


時間: 楚欣650 分享





  But that’s passive relaxation and due to the constant barrage of stimuli it’s notrelaxation at all. 但那只是一種被動的放松,而且因為不斷的,密集的感官刺激,這完全就不是放松。

  The enemy were thus reduced to a passive position in which they found it hard to give up the battle and yet had to give it up. 敵人于是就陷入了欲罷不能,而又不得不罷的被動地位。

  What I needed was something totally passive –something that would capture myattention without me having to do anything at all. 我真正需要的是完全消極的東西,不需要我做任何事情,它們就已經(jīng)能夠吸引我的注意力。

  This sentence is passive in form but active in sense. 這個句子形式是被動的,而意思是主動的。

  This is why it is easier to be passive and keep quiet. 這就是保持沉默和被動要更容易做到的原因。


  In OO systems, though, even objects that you think of as passive haveresponsibilities and operations defined on them. 而在OO系統(tǒng)里,即使被認為是被動的對象也有定義于其上的職責(zé)和操作。

  Films are not only passive, but also a medium of the last century: why should wetrust them to tell a story about modern conflicts, which are so delocalised, soinhumane, so digital? 影片不僅是被動的,也是上個世紀的媒介:為什么我們要相信他們講一個關(guān)于現(xiàn)代沖突的,如此異于尋常,如此殘忍,如此數(shù)字化的故事?

   Most of us a are living in a passive state and we think that someone or somethingwill change our life and save us, which is not a healthy mindset to carry around with you. 我們大多數(shù)人生活在一種消極狀態(tài)中,并且我們認為某個人或某些東西會改變我們的生活并拯救我們,那不是一種你該有的健康心態(tài)。

  Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all. 如果是這樣,我們可能總是扮演消極的角色,或者根本就不去嘗試。

  Learning to watch is the key, if you learn to not control your thoughts and remainpassive, you will see that almost all your thoughts are random. 關(guān)鍵是學(xué)會觀察,如果你學(xué)不會控制你的思想并且一直保持著消極的態(tài)度,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)幾乎你所有的思緒都是混亂隨機的。


  Mr. Jack was once active in the church, but he has backslidden. 杰克先生一度在教會里很活躍,但他已變得不虔誠了。

  Peace and stability in the world need the active involvement of China. 世界和平和穩(wěn)定需有中國的積極參與。

  A moderate increase in both investment and consumption will play an active rolein stimulating the market. 適度地增加投資和提高消費水平對啟動市場將起積極作用。

  She has taken an active part in all past contests. 她積極參加歷次比賽。

  These links are not yet active. 這些鏈接現(xiàn)在還不是有效的。

  It is not simply about concentrating on what is being said to you; it is the activepursuit of understanding. 這不是簡單的集中注意力聽別人給你說了什么;它是對理解力的積極的追求。

  We also have an active Board with which we work every day. 世行集團擁有一個活躍的董事會,我們每天都一起共事。

  We more together in life, contributing what we have to offer from day to day asactive members in our community. 在生活中,我們更加團結(jié),作為社會中積極的一員,我們每天貢獻著我們能夠貢獻的力量。

  For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. 為了我們所有人好,我們應(yīng)該積極參與水資源的保護。

  It's like the blood of the interior: Is it not doing much inside, or is it really active? 它就像身體內(nèi)部的血液:這難道不是它在內(nèi)部做的太多,或者說它真的很活躍嗎?

  Each musician is an active member of the symphony. 每個音樂家都是交響樂中活躍的一個分子。

   If you need an old email, move it from your archive folder into another, activefolder. 如果你需要一封老的郵件,你可以把它從你的檔案夾移到另一個活躍的文件夾。

  The context menu option you need is only active in this mode. 您需要的上下文菜單只有在此模式下才是活動的。

  The wife and kids are asleep during that time, so I’m not as active then. 畢竟我的妻子和孩子都在這個時間段睡覺,所以我也就沒那么活躍。

  It attracts some of the more active and idealistic young people of everygeneration. 它吸引了每一代年輕人中那些更為活躍和更具理想主義的人。

  There can be only one signal handler per signal per process active at any instant.在任何瞬間,只能有一個信號處理程序處理一個活動進程的一個信號。

  In a cluster, maintenance can be performed on one node while the other node isactive. 在集群中,可以在一個節(jié)點上執(zhí)行維護工作,而其他節(jié)點仍然是活躍的。

  We more together in life, contributing what we have to offer from day to day asactive members in our community. 生活中我們更加團結(jié),一天一天的貢獻我們自己的力量,因為我們是團體中積極的成員。

  When you are talking about another topic, he/she will be an active listener again.當你在說另一個話題的時候,他/她又會變成一個積極的聽眾。

  Once you have an active and valid session, you can request data from the agentdirectly for one or more OIDs. 一旦擁有了活動和有效的會話,您就可以直接從代理請求一個或多個OID 的數(shù)據(jù)。


active釋義:活躍的;積極的;起作用的;靈活的。以下是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家整理了ability這個詞組的同義詞和例句,希望大家喜歡。 active的反義詞: passive active的反義詞例句: But thats passive relaxation and due to the constant bar


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