
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語單詞 > 彩筆的英文單詞


時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享




  colour pen



  There are some colour pens on the desk.


  You can draw in colored chalks.


  Take out your water color pens.


  The first group had their plumage colour enhanced with a marker pen.


  He has some colour pens.


  Staff members of the memorial distributed crayons, pencils and spare programs.


  Put the marker/pencil/ruler in the pencilcase.


  Can you use crayons, oil painting brush strokes?


  She opened her never-before used set of watercolours and set to work.

  他接著解釋說:“我需要到這里,”同時(shí)把彩筆 移到頂點(diǎn)。


  "And I need to get here, " he explains, moving the marker to the pinnacle.

  我總是準(zhǔn)備好彩筆 ,當(dāng)我和其它人進(jìn)行頭腦風(fēng)暴時(shí)這很有用,甚至我一個(gè)人時(shí)也是。

  I always have nice color pens, and it's great for brainstorming when I'm with otherpeople, and even sometimes by myself.

  教室里沒有一件多余的東西:沒有圖畫,沒有植物,沒有多余的椅子,沒有學(xué)生們忘記帶的裝有課本,筆記和彩筆 的柜櫥。

  There was not one superfluous thing in the room: no pictures, no plants, no extrachair, no cupboard with forgotten books and notebooks and colored chalk.

  我們沿著公園大道漫步,水仙花輕輕擺動,郁金香吐出新芽,如一束束絢麗的彩筆 。

  We went for a stroll down Park Avenue, where daffodils bobbed like chicks andtulips sproutedlike fistfuls of crayons.

  “我之前是在這里,”他說著用紅色彩筆 劃出一條水平線,表示他中風(fēng)時(shí)的語言熟練程度。

  "I was here, " he says, using a red marker to draw a horizontal line indicating hisskill level when he had his stroke.

  紀(jì)念館的員工發(fā)放了彩筆 ,鉛筆以及備用工具。

  Staff members of the memorial distributed crayons, pencils and spare programs.

  可能會用彩筆 來寫不同的內(nèi)容,可能會在最重要的事情旁邊標(biāo)個(gè)星星,甚至為每一個(gè)優(yōu)先做的事情單獨(dú)列一個(gè)單子。

  This might be using different-colored pens to write in different items, or it might be putting a star next to the most important things, or even keeping separate lists foreach priority.

  用圖像闡明想法和在讀物上用彩筆 勾畫重點(diǎn)都是適合視覺學(xué)習(xí)者的學(xué)習(xí)方法。

  Illustrating ideas as pictures and using colored pens to highlight important pointsin reading material are both ways of learning that work well for visual learners.

  注意:如果你喜歡,你可以使用不同顏色的彩筆 。

  Note: You can use different colored pens/pencils/chalk for this part, if you like.

  這里有些彩筆 ,讓你女兒畫著玩吧。

  “Here are some crayons to keep your daughter busy,” said Mr. Fish.

  你可以用彩筆 寫字、用電腦印一個(gè)特別的標(biāo)識,甚至做一個(gè)別開生面的CD套。

  You can write on it with marker, or print a special label out of your computer. Youcan even give it a special cover too!

  他們用彩筆 在選手的手臂上涂上比賽號碼,我讓他們加上“Thankyou,donorfamily(感謝捐獻(xiàn)者及其家屬)”這句話。

  They write your race number on your arm with a marker, and I had them add the words Thank you, donor family.

  這些彩筆 是誰的?。

  Whose markers are these?

  它們是他的彩筆 。

  They are his markers.

  那么,拿出你的彩筆 ,完成你的畫。

  Then , take out your marker , complete the picture.

  畫一只鉛筆、一把尺子、一只鉛筆盒和一只蠟筆。用彩筆 圖上顏色并在下面寫上是什么顏色。

  Draw a pencil, a ruler, a pencil box and a crayon. Colour them in and write whatcolour it is underneath.

  那時(shí),你的周圍都是與你一樣大的小朋友,大家手里都拿著紙和彩筆 ,你會怎么做呢?

  In that time , there were children around you at the same age of you , their handswith paper and pencils .