩子都在這個時間段睡覺,所以我也就沒那么活躍。
A caffeine nap is taken after an intake of caffeine, so that you are asleep whileyour body digests the caffeine. 咖啡因小睡是在服過咖啡因之后小睡,這樣你在睡覺的同時你的身體在消化咖啡因。
On another photo of two relatives asleep in chairs after Thanksgiving dinner, myDad left a voice comment in which he joked about how exciting the dinner musthave been. 另外一張照片是我的兩個親戚在感恩節(jié)晚餐后坐在椅子上睡著的情形,我爸爸在語音評論里開玩笑稱晚餐時他們一定玩瘋了。
Where. I lay asleep under the darkness in the world. 在那里,我躺在暗夜的世界里睡著了
Could you hide me in that room to-night when every one is asleep? 今天晚上,等到修院里大家全睡了,您能不能把我蒙在那屋子里?
She could arrive with her pajamas on and the kids would already be asleep. 她可以穿著自己的睡衣來,而那時孩子們多半已經(jīng)入睡。
Another correspondent found him asleep while he was supposed to bemeditating in private. 另一個記者在他本應(yīng)該獨自冥想的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)他在睡覺。
It’s distracting for the child and the parent, so we recommend that if you want towatch your shows, try to watch them later when children are asleep. 這都會導致孩子和家長分心,所以我們建議,如果你想觀看電視節(jié)目,試著在孩子睡著以后的時候在看。
But if I live, I'll see you again before you are asleep. 可是如果我還活著,在你睡覺以前,我還要來看你的。
Usually, the burglar robs the house while the victim is asleep, but in this story, theroles were reversed. 通常情況下,夜賊都在受害人睡著的情況下入室搶劫,但是在此案中,角色卻對調(diào)了。
This is a time to be dormant, not asleep. 這是蟄伏的時機,而不是睡眠的時機。
For the first time in my life I was standing, and they were asleep. 在我的生命中,我第一次站起來了,而他們卻在熟睡。
Well, we must not leave him asleep,' I answered; `wait till he wakes, and bepatient. “那么,我們絕不能丟下他睡著,”我回答,“等他醒過來吧,要忍耐。
These were roads I had known all of my life, only now they looked different, ashushed and peaceful as a familiar friend asleep. 這些路都曾是我生活中所熟知的,只是現(xiàn)在它們看上去與往昔不同,和祥寂靜,如同熟睡中的老朋友。