
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語單詞 > 英語常見副詞用法詳解(2)


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  4)I met him one day.

  I will meet him some day(or one day).

  I met him the other day(=a few days ago).

  I will meet him one of these days(=in a few days).

  5)He arrived on time(=at the appointed time).

  He arrive in time(=early enough)for dinner(or to take dinner).

  He will be punished in time(=sooner or later).

  6)When did he meet her?Sometime(=At some time) last year.

  —How often? Sometimes(=now and then), not very often.

  —How long were they together?(For) Some time, not very long.

  7)He has learned music since June 1(till now).

  He learned music from June 1(not till now).

  He has learned it ever since(=ever since then).

  He learned it long since(=long ago).

  8)From 1970 to 1980,I met her four times(不要說for four times).

  I was so shy when I saw her for the first time.

  The meeting in 1980 was the fourth or the last time we had got together.

  9)He has(or had)just left(=left a moment ago).

  He is just starting(=is starting this moment).

  He left just now (=left a moment ago).

  He has left now(=is gone now).

  10)Did you ever see it?(疑問句)

  I hardly ever saw it.(否定句)

  Tell me if you ever saw it.(條件句)

  不要說:I ever saw it.(肯定陳述句)

  11)At first he denied it;then(or soon,afterward),he said yes;finally(or eventually) he denied it again.

  First(of all) came A,next(or then)came B,last(of all)came C.

  12)I will see her this day week(or month,year)(=in a week, month,etc.).

  I saw her this day week (=a week ago).

  13)He did not receive(or has not received) her answer yet.(否定句)

  Did you eat(or Have you eaten)yet?(疑問句)

  He would marry her if he loved her yet.(條件句)

  He already knew it.(肯定句)

  He still remembered it.(肯定句)

  14)Is John here yet?(通常的問法)

  Is John here already?(表示驚奇)

  Is John still here?(表示不高興)

  15)There is time yet(=still).The fish is yet(=still)alive.

  We may(or will)win yet(=sooner or later).We must work harder yet(=still harder).

  There is yet another choice.Do it yet again.

  16)I have(or had) been interested in music from a girl(or a child).

  17)This custom dates(or goes) back to 1890,exists to this day.

  18)be(=take place)后可跟各種時間副詞(短語):

  The show will be 9 p.m..(某一時刻)

  The meeting was three hours.(一段時間)

  The gathering is every Sunday.(頻度)


  Doctors are always very busy.=All doctors are very busy.

  Children generally like cakes and sweets.=Most children like cakes and sweets.

  An old man often forgets what he has done.=Lots of old men forget what they have done.

  Books are sometimes harmful to children.=Some books are harmful to children.

  People are seldom concerned about others.=Very few people are concerned about others.

  Good gamblers never curse or get angry.=No good gamblers curses or get angry.


  This desert is sometimes good for patients.=This desert is good for some patients.

  Dennis always hates dishonest people.=Dennis hates all dishonest people.

  He generally excuses the criminals who repent.=He excuses almost all the criminals who repent.




  He stood at the center.

  John moved from house to house.

  They came to town.They fought outside their own country.(包含介詞的短語通常都修飾動詞,很少修飾形容詞、副詞、介詞或連詞。)

  The bird flew a long distance.We walked miles and miles.

  They are inches apart.He sat three rows behind me.(沒有介詞的短語,可以修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞、連詞或介詞。)


  abroad,together,apart,overhead, forward,next,last,left, home, where, here, there


  I sat before John,and Mary sat behind(John).

  Come down( the ladder).

  The students stood around(someone or something).

  Come in(=into my house).

  He jumpd in(=into the water).

  Can you swim across(this river)?



  1)ABOUT:Don't throw the waste paper about(= here and there).

  The children rushed about.

  How did the quarrel come about(= happen)?They will bring about(=cause) the solution of the problem.

  2)ACROSS:Things go across(=against us).She sat just across(=opposite)(美語)him.

  3)ANYWHERE,(ANYPLACE—美語):I can't go anywhere.

  ALONG:Move along(=on),everybody.Come along(= over)and see me.She took her dog along(=together)with her.

  ALOOF:He always keeps himself aloof(=never mix with others).

  APART:He always keeps himself apart(=aloof).

  AROUND:He looked around.He shook hands all around.

  AWAY:He looked away(=turned his eyes away).

  The colour(or The sound) faded away(=into nothing).

  BACK:Call the dog back inside.

  BY:He stood by(=near).

  He hurried by(=past).Time flew by.Let me by

  He put(or set,laid) the money by(=aside for future use).

  DOWN:The price went down.The heat went down(=to a lower degree).

  We beat down the opposition,calmed down his feelings,put down the abuses.He closed down the firm.The revolt died down.The clock has run down.(down =to a less active condition).

  I'll write(or put,set,take,get)it down(=record it).He will go down(=be recorded) in history as a great man.This practice persisted from 1950 down to 1960.He handed it down to posterity.(down = to a later period).

  FAR:He did not go far.Did he go far?He went a long way(instead of far).He went as far as the north pole.I live far from(or beyond)the town.(far修飾介詞)

  He lives far away(or far off). Someone waited far be- low(or far above,far beyond).(far修飾后面的地點副詞)

  He goes too far(=goes to extremes).This money will go far(=help greatly) to better his condition.

  FURTHER:He lives two miles further on.

  HALFWAY:He will meet me halfway.

  HERE:We want but little here below(=in this life).

  Listen here(=to me).

  He came over here.He lives near here.He waited up here.

  Come in here.(地點副詞+here)

  Here is something for you.Here is(=I drink)to your success!Here comes the car!Here it comes!Here you are!(英式);或There you go!(美式)(=Here it is!)

  Here goes!(=Watch,I'm ready to begin!)

  Here(=At this point)he stopped a moment.Here(=In this matter)he can't do anything.

  IN:Come in(=into the house).He jumped in(=into the water).I'll put in a notice(in = in the newspaper).They sent(or shut) him in.The land will be walled in.He cut in his own name.

  NEAR:He lives near by(=near). He has a dictionary near at hand(=near to him).The vacation is drawing near. His fame spread far and near(=everywhere).

  OFF:He set off(=started).He took off his hat.Keep your hands off(=Don't touch it).Keep off the enemy.The buttons came(or fell)off.He made(or got)off, 或took himself off(=ran away).I cannot let him off (=escape) so easily.Off with(=Take off) your hat.Off with you(=Be gone!).

  Throw off(=Get rid of) reserve.He walked off his headache;slept off his fatigue.

  Clear( or Pay)off(=completely) your debt. We must kill off our enemies.

  He cut off(=stopped) the steam(or the gas).He switched(or turned) off the light. He broke off the engagement.He declared off the contract.He left off his work.

  They bought off(=bribed) the police.

  He worked off and on (=intermittently).

  He put the matter off(=aside).

  We started straight(or right)off(=at once).

  ON:He put(or threw,tried,had,kept)his clothes on (=on his body).He had nothing on.He put his shoes on (=on his feet);girded on a sword;buckled on an armour;drew on his gloves.Shall I help you on with your coat?On with your hat!

  He worked(spoke,moved) on(=continually). we have to hold(or hang,cling) on(= keep on). We talked on and on(=went on talking). Go on with(=Continue) your reading.

  On with(=Begin or Continue) your work.Something is going on(= happening). How are you getting on(= making progress) with French? He is getting on(=getting along) well.He came on(= progressed) well in his studies.

  He switched(or turned) on the gas(or the steam,the water,the light, the TV).

  We looked on(=without participating in the matter).

  Come on!(= Hurry!Stop behaving that way!)

  He did it further( or later) on(=afterwards). You must be more careful from this hour on.

  OUT:He slept( or dined) out(= away from home). We shall have an evening out.Out you go! Out with you!(=Be gone!)

  He called(or cried) out.

  We let out horses(or money).He looked(or found) out a position.He can't make out(= understand)the meaning.

  He can work out(=solve) the problem.

  Speak out(=loudly or freely).Tell me straight out(or right out)(= without ambiguity). She had her cry out(=cried to the full).He had his sleep out.

  This fashion has gone out(= become out of date). Put(or Blow,Turn) out(= extinguish) the light. The fire has burned out.

  Hear me out(=to the end).I can't hold out. He sat outthe show(=sat until the end of the show). He slept out the night. He sat out the others(=left last of all).

  He knows the matter out and out(= thoroughly).

  OVER: He swam over(=to the other side of the river).

  He climbed over(=to the other side of the mountain).

  He came over(=over some distance) from Singapore,went over to America. Take it over to John. Ask him over (= to come).

  He fell over(=from an upright position). He knocked the vase over.

  He turned the page over(= from one of its sides to the other). He rolled over and over.

  The water in the pot boiled over(=beyond the rim).

  They went over(=from their party or views) to us.

  We won(or talked) them over to our views.

  The house was searched over(=in all parts,thoroughly).

  He looked(or counted,read, talked, thought) it over.

  He is a diplomat all over.

  I have to do it over(= again, from the beginning).

  They built the temple(all)over(again). He read the book over and over again. I have done it three times over.I passed(or glossed, slurred)over(=ignored) his fault.I left the matter over(= aside). I let it stand over.

  There are 15 dollars over(= left). He has 1000 dollars and( a bit)over(= and something).

  THERE: You can go there(=to that place—重讀) and back in a day. You can find it here, there(=at that place), and everywhere.

  There goes the car(名詞)! There it(代詞) goes!

  It is dangerous to climb up there.I'll go over there.

  Why do you stand out there? Let's stand near(or above,below) there.(地點副詞+there)

  There(= At that point) he stopped a moment. You are mistaken there(= on that point).

  There is a good boy(=What a good boy you are)!

  There is a good chance for you (= Note what a good chance it is)!(贊揚或鼓勵)

  There(不重讀) is someone outside. There was born a child(=A child was born). There broke out a war. I want there to be peace. There was said( or supposed) to be a fire. There is no arguing(= You cannot argue) with him.

  There! There!(重讀) Don't cry.(用來安慰孩子)

  There!Didn't I tell you? There!You've spoiled every thing.(忿忿,不悅或滿足)

  THROUGH: He has got through(= passed)( the exam).

  I have read it through(= from the beginning to the end). I saw the accident all through. She knows me through and through. He got through with(=finished) all the work he had to do. I see through his trick.

  We must carry through the plan(=execute it successfully).

  The train went through(=direct) to the city.

  The scheme fell(or dropped) through(=failed).

  I'll put you through to the manager(=I'll make telephone connection between you and him).

  UNDER:A piece of cloth should be placed under( something in question).

  He brought the rebels under(his control). He kept(or got) the fire under. He cannot keep his temper under.

  UP: Lee lives four floors up. Up with you(=Get up)!

  I started(or sprang) up. He looked for it up and down (=everywhere).

  He went up to(or lived up in) London(to or in a place of more importance). Did he go up to Oxford( or Cam-bridge)?(和DOWN比較)

  He went up to(or lived up in) Edinburgh(to or in a place in the north).

  He walked up(=over, across, or around)(= to the speaker or the place in question).

  We sailed up(=against the current).

  They stirred up the revolt. He praised her up. I screwed up his courage.(up = to a higher or stronger degree).

  He tore up the paper,locked up the door, tied up the dog,wound up the clock, sealed up the letter. The pond had dried up. The fire has burned up.(up有“徹底”的意思,有時在口語中幾乎沒有意思。)

  The products do not come up to(=attain) the standard.

  He lives(or acts) up to(=in accordance with) the principle(or his promise). His fortune amounts(or comes) up to(=totals) a million pounds.

  WEST: They sailed west.This village lies west(=to the west) of the capital. He went west(=died).

  WESTWARD(S): He went westward(s).


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  1657 大多數(shù)方式副詞都是形容詞后加詞尾-ly構成:

  quickly carefully traditionally

  faithfully luckily internationally


  queenly soldierly friendly

  beggarly worldly heavenly

  cowardly scholarly miserly

  這樣的詞不是副詞,因此不能說 She walked queenly.而要說She walked in a queenly manner.不能說 He treats me friend-ly.而要說 He treats me in a friendly way.但是以-ly結尾的形容詞有時直接用作副詞,而不再加-ly,以避免不協(xié)調的聲音:

  We have acted manly(不要說 manlily) in these circumstances.

  He died untimely(不要說 untimelily).

  The army retreated orderly.

  1658 有少數(shù)表示方式的副詞性短語可以用方式副詞代替:

  He treats John with kindness(= kindly).

  He speaks Japanese with fluency(=fluently).

  I can do it with ease(=easily).

  They marched off in triumph(= triumphantly).

  He has told you in private(=privately).

  By good luck(= Luckily) I find the thing I lost.

  He sent the letter by mistake (=mistakenly).

  He deceived me on purpose(= purposely).

  He screamed like a fool(=foolishly).


  He comes of a rich family.

  He failed because of his negligence.

  It is made by John.

  He was killed with a stone.

  It is made of iron.

  He is starved to death.

  We wished for peace.

  He went out in spite of the rain.

  Plants will die without water.

  1659 表示方式的短語相當大一批是由介詞引起的,如1658中所給的例子。另一大批為地點副詞,亦稱副詞性小品詞,??捎迷趧釉~成語中,表示方式而不是表示地點。有些地點副詞跟在不及物動詞后(參閱1346)。

  He drew up(=stopped) before a store.

  Hold on(= Wait) a second, please.

  The machine broke down(=didn't work properly).

  Things work out(=develop) badly.

  He didn't show up(= appear).

  The couple split up(=ended their relationship) just an hour after their wedding.

  He turned in(= went to bed) at eleven.

  Speak up(=speak in a loud voice).


  We put on(=presented) a show.

  He turned down(=refused) my application.

  Don't hold up(=delay) the traffic.

  You made up(=invented) the story.

  I'll take on(=undertake) the task.

  We have to put off(=postpone) the trip.