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  情人節(jié)的時候,去買蛋糕,蛋糕的上面有Valentine' s day這個英文來應節(jié)日之景。下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的情人節(jié)英文怎么寫,供大家參閱!


  Valentine's Day(每年2月14日)


  1. It's Valentine's Day and lurve is in the air.


  2. Cupid is the most famous symbol of Valentine's Day.


  3. Now, they market chocolate and white chocolate for every White Valentine's Day.

  如今, 他們便在每年的白色情人節(jié)大力銷售巧克力及白巧克力.

  4. I hate being alone on Valentine's Day.


  5. No, Meimei. We call that Valentine's Day.

  不, 梅梅. 我們那天為情人節(jié).

  6. They often make Valentine's cards for their friends and parents.


  7. Do they do special things on Valentine's Day?

  她們在情人節(jié)做些特殊的事情 嗎 ?

  8. Yeah. Traditionally girls put leaves of laurel under their pillow on the Eve of Valentine's Day?

  是的. 傳統(tǒng)上女孩們在情人節(jié)前夜把月桂樹葉放在自己的枕頭下.

  9. What did you get your wife for Valentine's day , Hank?

  你給你老婆的情人節(jié)禮物是 什么 ?

  10. Send your thoughts to a far - away lover on Saint Valentine's Day.


  11. Mine reaches that with you in an afternoon. Happy Valentine's Day.

  而只要和你共處一個下午,我的心就會跳動這么多次. 情人節(jié)快樂.

  12. According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first'valentine'greeting himself.

  根據(jù)一種傳說, 瓦淪丁實際上自己發(fā)出了第一個 “ 情人節(jié) ”問候.

  13. The poor thing was teased about the episode until Val - entines Day.


  14. If you watch Americans on Valentine's Day, you can believe it.

  如果你看到美國人是如何慶祝情人節(jié)的, 你便會相信這句話.

  15. Nowadays, Valentine's Day wins the same popularity among Chinese young people.

  現(xiàn)在, 情人節(jié)在中國青年人中間也得到了同樣程度的普及.


  The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury.


  You may observe, that amongst all the great and worthy persons (whereof the memory remaineth, either ancient or recent) there is not one, that hath been transported to the mad degree of love: which shows that great spirits, and great business, do keep out this weak passion. You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.



  St Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 of each year, the reason why it is celebrated on this day is because this was the day that the Patron Saint of Lovers "St Valentine" was supposedly executed on.


  On this day lovers all around the world mark this occasion as a day for sending poems, cards, flowers or candy, etc. They might also be a social gathering or ball to mark the occasion.


  Many Valentine's Day customs involved ways that single women could learn who their future husbands would be. Englishwomen of the 1700's wrote men's names on scraps of paper, rolled each in a little piece of clay, and dropped them all into water. The first paper that rose to the surface supposedly had the name of a woman's true love.


  Also in the 1700's, unmarried women pinned five bay leaves to their pillows on the eve of Valentine's Day. They pinned one leaf to the center of the pillow and one to each corner. If the charm worked, they saw their future husbands in their dreams.

  同樣在1700年代,未婚女性會在情人節(jié)前夕把五片桂葉別在她們的枕頭上。她們別 一片葉子在中間之后把另外四片別到四個角落。如果有效的話,她們會在夢里看到她們未來的丈夫。

  One of the oldest customs was the practice of writing women's names on slips of paper and drawing them from a jar. The woman whose name was drawn by a man became his valentine, and he paid special attention to her. Many men gave gifts to their valentines. In some areas, a young man gave his valentine a pair of gloves. Wealthy men gave fancy balls to honor their valentines.


  Valentine cards became popular in Great Britain in the nineteenth century. Noted artist Kate Greenaway created cards which featured joyful children and beautiful gardens. Esther Howland was one of the first Valentine card manufacturers in the United States.


  Inspired by a British card, she began production in 1847. Her cards featured lace and paper flowers and leaves. Other card manufacturers emphasized Cupid, the pudgy, winged son of Venus, the goddess of love. In Roman lore, Cupid is known as Eros, the son of Aphrodite.


  In the United States and Canada, children exchange valentines with their friends. In some schools, the children hold a classroom party and put all the valentines into a box they have decorated.


  At the end of the day, the teacher or one child distributes the cards. Many children make their own valentines from paper doilies, red paper, wallpaper samples, and pictures cut from magazines. Sometimes they buy kits that include everything needed to make valentines. Many children send their largest, fanciest cards to their parents and teachers.


  In Europe, people celebrate Valentine's Day in many ways. British children sing special Valentine's Day songs and receive gifts of candy, fruit, or money. In some areas of England, people bake valentine buns with caraway seeds, plums, or raisins. People in Italy hold a Valentine's Day feast.





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