Let me give you a piece of advice.
I want to buy this car. (我真想買這輛汽車。)
Let me give you a piece of advice. (我得提醒你一句。)
Let me tell you something.
I think you should know…小心!
Watch out! *用于有險情時,“危險!”、“留神!”、“小心!”。
Watch out! (小心!)
Thanks! You saved my life. (謝謝你救了我一條命。)
Look out!
Be careful!
Heads up!
You'd better be careful!
Please be careful! (請多加小心!)
You should be careful! (你得多加小心!)
You should watch out! (你得留神!)注意腳下。
Watch your step! *用于提醒地滑,看不清楚樓梯等場合。常用于公共告示。
Watch your step! (注意腳下。)
Oh, yeah? Why? (噢?是嗎?為什么?)
Mind your step.
Be careful where you walk.
Look where you're going.抓緊我。
Hold on to me tight.
Don't let go! (別松手!)
Hold me tightly.要提防著點兒他!
Watch out for him!
Watch out for him! (要提防著點兒他!)
Why? (為什么?)
Be careful of him.
Keep your eye on him.這里有點兒蹊蹺。
There's a little catch. *“小心有陷阱,圈套”。
That sounds easy. (好像很簡單。)
Well, there's a little catch. (可是,有點蹊蹺。)
There's something to it.
It's not as easy as it sounds. (并不像聽起來的那么容易。)三思而后行。
Think twice before you do it.輕拿輕放。/動作輕點兒。
Easy does it. *表示“要小心謹慎地處理”易碎品或貴重物。
Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV. (動作輕點兒,小心別把電視掉下來。)
Don't worry. I won't. (放心吧,掉不下來。)
Be careful. (小心啊!)