
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語單詞 > 家人的英文單詞是什么


時間: 楚欣650 分享




  家人的英語:family; folk ;



  This restaurant is a family concern.



  The family lived a precarious existence.


  Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family, or for business purposes?


  The family paid a ransom of 50000 dollars for the child's release.


  It was a great relief to find that my family was all safe.


  He is too poor to maintain his family.


  She hopes reuniting with her family.


  His faithfulness led to rescue and renewal for the family.


  Give my regards to your family.


  No other human cases were identified in the family or neighbourhood.

  1. Sonia, we are reliably informed, loves her family very much. 我們從可靠的消息來源獲知索尼婭非常愛自己的家人 。

  2. A smallholding in the hills could not support a large family. 山間的一小塊耕地是不可能養(yǎng)活一大家人 的。

  3. They're trying their best to bring together those separated families. 他們正盡最大的努力讓離散的家人 重聚。

  4. His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang. 他的家人 遭到了匪幫的恐怖襲擊。

  5. He was too proud to ask his family for help and support. 他自尊心太強,不愿向家人 尋求幫助和支持。

  6. He was gored to death in front of his family. 他在家人 眼前被野獸活生生地戳死了。

  7. There's been some bad feeling between the two families. 兩家人 之前有過節(jié)。

  8. The family are rich, and extremely sophisticated and cosmopolitan. 這家人 很富有,老于世故,而且見多識廣。

  9. Their families had feuded since their teenage daughters quarrelled two years ago. 自從兩家十幾歲的女兒兩年前吵了一架,兩家人 就結下了仇。

  10. Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted brother. 這家人 把斯蒂芬·史密斯視為養(yǎng)子一樣當作一家人。

  11. Her family is discussing a possible move to America. 她的家人 在討論移居美國的可能。

  12. The family tried to bring a private prosecution against him for assault. 這家人 試圖以侵犯人身為由對他提起自訴。

  13. He was determined to give his family a secure and solid base. 他決定給家人 一個牢固堅實的生活基礎。

  14. I had lived two doors away from this family for several years. 我和這家人 是好幾年的鄰居了,中間就隔著兩家。

  15. He was sustained by the unflagging support of his family. 他得到了家人 不斷的支持。

  16. Diana is taking the opportunity to wrap up the family presents. 黛安娜利用這個機會將家人 的禮物包起來。

  17. The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death. 羅伯特的家人 批評軍方對羅伯特死亡的事情處理失當。

  18. It's not that I didn't want to be with my family. 并不是我不想和家人 在一起。

  19. They just want to return to their families in the occupied territories. 他們只是想回到在占領區(qū)的家人 身邊。

  20. Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father. 米米和她的家人 前往突尼斯與父親團聚。